
  • Posted by Silver on August 29, 2014 at 11:35 pm

    Here is where we place our Bios so we get a basic idea of who we are playing with. You must have a bio to start rping. History must be Completed in order to RP.


    Title: (Place here once you receive one)



    Appearance: (Discription Desired and perfered. A Picture if you’re Lazy. You may use both. The Description must be as detailed as possible.)

    Items: (You get 3 to start. These are items you carry on your person or can take with you IE weapons tools vehicles ect.)


    History: (Depending on age this will be short or long but you must cover your characters entire life up to their listed age.)

    Peridot replied 10 years, 5 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Cain

    August 30, 2014 at 3:03 am




    Race:Elf{Ice Dark}

    Appearance: His skin is as dark as ebony stone with silver lines on his chest and face to frame his eyes and lips. He stands at seven feet tall and only 140 pounds which makes him light on his feet and very flexible. His nails are about three inches long like razors on all but his right index fingers which he shoots with. He has emerald hair that is four feet long and braided down his back to almost his ass. He has jewels in his hair that make it look like its frosted. He wears a black leather sleeveless vest that has brown lining along with a sleeveless leather trench coat. He wears pants made of thick cloth and thick leather boots with steal spikes on the front. He wears a steel mask over his face with one side covered so you can only see his right silver eye. With a tiny pin point of yellow in the center like moon light.

    Items:He carries a set of steam powered pistols on either side of his leather pistol holder that he wears under his jacket. He also has a steam powered motorcycle high powered as he can use alchemy to channel the steam through and through the bike to make his bike reach seventy miles per hour easy. He also has an ebony steel glove on his right hand that have pistons that lead to his knuckles which are solid steel spikes that shoot out when he makes a quick fist though he has to let the steam slip out and the pistons cool down before he can do this again.-

    Occupation:He is a Private Investigator

    History: He was born between two types of elves His father being a Dark elf and his mother being an Angelic Ice elf. At the age of six he was sent away from him home after the warning of his parents being hunted by a group of elf haters. He grew up in an orphanage until he was eighteen but while the many years were horrible it was never worse then having to deal with Nelson a fat slob of a orc that abused him for looking like a girl. His ebony skin always seemed to stay clean no matter how hard he worked out, after a few years he grew just as strong as the other boys but stayed slim and fit. He proved himself when the orphanage was almost robbed and killed the two robbers easily breaking there necks while hiding in the darkness. On his sixteenth birthday there was a man that came through the town he lived in that was offering to teach science for pretty cheap so. The tall elf gave all he had to learn basic alchemy which within two years of practice turned into a good way to gain money as he began to fix things for people using the alchemy which was cheaper then a repair shop.

    Eventually he bored of the simple work and decided to move onto doing something with his life so he gathered what few items he had and money to get an apprenticeship with a detective and after five years he works with the same orc that once pissed him off. He has gained the ability to weave elements together fire and water to make steam. Fire and fire to make lightening to power machines water and earth to make quick sand. Water and air depending which temperature is outside he will make frost or ice. He is trying to master fire and earth to create magma but has yet to master this. He has solved five murders in his time including that of a lord and lady where he made a generous amount of coin which is how he paid for his steam powered motorcycle.

    Today he is celebrating his 26th birthday where he gets the fun of walking through garbage covered alley as he looked at a naked body of a human teen that had been raped and left in the alley after being chocked to death. He looked at the hand print seeing it was human as it wasn’t thick enough to be an orc or dwarf but to big to be an elf’s hand. Eldrin looked to the sky wondering what today would bring to this dark city where the devil seemed to follow him.-

  • Lord English

    August 30, 2014 at 4:28 pm

    Name: Natalia

    Title: N/A

    Age: 25

    Race: Human?


    Her hair reaches the bottom of her shoulder blades and is as white as snow. Her skin is pale as if lacking pigments but her cheeks show color much better than normal. Her eyes are the color between green and blue that appears grey as it also has some red in it from pigmentation loss. She stands at a height of about 5’8″ and her heels add an extra two inches from their blocked heels. She typically wears a black top with black long furry shoulders. At the wrists are brown medium length fur cuffs. She wears a leather corset and her dress is also of leather but a more thin leather made of human skin. She wears brown leather boots that reach her thigh and slowly are black through dye. She typically wears a black top hat, some white bangs peeking out from under. She uses her hat to hold her goggles she typically wears while working on bodies. Her nails are an inch long and are natural in color. On her right middle finger, she wears a ring with a shield on it, bearing a family crest that she knows not who it belongs to.


