Strange and interesting role plays
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Active 6 years ago
like to do roleplays other that break the standered forms? tried of school yard, and show based... View more
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After Averon
“No. Most of us would do anything to have a past, even a dark one. We all look strange, and none of us can remember a family, clan, anything. The only reason we have what we do is the charms like these,” she said, unoffended. Then she pulled down her hood to reveal a small iron hoop on one ear with strange markings on them. “Calcifer makes them for us, but something is wrong with this one. That’s why I came here instead of getting what I apparently paid for.”
“Sometimes its an overrated experience….but everyone wants what they don’t have.” John says shrugging. “So, um…” John scratches the back of his head. He asked for clarification. “Those charms let you have memories? Remember your past? But your doesn’t work….somebody rip you off? Con? Someone hustle you?”
drakel looked around, i took a moment, but he noticed it after a while, it was covered up with theyre animel smells, but with so many of them together he could smell it on them, in them, he could feel the tug… that black pull “this is wrong” he said as he leaned over gripping at his stomach to stop himself from pulling the head of the nearest thing he could grasp “this is wrong” he said again this cant be here. HOW CAN THIS BE HERE “this is wrong” one last time, it was all he could get out… that stench, oh gods that stench, it was driving him mad, he turned as fast as he could manage without losing control, and ran out of the compound the second he passed the invisible barrier that hid that hideous place he started to calm down, the first thing he did after his mind cleared up enough that he was able to talk normally was reach for his phone, the consul needed to hear this
“No, there’s only one person on this whole planet that can make these. Oh and they don’t let us remember our pasts, but rather… prevent us from rebooting. I have a more powerful one, because I leave a lot. I go and find other Reboots. We all live here, for the most part. Very few of us can go out there and blend in. I only can, because, well…” She trailed off and removed the hoodie, revealing the vines that moved sort of like spines on her back, and disentangled the ones in her tail. “I can generally look normal. Well, normal-ish. Have… you seen Drakel?” she asked, looking around for him through the window.
John had more questions, however when she mentioned Drakel he noticed that he wasn’t there. “Maybe he’s still catching up? Most people can barely run 3 miles in 20 minutes….” John looks at the window for only a brief second over Sonara’s shoulder before he goes off. “Hold on. I’m gonna go outside and wait for him.” He walks up to the front of the mansion his hands at the ready. John was very well known for having sleight of hand.
However, he saw Drakel on his phone, and he seemed…troubled. “Hey Drakel. You alright?”
Sonara watched him walk out to Drakel, who stood outside the barrier on his phone. She shrugged. No one with intentions to harm anyone here could come in, and she needed to get her charm fixed. She walked through the halls and saw Calcifer, flaming brightly and in the middle of crafting a new charm. She recognized the runes, it was for her.
“You go through so many of these, Sonara. I’d think you missed me,” the phoenix-boy said, cheerfully unsnapping the hoop from her ear and tossing the newly crafted amulet over her head. She felt the heat of the amulet spread over her, and a shudder ran down her spine. “Your charm had been tampered with,” he told her scowling. “Someone tried forcing a reboot, and you reverted to this self, which is currently…. two reboots old.”
“How is that even possible? And how come I’ve Rebooted twice?!” Calcifer went quiet at Sonara’s questions, looking down.
“You did it. You remembered something from your old life….you came to me in tears, begged me to reboot you. I thought there was no way you’d get out, but you changed into a God-beast and broke out… one of the other mansions the next town over found you, and you rebooted back to a…normal shape. They’ve been taking care of you since then.”
Ahh yes, the part she had left out when she spoke to John. The dangerous part about Rebooting was that you may end up… beastly. Her and the other Reboots had taken to calling their alter-egos God-beasts. Huge, fully animal versions of themselves that disappeared and were never heard from again. She had never heard of someone returning from that form. Once you Rebooted like that, you were gone. That was the real reason no one wanted to Reboot. Not the fear of forgetting everything, but the fear of losing it forever.
