St. Lalina Academy
– Be respectful of others.
– No God-Modding.
– Try to post as often as your schedule allows.
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~Opening Ceremony~
~Opening Ceremony~
“It is my sincerest hope that we will all have a wonderful year together.”
A woman’s voice filled the auditorium. That’s how she preferred to run things. Heard but not seen was her motto. The headmistress continued on outlining the rules and policies of the school. Every students PDA lit up with its first announcement of the year. It was a simple demonstration to show the students how important their PDA’s would be.
“You’re teachers will go more in depth at tomorrows first class. I would like the first years to remain in the auditorium, everyone else you are dismissed for the day. First years will tour the school and afterward report to their homeroom classes to receive their schedules.”
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