    This item is used for her profession.

    Automatic skin peeler (This isn’t take with able.)

    Jar of salt – It’s a jar of salt used to preserve bodies.

    Occupation: Undertaker


    A male and female human once loved each other so much that they slept together. When they did this, one sperm raced past the other sperms. This one carried an X chromosome and a grouping of recessive alleles. It managed to squirm its way through the tract, dodging the vaginal walls and through a tight tiny ring. Then there was a big open space and two holes on the other side of this vast chasm. It had to make a swift decision and all the others were heading right. It wanted to go right but it went left instead. It swam alone, losing pace as it was going to die if it didn’t find the egg after a three day journey. Low and behold, pressing through towards it as it swam ahead. The elated sperm pressed through the wall of this haploid cell, the two intertwining and infusing as the cell would become whole. Turned out this egg also held recessive genes, it slowly making its way to the vast chasm of before, the bodies of thousands of deceased sperms floating in its wake. The walls of the uterus sensing the egg being whole, it would grasp the egg before it could float away and hugged it to the edge. Over the month, the egg split into cells, each nucleus communicating in a vast array of chemical releases in order to attain function and shape. The human form began to take slowly in its most basic of forms, becoming larger and more complex until the organs were complete. Within the final month of the being being ensnared, the cells did a final check, building lungs and making sure that there were no Y chromosomes. Nine months and four days had passed in total on this journey, and it seemed the child did not want to leave its comfortable hiding spot. It stayed for nearly an entire extra month, then trauma occurred. Blood pumped fiercely through the cord still connecting the small girl to her mother. She was twisted and it wrapped very loosely around her neck. The body she was within tried to push her out but the cord kept her from moving anywhere.

    Soon, there was a light and a ton of blood. The cord was sliced from the little girl’s throat and air blessed her lungs for the first time. She cried out for her mother, the sound was weak and gargled, as if some blood got into her lungs. Without aide, she coughed it out and took her first real breath. She cried more strongly for her mother to the point she woke up to try to find her baby. The stress caused the mother to be no more, but the baby continued to cry out as she demanded for being sated by a heart. Towels wiped her dry of blood and white juices only to find her skin was pale in the first place.

    The doctors were too afraid to take a test sample from her, fearing she wouldn’t have enough blood to give. One of them, her father, took some anyway. They tested it and even hooked her up to machine to make sure her blood would replenish. The tubes were small and carefully placed.

    ((Still in progress.))

  • Silver

    August 31, 2014 at 11:58 pm

    Name: Jerminus Mortis

    Title: Lord of the City

    Age: 325

    Race: Half Orc Half Elf

    Appearance: He stands at 8 feet tall with a Lithe frame for an Orc but was sizable for an Elf. As far as humans went he looked like a body builder. He had angular facial features with two large teeth that came from her lower jaw smaller and more subdued then those of his larger kin. The teeth did not detract much from his soft and inviting features. They added a uniqueness to his appeal. He is stronger and faster than your average human but weaker then your average Orc and slower than your average elf. His magics are also stunted due to the thin blood he has from both sides. he uses technology to amplify his magic abilities and has spent most of his life building and increasing the well being of others life. He wears black leather pants and a white shirt with a sleeveless brown duster with arcane runes on it. He has thick brown leather gloves and soft leather boots that have gear buttons that hold the laces in place.


    Technomancers Book(custom built)

    Electro Blade

    Occupation: Lord of the City

    History: Born from an act of violence and anger. An Orc Raped a young Elf woman leaving her with child. This child would be an outcast of his family and his people he was run out, abandoned by his people and family. At the age of ten he was in the woods alone searching for shelter and food. He wondered into a cave and there he found what looked like monks who turned and where slaughtering his people and family as they called out to him for help. The young boy watched not understanding what was going on. He didn’t fight and just waited tell it ended and he was now alone in the cave with one of the odd looking monks who offered his hand tot he boy telling him he had the strength and understanding to survive these harsh times. They trained him in the use of magic and how to effect the world around him the rules and how they worked the ones that could be bent and others that could be broken. These monk’s taught him the price for breaking the rules. As he grew they taught him to forge weapons what would allow him to use magic with out channeling his own energy through it. He spent well over one hundred years with these monks soon building a sword off his own. The guard was a pull lever that attached to the round hand guard that was thick and wide. The man had made a sword that could be charged with electricity if primed enough this would in time heat the blade and weaken it against physical assault but it would cause great electrical and burning damage if the blade where to touch someone. the demons who had taught him and he had lived with told him it was time for him to go make his way in the world that they had nothing left for him to learn.

