Shadows in the trees
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Active a year ago
This is a Naruto RP, buuut one does not need to watch the anime really to under stand this. It... View more
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Group Description
This is a Naruto RP, buuut one does not need to watch the anime really to under stand this. It basically takes place in the a land where they are divided into elemental nations. Land of Earth, Land of Fire, Land of Iron,
Land of Lightning, Land of Snow, Land of sound, Land of Water, and Land of Wind. Each land has ninja with their own sign on a head band to signify their allegiance, Their is Jutsus (Magic with hand sighs in a nut shell) to help the Ninja that protect their land along with Chakra which gets used up when one uses a Jutsu. Chakra is like a life force in a way so if one runs out of it then one could most likely die. Anyways theirs electricity in the area but the citizens usually stick to old traditions of things. Mind you their are Ninja ranks and ranked jutsu so if your a Genin (1st level ninja) Please use Genin level Jutsu and skills : / So anyways HAVE FUN YOUR A NINJA NOW!!
< Role Play >
“I’m not crazy,” Calypso hissed and turned back human but still kept her kuni out.
“Can you let me out. I’m just trying to walk.” I yell some more. “The name’s Kiyiya by the way.”
Nero blinks. “Well great your human how nice no come on we have no time they probably found the brat and have more ninja’s on our ass’s.” He said not dropping his guard at all.
*Calypso looks back and sees a some figures in the distance gaining on them*”Shoot!” She says and sticks her kuni in the ground before make a hand sign.”Mist jutsu,” She said before a mist covered the area, she picked up her kuni and waited.
Nero grab Calypso’s arm. “Don’t wait run.” He said before he turned to the fire wolf hybrid. “Can you shoot fire balls?” He asked.
“Er fine,” Calypso whistled low and Chotto flapped over to her shoulder.
I turn fire wolf again, “Sure, why?” I pout and smile, “I’ll only help you if I can travel with you.”
*The blaze of her body heat evaporates the mist around them, the ninja’s are pretty dang close now*”Eh sure, RUN!” Calypso said and took off. The ninja called after them angry some threw kuni after them.
Nero blocks the kuni with his sword. “Alright fine you can join now fire the fire balls to the sky then grab my friend and run very fast.” He said.
I quickly open my mouth and spit fire balls of blue fire everywhere, “You guys run, I’ll save you! Blue is the hottest!” I spit at the trees and at the moving people that seem to move close to us.
*Their was shrieks as it burned some of the ninja, the surviving sprinted after them throwing stars and kuni. Calypso dodged and threw ninja stars at them*
As Nero watches her do that he sees that three are unaffected by the flames and when he looks closer he noticed that they had red scales on their body. “Kiyiya shoot the fire into the sky those three can’t be harmed by fire at all.” He said as he started to go through hand seals at a very fast speed.
*Claypso continued to try and slow them down with her ninja stars*
I quicly change into a human and touch the ground, “Okay, this is a new thing, so if I mess this up sorry!” I yell. “Snake bite!” I punch the ground and it opens with a blue and red fire hitting the enemy ninjas. “Super.” I smile.
The three ninja with scales start running and their arms turn to claws. “I said sky not ground!” He yelled before turning back to the three. “Lighting Style: False Darkness!” He yelled before shooting a spear of lightning at them, two jumped over it but one got hit on the arm but kept going.
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