Shinsengumi Headquarters
Shinsengumi is the special military police force, that formed the law-enforcement entity of Edo.... View more
Beware of the zombies and unibrows!
Beware of the zombies and unibrows!
*Gori had arrived at the office, he could sense there was some kind of tension in the air. He saw there was a message on his phone and picked it up to listen to it. Once he heard the details he focused on giving his orders.* Oohh we got trouble! *he called all his shinsengumi officers and began to speak.* I need you to be aware of the threat that is among us. A massive horde of zombies has been threatening the inhabitants of the new world. I need all commanding officers to take their units and head out. I need smaller teams to do a search and make sure all citizens are escorted safely to their homes or anywhere they can board up and stay safe until the threat is contained! Make sure to protect the citizens from the denizens of undead out there! Check the beach, businesses, the schools, the both Kabukicho and Akihabara cities and any place else you can think of! Remember that to dispose of these undead unibrows you have to aim for their heads or burn them to a crisp! These are the orders from your commander! Get your swords and other weapons! *salutes them* Now Get going! Watch yourselves! Get back safely! And buy me some bananas on your way back!
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