After Averon

  • Posted by Elosva on June 16, 2014 at 12:31 am

    this Rp takes place in a slightly futuristic world

    its been 10 years since the averon wars tore up the land. the averon wars started as a series of scermishes over teritories on the averon mountaint, between the Venara, a the largest of the wolf clans, and the Neverach, one of the three main Kelfir tribes, soon, by a masive network of treates and pacts, almost ever tribe and race was pulled into this bloody conflict, the world was ravenged, towns decimated, entire islands made uninhabitable… 23 years these wars were fought untill no one even remembered what they were fighting for, the leaders of all the great clans got together at the base of the averon mountains, the vary same mountains that the wars started over, and treates where drawn up and signed, and for a time, peace has settled throughout the lands, but it is a tense peace…

    there are three main races to be, human, Haberich, or Kelfir

    humans are humans,

    Haerich are half animle people, pround and strong, most live alongside the humans in cities, obvoisly details vary depending on the animle, Haerich can have children, with other Haerich that are not the same animal, the resulting child will be the animal of there same sex parant, in other words, if the mother is a wolf, and the father a snake, and there child was a girl, she would be a wolf, if there child was a boy, it would be a snake

    Kelfir, are beings made of slime, they are born from the stuff, but are themselves solid beings, a Kelfir can be anything from huminoid, to compleatly monsterous in aperance, most Kelfir chose to live amongs themselves, in small tribes near whatever slime marsh bore them, they have tendincys towards vilonce, and perfer actions over thoughts, most comeoff as dimwited because of this, but they are actuly of fare intellect

    aditionaly, augmentation technology is availble, in this world, however dew to the nature of kelfir, they cannot be augmented


    Name: Drakel of Egela
    race: Kelfir
    apearance: himinoid 5 foot 7, black spines on head, long red folked tongue, green slit eyes

    Drakel sat in the coffee shop sipping from his mug as he read the news paper… sports… killer at large… human clan accused of breaking the averon treaties… nothing of importance

    he watched as humans came and go outsied the shop… it was winter, and snow was just starting to fall… it was so calming

    he sent his tongue out and used it to pick up the mug and bring it to his hand, as he took a sip… he would need to get looking for the girl eventuly, but he was in no hurry, he hadnt found her all these 6 years, he doubted a dew hours would make any difereance in her recovery

    Kit Apparently replied 9 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 73 Replies
  • 73 Replies
  • Kit Apparently

    June 16, 2014 at 2:06 am


    race: Haerich
    apearance: dark eyes and black hair, average height, slim. Wears lots of thin layers, all dark colors. Sonara is a timber wolftimber wolf
    but she is black(wolf)

  • Kit Apparently

    June 16, 2014 at 2:19 am

    Sonara crept through the alleyway, shoving her dark hair out of her eyes. She was hungry and tired, and people were calling her a ‘monster’ and throwing things at her. She pulled a hoodie up over her ears and the few wiry vines sprouting seamlessly from her spine and stepped out into the streets. Soon after, she saw a shop, and went in, keeping her eyes down, and sat at an empty table.

  • Elosva

    June 16, 2014 at 2:39 am

    his eye drifted from where he had hidden it on the ledge behind a flower pot, a wolf had walked in… girl… black fur… he cheeked the discription, yep, it was her, his sources had seen her talking with the girl a few months ago, they had no idea if it was a one time occurance or if the wolf and the girl had been close, it didnt matter, this was the best lead he had in years, and he intended to pounce on it…

    the girl was clearly cold, he could see no visable augments at first, and she didnt look like she had enough to aford any of the more discreet options… no she was cleen, figuritvly speaking, then he saw the wires comeing from her back… shotty work… likely back ally, torn off some poor dead sap for resale… reflex augments by the look of it… my some photosynthesis plates, though he couldnt see any at first glance. she was most likely homeless by the way she dressed

    he walked up to the wolf “what you haveing?” he asked

  • Kit Apparently

    June 16, 2014 at 2:58 am

    Sonara stiffened as the man walked up, immediately feeling on guard for a reason she couldn’t tell. She could feel him watching her, and couldn’t meet his gaze. “Wh-why’s it matter to you?” she responded,leaning self consciously back in the chair. Everyone always assumed that the ragged clothes and vines(what could be seen of them) were evidence of lack of money. They also usually assumed that the vines were black market augments, which they weren’t. This guy had no reason to think any different. She was attempting to remain civil, but her tail was fluffing up, revealing small branches and vines woven through so they would stay down. With her nerves, they pushed up like the rest of her fur, standing in sharp contrast to the black of her fur.(the tree branches are all red, the tree is a Red Willow. She is literally a TIMBER wolf.)

