Shingeki No Kyojin
An RP based off of the anime/manga Shingeki no Kyojin (or for you English-lovers, Attack on Titan.) If... View more
||Roleplay Guidelines||
||Roleplay Guidelines||
Out Of Character Rules
For starters, if saying something to a fellow RP’er in a Role-Play thread, say it in either double parenthesis —> (()) or double brackets —> [[]]. Make sure it’s at the top of the post, and then include the paragraph(s) of whatever your character(s) happen to be doing next in the post.
Do not:
1) Post an Out Of Character remark to another player, THEN post whatever your character(s) happen to be doing in the session in a separate post.
2) Jump into the thread to post an OOC commentary to another user, even though you’re not RPing there.
3) Flame, show disrespect, or use excessively vulgar language.
A separate thread called the Out Of Character thread will be posted as a Sticky, meaning it will be somewhere towards the top of the forum list. Easy to find, and when waiting for a chance to post next, use is highly encouraged. (Though, I imagine most people would probably just instant message each other.)
I’m going to be honest, the Out Of Character thread is mostly going to be there for the sake of randomness and mass-sharing of things we find amusing. I.E: back on IMVU, in a group called RoHM, our OOC thread was full of gifs and other nonsensical pictures the likes of which you’d only really expect to find on iFunny (reposted, of course, as people like to constantly point out xD).
In The Role-Play
If your character dies, it’s dead. End of story, seriously. Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way…
You will post your biography, and then immediately enter the trainee corps. Everyone does this unless they’re not human. Unless they’re pretending to be human anyway. Then they still go in, unless they decided not to pose as a soldier.
Your character can have at most three particular strengths (not all have to be physical), but he or she must have at least as many weaknesses. Not everyone can be Humanity’s Most Powerful Soldier.
As far as histories go, keep it interesting. This is a world where family members tend to either get eaten by giant naked people or offed by the government for being too smart or too inquisitive, etc, but I would still appreciate it if we kept the sad song playing on the fiddle to a minimum. Let’s have some variety instead of all being tragic.
All characters that survived up until Chapter 55 in the Manga will be presumed to still be alive in the story for this group, even as they’re killed off in the next updates. This will keep from screwing up the RP flow, unless some people don’t mind RPing out the cannon deaths of cannon characters ( D: ). Most Cannon characters will be NPCs, unless someone requests exclusive right to use them as one of their three allowed RPCs.
The requirements are as follows:
1) You must be able to accurately portray the person. No changing their appearance on a whim, no making them suddenly far weaker, stronger, smarter, or dumber than they were in the show (unless an injury or some such causes a reasonable change in ability.)
2) You must be in the group for several weeks, to prove you can be active. No one who’s only been here for three days may make the request, and no one who’s been here for a month and only posted three times is able to, either. The reason is simple: if I let you do that, I risk slowing the RP considerably.
3) Here’s what I’m looking for, guys: minimum of three posts a day, assuming other people are slow to respond. Everyone should either subscribe to whichever threads they’re RPing in, or check back frequently.
No Metagame: Your character cannot claim to be aware of things going on someplace out of view or hearing range. Your character also cannot suddenly stop being friends with another one just because you’re mad at a fellow user, nor can it suddenly fall head over heels for another character just because you’re dating the person who created it.
No Power-Playing: You cannot control any character other than yours. This, of course, does not apply to NPCs. But before you go controlling Corporal Levi in a post, make sure he isn’t one of the Cannon characters that someone has been granted exclusive control over. There will be a list of all Cannon Characters and their statuses.
Let’s be serious though, guys. Absolutely no one is going to get exclusive powers to manipulate Titans. (This rule does not apply to specific ones, however.) For example, you may: have the Colossal Titan (aka Bertholdt Hoover). But, you may not: have all typical-class or deviants.
No Auto-hits, no Grappling: If your RPC moves to touch someone else’s, that character still has reaction time available during which it can choose to swat you away, back away, etc. The owner of the character you’re reaching for decides whether or not you made physical contact, not you. This rule does not really apply to NPCs, because you can write a paragraph where your RPC reaches for him/her, and then write a paragraph where the NPC can react because they don’t belong to any specific other person.
God-Mode is a no-no: I’m not even gonna bother trying to explain it. Just know you’re gone if I see it.
After you’ve done some time in the Trainee Corps, you will have your chance to choose which Division of the military you plan on going into.
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