Shadows in the trees
Public Group
Public Group
Active a year ago
This is a Naruto RP, buuut one does not need to watch the anime really to under stand this. It... View more
Public Group
Group Description
This is a Naruto RP, buuut one does not need to watch the anime really to under stand this. It basically takes place in the a land where they are divided into elemental nations. Land of Earth, Land of Fire, Land of Iron,
Land of Lightning, Land of Snow, Land of sound, Land of Water, and Land of Wind. Each land has ninja with their own sign on a head band to signify their allegiance, Their is Jutsus (Magic with hand sighs in a nut shell) to help the Ninja that protect their land along with Chakra which gets used up when one uses a Jutsu. Chakra is like a life force in a way so if one runs out of it then one could most likely die. Anyways theirs electricity in the area but the citizens usually stick to old traditions of things. Mind you their are Ninja ranks and ranked jutsu so if your a Genin (1st level ninja) Please use Genin level Jutsu and skills : / So anyways HAVE FUN YOUR A NINJA NOW!!
< Role Play >
“AH!” Calypso said when Kiyiya yelled, she frowned when she walked out.”I just want sleep dammit,” She muttered and covered her head again.
Ayame nods her head, “I can patch that up right quick if you’re willing…” She examines the wound a bit closer, to see if there was heavy bleeding…
Ayame nods her head, “Ah, doesn’t look too bad.” She raises her hand as it glows a light green, “Just don’t move too much. It’ll feel a little cooler there…”
Ayame applies her hand to the wound, murmuring some words inaudibly to herself as the wound patches itself with ease… “And there you go.”
Nanami stood after feeling better and began looking around for Kakashi.
Ayame raised her hand, “Erm, okay! Good luck then…” She sighs and goes back to where she saw those other two. She notices the wounded fellow and waves her hand.
I snarl and walk back into the room and continue to mess with the wooden deer and wolf ‘toys’ I bought today.
Ayame walks by and nods her head, “Morning to you.” She glances around and sees that it’s so empty… “Quiet day, no?”
Ayame takes another glance around, then seeing if there were any bandages still on the subject, noticing the ranking they were, “Oh… you’re one of those special agents.” She shivers slightly, a little nervous now.
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