    He went out into the world with his sword and his clothing. He had not left the cave in one hundred years and so much had changed in that time. As he moved through the forest he had found industry had moved and grown since last he knew and understood. Entering a small up and coming city he walked the streets now teen in terms of his life span. the lower teeth on his face had grown in in this time and given him a more pronounced look though they where smaller and accented his face he was thicker then most elves but still held a distinctively elven look. He moved through the city as the humans avoided him as he had a monk like look to him and a sword that was decidedly advanced for the day and age he was in. The humans and others had just found steam power and how it works. Having a much greater understanding of the mechanisms as he had built something that ran on a winding power that could be used combined with steam power to create a sustainable energy source. As he moved through the city he took what he knew and set up a shop for building and teaching those to survive that have been run out of there homes. Though not orc he could train them to control their strength and the rage inside them as the monks he had left had done with him so long ago. He had also taught elves that had run away or been cast out how to use there magic and how to use it to assist people though he also taught them to fight and defend themselves. His shop was an inventors shop with a Dojo behind it. Getting this set up and going took twenty five years. The most coveted thing about his shop was it had self sustaining power. He had created the generator his sword used with facets that would allow for power and he ran the couplings to the walls and then from there out but the thing was that he started with a small bit of coal to get the steam going that would force a flange to push forward and press on the lever revving the generator once it was revved enough the power on the shop came on. the steam that was released was caught in a piping system that cooled the steam to water and recycled it back down into the reservoir so that the system would keep itself going he only had to refill the reservoir maybe once or twice a year and that was just to top it off and make sure it didn’t stop running. maintenance was required. For the next seventy five years he continued to expand his shop and acquire the shops and lands around it creating more of a home and a castle at this point. As he people started to use his shop more and he more lived there and over time he was granted the title of Lord to the city. He had a privet work shop where he had been working in during the quite times and his free time he had been working on a special device that held all his collected knowledge.

    This device would only start with a specially crafted key that would activate the mechanisms inside it also would not open until it was fully twisted. For the next hundred years he grew the city and created a large self sustaining generator off the shore of the city that powered the entire city. He also dove into the occult and started to increase his knowledge and what he stored in his locked book. He learned of ancient rituals of his people on both sides the magics they had but he applied science theory in order for him to reach these goals as he did not hold enough of a connection through either side to reach into these rituals. He even opened a public occult library but he controlled the information that went into it he did not need the masses getting into the darker more destructive areas if they did it they would have to hunt on their own the city had its own crime elements but for the most part it was a peaceful city. The next twenty five years he relaxed and minded the infrastructure and needs of the city he ruled over as it where.

  • Whatsyourface

    September 1, 2014 at 9:06 am

    Name: Leeroy Ceratto

    Title: none

    Age: 19

    Race: Human

    Appearance: A young man with black hair often wearing beige pants. He is lean and somewhat muscular but he not the largest man nor is he much larger then the average man. He is 5 ft 10 and weighs 165 lbs. He wears lightweight black boots and wears white kaki pants. He wears a light burgundy jacket with a white shirtnun

    Items: Folding Compound Bow with arrows

    Spring activated retractable sword

    Gas mask with zoom device. Tunable with dial.

    Occupation: Inventor/Merchant/Mercenary

    History: A young man of born to a single mother, and then Orphaned at 7. The father nowhere to be found,he was placed in an orphanage. There he would reside living under a kind woman. He would often venture out the orphanage and practice sneaking and thievery. He would steal food and scavenge broken and useless devices. He was often fascinated with technology and would spend most of his spare time trying to make new found contraptions and things other people had made. However being an inventor is hard and gathering money for it is difficult. So he became a mercenary as opposed to a thief. He drops in and out the job. Coming back only when he requires money. He frequently invents things.

