||The Biographies||

  • ||The Biographies||

    Posted by Mei-Chan on September 24, 2014 at 4:21 am

    Quote or Catch Phrase“”


    Family’s Country of Origin:

    AgeNo younger than 12

    RaceHuman, Titan




    AffiliationTrainee Corp, Military Police Brigade, Survey Corpse/Scouting Brigade, Garrison, Wall Church, Imperial Government

    Scouting Legion
    Scouting Legion

    The Survey Corps (調査兵団 Chōsa Heidan?), also known as the Scouting Legion, Scout Regiment, or Recon Corps, is the driving force of the plot and story as it is the branch of the Military most actively involved in Titan combat and human expansion. Despite having little success, they still symbolize ‘the hope of mankind’, their insignia being known as ‘the Wings of Freedom’; they hope that someday, their efforts will change the world known for humanity’s better, and recover what had been lost.

    Military Police Brigade
    Military Police Brigade

    The Military Police Brigade (憲兵団 Kenpeidan?) is the most prestigious due to their work allowing them to live safely within the Inner Wall, abundant resources, and higher authority over other military sectors. However, in reality it is the most corrupted military sector due to a lack of oversight compared to the other sectors of the military. Due to their misuse and abuse of authority, the Military Police Brigade is also at odds with Garrison and especially with the Survey Corps. Only the top ten alumni from trainee squads can apply for the Military Police Brigade. However, according to the conversation between Hitch and Boris, there are other (illicit) ways to get in the sector such as fraternization, favoritism, etc.


    The Garrison (駐屯兵団 Chūton Heidan?), also known as the Stationary Guard, is the largest of the Military divisions which protects and maintains order near the Walls. Given the fatality rate of the Survey Corps and the limited entry of the Military Police Brigade, most soldiers join the Garrison. As they often have close contact with both Titans and human civilians, they are proficient over a wide variety of tasks such as Titan combat (defensive battles), cannonading, security detail, crowd control, and rifle usage.

    Wall Church

    Random religious sect that worships the Walls like Gods and know secrets about them. (i.e: They’re made of Enormous Titans). They can only hand down their knowledge within their family. Not a whole lot is really known about them, most people just shrug and call them lunatics, just as they did with the Titan-worshipers 70 years prior.

    RankingCivilian, cadet, corporal, captain, 5m-class, 15m-class, 30m-class, etc





    Appearance – In Uniform: If Applicable

    Appearance – Civilian Outfit:

    Appearance – Titan FormIf Applicable

    History :

    Mei-Chan replied 10 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Mei-Chan

    September 24, 2014 at 4:58 am

    Quote or Catch Phrase: “You are not stupid…you just have bad luck thinking.”

    Name: Raven Blackfeather

    Family’s Country of Origin: America

    Age: 13

    Race: Human

    Height: 5’4

    Weight: 113 lbs

    Gender: Female

    Affiliation: Trainee Corp

    Ranking: Trainee

    Likes: Moon-gazing, nature walks, cooking, animals

    Dislikes: The smell of things burning, wasting resources, “Wall-huggers”,

    Hobbies: Cooking up random treats, reading, writing, tending her garden, studying/making maps


    Raven is a “layered” kind of person. On the outside, she’s very outgoing, cheerful and easily-amused. She catches on the randomest things and has a keen attention to detail. She’s also prone to “blonde moments” and a bit clumsy, as well as a joker/prankster. In conversations, she grins constantly, never missing a beat even in the awkwardest moments. She’s more than willing to poke fun at herself and either highlight one of her shortcomings or do something embarrassing right in front of God and everyone if that’s what it takes to earn a laugh. When she’s on her own, she likes to climb up to high places and watch people and animals as they go about their day.

    Internally, she is somewhat different; she analyzes the connections she sees between people, the way they look at each other, their body language, the tone of their voice. Beneath her chipper outward appearance, she is a meticulously calculating kind of person who considers her every word and action carefully, trying to determine whether or not people are trustworthy, dependable, etc. Her sense of self-preservation is first and foremost, though she is still a considerate and caring person who will go out of her way to help people whenever possible.

    Appearance – In Uniform: WORK IN PROGRESS

    Appearance – Civilian Outfit: WORK IN PROGRESS

    History : Raven’s past is vastly unknown; she lived in a hut in the forest with her grandmother and a pet wolf, learning how to track and hunt, gather herbs, find or build shelter, tend to wounds, etc. Every so often, she would sneak out of the woods and off into town, which was a bit of a sight. She had her face painted with sap from mashed berries, her hair was long and had flowers, twigs, and feathers intricately braided into it. Her clothing and footwear were made of tanned animal hide. Conspicuous. She always heard a man talking about all these theories he had about the world, and he was constantly showing off inventions. She thought he was an interesting, smart person, and would often follow him.

    One late afternoon, she realized she wasn’t the only one following him; two soldiers with the emblem of the Police Brigade on their uniforms were nonchalantly striding a few paces behind him as he went out to the dock, disappearing behind the wharf. They followed, and she climbed up on top of the building, peering over the top in time to see the three men struggling. As she looked on in horror, the two men subdued the object of her curiosity, bound him tightly with rope, and tossed him into the water. She ducked down immediately and began shimmying down her side of the roof, jumping down and running away in terror.

    That man hadn’t been robbed or anything; it was just because he was smart. City people don’t like smart. Raven returned to the woods, and didn’t come out until she was thirteen, after the winter that her grandmother died of pneumonia. She kept in mind that she would have to appear duller than the average intelligence-level of those around her, deciding to enter the military in hopes of removing all the corruption and the strange, cold hate towards ideas. It wasn’t until after she bedded down in the trainee barracks for that first night that she realized the only way for her to get where the corruption was at its worst was by showing how smart and talented she happened to be.

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