  • Elosva

    June 16, 2014 at 1:48 pm

    fascinating he thought planely… iv never seen a haerich do that… maybe shes a kelfir that just looks like a haerish… then again there are many breeds iv never heard of he droped a 1000 klef note on the table, (about 30 dolars US give or take) “whatever shes haveing” he tried to keep his intrege from his voice, but truely this girl had already caputred his intrest

  • Kit Apparently

    June 16, 2014 at 6:30 pm

    Sonara looked at the menu in front of her, seeing something she could eat. “I’ll take a cappuccino and your best steak, rare. No, nothing with that, thanks.” She finally looked up at the man, and barely contained a gasp. His features were constantly rearranging themselves, and one of his eyes wasn’t even in its socket. She had heard of people like him, only rumors, but had never seen one until now. She realised just how sheltered she had been, living on the manor grounds and never questioning her adoptive family. Jeeze, though, he kept staring at her like she was a prized animal…

  • Elosva

    June 16, 2014 at 10:59 pm

    he sat down at the nearest table and beckoned for the wolf to join him “i have to say, iv seen alot of strange things in my time” he begain as he leaned back on his chair “iv seen a kelfir the size of a gnat, iv seen a kelfir/human hibrid, iv ran with the last great centuar, before his kind went exctinct, iv seen the last insectoid hearich tribe, even had the pleasure of speaking with the queen of bees alara herself” he sent his tongue out behind him to pick up his mug, he took a sip before putting the mug down, for the first time the girl got a good look at his hands… his fingers where far to long, and each one had an extra joint to it “but iv never in all my long life, seen a wooden wolf such as yourself”

  • Kit Apparently

    June 17, 2014 at 1:16 am

    “What are you? My family never spoke of my…condition, but you speak like it’s somewhat commonplace!” She didn’t like that this grotesquely shaped man seemed to know more about her than herself. “And since you seem to know, what am I?”

  • Elosva

    June 17, 2014 at 1:34 am

    “what are you?” he was puzzled “im not sure, your clearly hearich, but how could you not know that” is this girl so sheltered that she truly dosn’t know her own speacies? “as for the wood that sprots from you i couldnt say… though i may be able to find out” he said and let the the thought ring out into the air, inticeing her closer “but of course, such help wouldnt be cheep”

  • Kit Apparently

    June 17, 2014 at 2:01 am

    “….what do you want….?” she said, feeling drowsy.

  • Elosva

    June 17, 2014 at 2:17 am

    he pulled a picture out from somewhere the wolf couldnt see, and slid it accross the table “i understand it youve had a run in with this girl, i need to find her, help me out, and ill see what i can find about your issue” the picture was of something… but not exactly a girl that she could tell, it apeared to be about 8 feet tall… and thin, vary thin… it couldnt have been much thicker then 8 inches in diamater,it was green and spindly, with 6 limbs, no hands, but claw like fingers and the end of each branch, the face was broken, or apeared to be broken anyway, right in half, it looked almost like a bulls skull… only wider, and without horns, it’s black tongue hung out of its mouth, falling down to its… chest wast quite the right word

  • Kit Apparently

    June 17, 2014 at 2:26 am

    Sonara looked at the picture. “I remember her. She changed to look more normal when she saw how..that made me uncomfortable. She was heading west, running from some danger… that’s not you, is it?

  • Elosva

    June 17, 2014 at 2:30 am

    west… thats a start “well that depends on how she cooperatse, did she mention where she was heading, a city, or tribe?

  • Kit Apparently

    June 17, 2014 at 2:35 am

    “….no. She mentioned some place, a Black Valley…. I looked on tons of maps and there is no black valley anywhere. I gave her 1 million klefs and sent her on her way.” Sonara shifted in her seat, smiling at the waiter who set down her drink.

  • Elosva

    June 17, 2014 at 2:38 am

    “thats quite a sum of money” he said trying to hide the anger on his face THE BLACK VALLEY WHY THAT INCOLENT STUPID GIRL… its bad enough that she stole elder zyra’s remains, now she entends to desicrate that holy place… “where did you get it?”

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