  • Peridot

    September 1, 2014 at 9:15 pm

    Name: Agatha Eberstark (Orcish: Atha Boarstrength)

    Title: N/A

    Age: 25

    Race: Orc

    Appearance: An an adult orc female with a distinctive olive tint to her thick skin. Her hair is a dark black color and shoulder-length and tied up into a pony-tail with a sturdy leather cord. She stands a good 8’3″ and weighs a sturdy 300 pounds without her gear on due entirely to her noticeably defined muscles. Her eyes are amber colored and her teeth are a sparkling white with an overbite revealing long tusks on her lower jaw extending approximately 2″ from her lips, although all of her teeth are sharp. She has noticeably pointed ears. Her nails are kept sharpened but not terribly long, and a few old scars could be seen on the backs of her hands if she ever took off her leather gloves. She commonly wears a militaristic double-breasted leather jacket trailing down to her mid-thigh and cream colored breeches occasionally with thick leather boots. Depending on how formal she is dressing, the breeches may be replaced with a long ruffled skirt cut at an angle to allow leg-room. At all times, she wears a peaked cap upon her head with a few shiny decorations and medals. Around her thighs is a bandolier containing vials of different fluids labeled with scratchy orcish sigils. From her belt hangs small draw-string pouches and a few leather packs. She has a single scar across the bridge of her nose and several tattoos but the tattoos cannot be seen through her clothing.

    Terrifying to most of the races, she is considered a classic beauty by full-blooded orcs for precisely that reason.

    Items: (You get 3 to start. These are items you carry on your person or can take with you IE weapons tools vehicles ect.)

    1) “Truthmaker”, her family’s ancestral Orcish Chain-Battleaxe
    2) Potion Bandolier: a leather bracer with loops for 10 vials at a time. Contained within are:
    3 vials of lubricant
    3 vials of scorpion venom
    1 vial of human blood
    3 vials of liquified muscaria mushroom: causes hallucinations to most races and berserker rage in those of orc blood

    3) Drawstring Pouch: contains a carved metal totem signifying her status among the orcs along with gold coins.

    Occupation: Diplomat


    -Early Years-

    Atha was born to the Boarstrength clan, a well known and rapidly expanding family of orcs from the prominent Boneridge Tribe situated to the far south. As a young child, she was strong like most of her kin (weak or sickly orc children were left for dead in the wastes). She learned about both the art of fighting with simple blunt weapons and thrown stones and spears before her tenth birthday where she was forced to defeat another orc around her age in single combat before being allowed to begin forging her own axe and begin joining scouting and small raiding parties. During this fight, she gained the scars on her hands from being forcibly disarmed. She ended up winning by taking a hold of her opponent’s weapon and forcibly wrestling him to the ground.

    Once the basics of fighting and a warrior’s code of honor had become fully ingrained in her way of life, she was free to pursue other interests and duties among the orc nation. There was always plenty of work for young orcs and she chose to study the basics of herbal witchcraft as well as metallurgy for creating crude pig iron and bulky coal driven technologies. Although her tribe lacked finesse in making finely tuned and compact inventions, they took advantage of their natural strength to produce and lug around enormous machines designed for warfare. Their militaristic culture coupled with a good knowledge of the surrounding area and their strength, durability and tenacity ensured that any passing merchants or starting settlements of the “fair” races met with a swift and brutal end. During these skirmishes, Atha distinguished herself and brought honor to her clan in the field of combat for preemptively anticipating the escape routes of a particularly valuable caravan overburdened with precious metals and goods as well as for participating in a successful raiding party against a group of encroaching guards charged with securing the trading route and nearby coal mines.

    For these achievements, Atha became recognized as a full adult of her tribe and granted her grandfather’s axe, “Truthmaker”. Although she never rose to become leader of her clan, she remained a prominent member. As armed conflict continued, her tribe began to lose members while at the same time gaining valuable new ideas and technology in the form of looted goods.

    While the large-scale orcish technology continued to be used by the tribe, Atha along with other young orcs of her generation quickly realized that reverse-engineering stolen machines made for a quick pay-off. Devoting herself to the task, the Boneridge tribe made astounding leaps and bounds in their scientific advancement and quality of life, distinguishing themselves both to other orc tribes and to the races they fought with. It was contentious among the Boneridge tribe; however, Atha’s decision to share her knowledge with passing scouts and boar-riding messengers from the adjacent and frequently contentious Bloodsower tribe. This led to the spread of knowledge and a kind of scientific revolution among the orcs.

    Realizing that her tribe has benefited more from technological advancement than looting and raiding, Atha has gathered and pulled together acceptable clothing and has come to the “civilized” world under a flag of peace as a diplomat in order to learn more about sophisticated machinery and to establish peaceful relations with her tribe’s immediate neighbors. Ostensibly, her motives are to establish her tribe with legitimate and respected territories as well as open citizens of the kingdom up to negotiations with orc kind. In order to fully immerse herself in the foreign culture and to try and soften public opinion towards orcs, she took great care to acquire practical yet fashionably acceptable clothing and introduced herself as a less intimidating and more human-like version of her orcish name.

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