Strange and interesting role plays
like to do roleplays other that break the standered forms? tried of school yard, and show based... View more
After Averon
After Averon
this Rp takes place in a slightly futuristic world
its been 10 years since the averon wars tore up the land. the averon wars started as a series of scermishes over teritories on the averon mountaint, between the Venara, a the largest of the wolf clans, and the Neverach, one of the three main Kelfir tribes, soon, by a masive network of treates and pacts, almost ever tribe and race was pulled into this bloody conflict, the world was ravenged, towns decimated, entire islands made uninhabitable… 23 years these wars were fought untill no one even remembered what they were fighting for, the leaders of all the great clans got together at the base of the averon mountains, the vary same mountains that the wars started over, and treates where drawn up and signed, and for a time, peace has settled throughout the lands, but it is a tense peace…
there are three main races to be, human, Haberich, or Kelfir
humans are humans,
Haerich are half animle people, pround and strong, most live alongside the humans in cities, obvoisly details vary depending on the animle, Haerich can have children, with other Haerich that are not the same animal, the resulting child will be the animal of there same sex parant, in other words, if the mother is a wolf, and the father a snake, and there child was a girl, she would be a wolf, if there child was a boy, it would be a snake
Kelfir, are beings made of slime, they are born from the stuff, but are themselves solid beings, a Kelfir can be anything from huminoid, to compleatly monsterous in aperance, most Kelfir chose to live amongs themselves, in small tribes near whatever slime marsh bore them, they have tendincys towards vilonce, and perfer actions over thoughts, most comeoff as dimwited because of this, but they are actuly of fare intellect
aditionaly, augmentation technology is availble, in this world, however dew to the nature of kelfir, they cannot be augmented
Name: Drakel of Egela
race: Kelfir
apearance: himinoid 5 foot 7, black spines on head, long red folked tongue, green slit eyesDrakel sat in the coffee shop sipping from his mug as he read the news paper… sports… killer at large… human clan accused of breaking the averon treaties… nothing of importance
he watched as humans came and go outsied the shop… it was winter, and snow was just starting to fall… it was so calming
he sent his tongue out and used it to pick up the mug and bring it to his hand, as he took a sip… he would need to get looking for the girl eventuly, but he was in no hurry, he hadnt found her all these 6 years, he doubted a dew hours would make any difereance in her recovery
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