Your Favorite RP Moments

  • Your Favorite RP Moments

    Posted by Feliciano/Lovino ~Tomato Pasta~Vargas on October 5, 2012 at 5:33 pm

    (( Hello everyone! I thought this might be a fun idea for a topic. I wasn’t exactly sure where to post this, but I figured the main group would work just fine, since it has most if not all the members, and I want to include as many people as possible. C:

    Anyway, since many of us on here are RPers, I thought it would be fun to share our favorite RPs and RP moments that we’ve had. Some may be strange, weird, funny, or just plain awesome! I’d also like to hear the interesting RPs that you all have had, because it’s fun to see what people come up with.

    As any topic, I suppose the starter should, well start. The only character I have been RPing for awhile has been North Italy/Feliciano Vargas from Hetalia. He’s kind of silly, and can perhaps be described as a lovable loser. A lot of my RPs have been with a RPer that RPs as his brother, South Italy/Lovino Vargas. The RPer’s Lovino is in a relationship with Prussia/Gilbert Beilschimdt. A lot of our RPs have revolved around their dysfunctional relationship.

    One of the funniest things we RPed was a trick that Lovino and Gilbert decided to play on him. Lovino put on one of those “pregnant suits” if you will, and pretended to be pregnant to freak out his brother. Being as gullible as he is, he believed that Lovino was actually pregnant, despite knowning that he’s a biological male. Eventually, Lovino begins to believe he was actually pregnant too and Gilbert was having all the fun as the two Italians panicked about it. It was hilarious.

    Another one I really enjoyed was slightly more serious. Lovino was upset, because he didn’t know have to smile naturally. He was upset, because he wanted to show Gilbert that he really cared, but he couldn’t do it well, so he went to his brother for help. Feliciano tried many different things, but nothing seemed to work. He then figured he’d try and make Lovino laugh. He dresses up as Germany/Ludwig, the strong, strict and tough guy that Lovino hates and mocks constantly. He figured it could make him smile. In the process, he accidentally drops a potato he was holding, trips on it, then falls flat on his face. Despite doing this, he tries to stay “in character” if you will, but falls down again and again. It got a little smirk out of his brother.

    Those are my little favorite RP moment so far. Please share yours too! I’d love to hear about them! 🙂 ))

    Mew Nekomon PokéKitty replied 12 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Mew Nekomon PokéKitty

    December 17, 2012 at 3:12 pm

    [How has this not gotten any replies? This is a wonderful idea for a topic! (And I really like your favorite RP moments, especially the one with the pregnant suit. xD) I suppose I’ll share one of miiine…
    In a roleplay I started quite a long time ago, the world was ruled by a “Dark Lord” of sorts. Basic “guy took over the world, characters need to stop him” sort of thing. At one point this Dark Lord summoned the Goddess of Death to help him with the human rebellion. One of his servants, a vampiress, had a twin brother who showed up right around the same time, and at some point she and her love interest lost track of him and had to go find him. They entered the Dark Lord’s throne room… only to find her brother, the Dark Lord, and the Goddess of Death around a campfire eating marshmallows. The brother acted like it was totally normal, the Dark Lord didn’t seem to care, and the Goddess of Death reeeeeally did not want to be there.
    Basically, it made no sense, but it was hilarious.]

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