Shadows in the trees
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Active a year ago
This is a Naruto RP, buuut one does not need to watch the anime really to under stand this. It... View more
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Group Description
This is a Naruto RP, buuut one does not need to watch the anime really to under stand this. It basically takes place in the a land where they are divided into elemental nations. Land of Earth, Land of Fire, Land of Iron,
Land of Lightning, Land of Snow, Land of sound, Land of Water, and Land of Wind. Each land has ninja with their own sign on a head band to signify their allegiance, Their is Jutsus (Magic with hand sighs in a nut shell) to help the Ninja that protect their land along with Chakra which gets used up when one uses a Jutsu. Chakra is like a life force in a way so if one runs out of it then one could most likely die. Anyways theirs electricity in the area but the citizens usually stick to old traditions of things. Mind you their are Ninja ranks and ranked jutsu so if your a Genin (1st level ninja) Please use Genin level Jutsu and skills : / So anyways HAVE FUN YOUR A NINJA NOW!!
< Role Play >
Nero gave her a blank look. “Wasn’t that balanced.” He said. “Please that is an understatement none of us got along at all and we gave our sensei a major headache because of it.
“Yeah I remember this one time sensei yelled at us because we couldn’t do a team building exercise or something,” she said giggling a little.
*Calypso nodded and stepped to the side of the road and got her tent stuff out, Chotto sat on a near by rock*( When the sun goes down the bugs sleep so we sleep, XD <– Imagine that in a dorky voice )
(XD also check your kik) “I’ll take first watch.” He said before making the tiger hand seal. “Lighting Clone Jutsu.” He said before two lighting clone appeared in a flash. “Alright you two you know your jobs.” He said before the two nodded and ran off to there potions.
“Alright, make sure to wake me up when its my turn,” She said then went into her tent and dozed off, Chotto hopped in and went to sleep next to Calypso.
“Yea yea i know.” He said before he leaned against a giant rock looking at the night sky.
Nero hears the noise and pulls out a kuni and slowly moves towards the sound.
*Their was a clink sound before a figure jumped away and threw a volley of ninja stars at him*
Nero takes his kuni and blocks the ninja stars before grabing his own and coating them in lightning chakra before throwing them creating a lightning net.
*The figure tries to run from the net but gets cought, it spazzes before going limp. It was an unidentified ninja (no head band)*
I walk out of the town with people screaming at me and a smile, “I’ll be back.” People say i’m evil, I’m not, just revenge is what I need. People hate me but I don’t care. I slowly fix my band around my head and polish my ninja stars.
Nero walks up to the down ninja with his kuni at the ready and goes to inspect them.
I look up to the sky and quickly change into a fire wolf. I smile and walk a little faster.
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