Shadows in the trees
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Active a year ago
This is a Naruto RP, buuut one does not need to watch the anime really to under stand this. It... View more
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Group Description
This is a Naruto RP, buuut one does not need to watch the anime really to under stand this. It basically takes place in the a land where they are divided into elemental nations. Land of Earth, Land of Fire, Land of Iron,
Land of Lightning, Land of Snow, Land of sound, Land of Water, and Land of Wind. Each land has ninja with their own sign on a head band to signify their allegiance, Their is Jutsus (Magic with hand sighs in a nut shell) to help the Ninja that protect their land along with Chakra which gets used up when one uses a Jutsu. Chakra is like a life force in a way so if one runs out of it then one could most likely die. Anyways theirs electricity in the area but the citizens usually stick to old traditions of things. Mind you their are Ninja ranks and ranked jutsu so if your a Genin (1st level ninja) Please use Genin level Jutsu and skills : / So anyways HAVE FUN YOUR A NINJA NOW!!
< Role Play >
< Role Play >
Posted by GoldPhoenix9 on June 9, 2015 at 5:33 amRole play room :3 and START!!!
Jazzy replied 9 years, 8 months ago 6 Members · 160 Replies -
160 Replies
*Calypso waved to her family and friends good bye before setting off on the trail, Her little bird friend insisted on going with her so she let him. He sat on her shoulder and tweeted as she played on her Ocarina as they walked*
“Do you know you mission Nero.” The Raikage said to Nero. “Yes sir.” He said and the Raikage nodded. “Well then go begin your mission.” He said and Nero left. As Nero got to the gate he noticed Calyso starting to walk out the gate.”Guess she is my teammate for this.” he said to himself.
*Calypso continued walking oblivious to her partner, she had for got*
Nero decides to follow behind her hiding his energy too see how long it takes her to notice him.
*After a little bit their was a pause in the song, Calypso herd a second muffled foot step. She swiftly reached back into her tool pouch and threw a ninja star back at the figure, she twisted and jumped back to see who it was. She relaxed a little when she recognized him from her village, Chotto flapped off to the side*
Nero caught the ninja star with no problem. “Five minutes it took you to notice me.” He said before tossing the star back to her. “And I thought your sensei taught you better Calypso.” He said before walking up next too her.
“I blame my instrument,” She said holding it up then putting it away.”Are you coming with me on the mission?” She asked and Chotto landed on her shoulder again.
“Right right your sensei did say something like that.” Nero said before shrugging. “And yea I am got a problem with that.” He asked.
“Nope,” She shrugged.”What did he say about me though?” She asked semi curious.
“That you get distracted easily…and that your friend is a pain in his ass.” He said with a laugh at the end.
*Calypso laughed at the thought of Chotto and her Sensei, Chotto tweeted in objection*
“Yea I don’t know what you did little fella but he wants some fried bird now.” He said laughing before he looked down the road. “Guess we better start walking before it gets dark huh.”
“Yeah,” Calypso nodded and started walking, Chotto flapped on ahead.
“So did your sensei ever tell you about our team when we were genin?” He asked after a while of them walking.
“err, He said something about it wasn’t that balance but we worked out fine,” She said trying to recall it.
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