Shadows in the trees
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Active a year ago
This is a Naruto RP, buuut one does not need to watch the anime really to under stand this. It... View more
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Group Description
This is a Naruto RP, buuut one does not need to watch the anime really to under stand this. It basically takes place in the a land where they are divided into elemental nations. Land of Earth, Land of Fire, Land of Iron,
Land of Lightning, Land of Snow, Land of sound, Land of Water, and Land of Wind. Each land has ninja with their own sign on a head band to signify their allegiance, Their is Jutsus (Magic with hand sighs in a nut shell) to help the Ninja that protect their land along with Chakra which gets used up when one uses a Jutsu. Chakra is like a life force in a way so if one runs out of it then one could most likely die. Anyways theirs electricity in the area but the citizens usually stick to old traditions of things. Mind you their are Ninja ranks and ranked jutsu so if your a Genin (1st level ninja) Please use Genin level Jutsu and skills : / So anyways HAVE FUN YOUR A NINJA NOW!!
< Role Play >
As Nero walked around he saw an injured Leaf ANBU so quickly he went towards them. “Hey can i help.” He asked her.
“I know the basics how long have you been bleeding.” He asked
Nanami groaned, “S-Since earlier this afternoon.” She then grabbed her shoulder more as it started hurting more.
“Then we better get that looked at now.” He said before motioning her to sit down on a crate. “Sit on here while I get the supplies.” He said as he goes to grab his scroll.
Nanami nodded as she slumped down on the crate. She continued to hold her bad shoulder.
I come back, not not finding anything but buying a little wooden wolf and deer. I walk into the room and smile, “I found somethings. My clothes are just regular so I’m fine. It’s just a black romper.” I lay on my bed and mess with the wolf and deer and take a rice ball and eat it.
*Calypso mutters before covering her head with her pillow and falling asleep*
Nero opens his scroll and unseals medical supplies and starts to tend to her arm. 5 minutes later he finishes. “There that any better.” Nero asked.
Ayame was wandering among the village for now, glancing around as she awaited her newest orders. In the distance, she saw a pair of figures, one seemingly wounded. She picks up the pace and jogs over that way.
Nanami leaned against the building her one shoulder lower than the other. Her pain hidden behind her mask.
After a closer examination, Ayame sees a person behind a mask with a recently patched wound, and someone off to the side who was probably the healer of said wound.
I can’t sleep there was a horrible pain in my arm, I lifted up my sleve and looked at deep cut, made by one of the enemy ninjas. I just did notice it, or was it the tree branch that hit me there, it doesn’t matter. I should clean it up, the pain is worse and I touch it with my finger, “OUCH!” I yell and see a sliver thing in there. I use two fingers to pull it out. I fully pull it out, it wasn’t a ninja star, it was a silver bar that said, ‘<i>You’ll have your fate soon'</i> I look at it and throw it at the wall, it makes a hole, “Damn, that’s strong.” I say under my breath and go outside looking for some one to clean up my cut.
A quick glance to the side reveals someone with a wounded arm. Again, she picks up the pace and jogs over to her next patient, passing by the other two. Ayame waves her hand at the person, as she gets closer, “That’s… quite the scar.”
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