“…aaaaand you’re not listening.” Calcifer broke through her brooding with a sigh.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening. What’d you say?” she answered.
“I said you can go.”
Sonara smiled and thanked him, then rushed outside, to Drakel and John.
“So what’s up? Why’d you come in, and not stay? Urgent call?” -
the voice on the other end came back “WE haVe DisCusSed wHat You haVE ToLD US, aNd iF yoU aRe CORRECT, THen tHiS NEedS tO Be INvesTiGateD, We wIll SeNd SomEoNe ElsE AftER the Girl”
he hung up the phone and turned to Sonara, he grabed her arms and lifted them up, he begain to smell her up and down, her arms, her legs, her chest, he was vary thorough, and indeed there it was, it was subtle but it was there, the same taint
he turned back and reached into his bag, pulling out a gas mask and two long rubber gloves, putting each of them on, he wasnt about to take any chances where the taint was involved
before she could react he put a cotton swab in her mouth, pulling back before she could bite his hand, he placed the swab in a plastic container siliva sample he pulled one of his spines out of his head, when it was in his hand he squezzed to get rid of most of the nerotoxin, leaveing in just enough to act as a mild anistetic, he considered temporaraly paralizeing her incase he needed more samples but decided against it, the girl had helped him after all, he jabbed the point into the girls neck, first injecting the toxin, then releaseing to draw in her blood blood sample he plucked a strand of fur from the girls neck hair sample finaly he whipped out a knife and sliced off the tip of one of the strange vines, fully expecting it to bleed black… it didnt bleed oddity sample
with all the samples secure in various airtight containers, he pulled of his gloves, shooting them with some sort of gun from his bag, comepleatly obliterating them, leaveing behind not even ash, and placeing the gas mask back into his bag with the gun, he then begain to change his legs
while the kelfir couldnt change much about themselves, being fairly locked into the form they where born with, he could change enough to lengthen his legs and giveing them an extra joint which bent backwards, makeing him 6foot2 and giveing him both the extra reach and spring to easly outrun the girl
he sprinted down the street, he needed to lose the girl so he could go back to his temporary base in secret, and examine the samples he colected
(sorry for the wait, i was grounded)
Sonara felt Drakel release something into her veins, and after all the other crap he had done was very confused. She shot John a questioning glance, but he looked just as confused as her. Drakel, meanwhile, flicked out a knife as she already started swaying on her feet and sliced the tip off one of the vines. She didn’t see what he did next as she dropped to the ground in agony, dead to the world. After a while she thought she heard John; or was it Calcifer?Her back throbbed dully; and she had yet to see Drakel, for better or for worse.
“Drakel what…what are you doing?” John asked. He didn’t get an answer, and he didn’t know what to do. He just looked at Sonara and she was just as confused as he was an even more unfomfortable. “Drakel! What the hell man?” She jabbed something in her and John went to intervene, however when he cut that vine from behind her she just…dropped to the ground. It kind of reminded John of seeing someone who got shot. “Sonara?!” He ran over and looked her over. He shook her calling her name with urgency over and over. “Drakel! The fuck did you just-” He didn’t answer as he apparently disposing of evidence. John noticed him putting something in containers and then he was disposing of evidence. It was pretty clear to John that this wasn’t some assassination attempt because he could have shot with that gun had he wanted to get rid of her. No he needed something off her. And whatever needed, he got it and ran off. It happened pretty fast.
John ran after him for a second but came to a stop, dust flying up from him breaking hard, as he looked back at Sonara. “FUCK!!” He yells. He runs back over to her and looks over on one knee. He checks her pulse and then listens for her breathing on her chest. She’s alive but John has no idea what’s happening to her. For all he knows trying CPR could make it worse. He picked her up in his arms and then hurried over to the house as he opens the door and bashes it with his shoulder to fling it forward and walk forward into the area. “HEY!! I need a doctor or…something!” “What happened?” Someone asks. “Someone…someone cut her vine.” John holds the specific vine that Drakel severed. “Where….where do I take her where does she need to go??“
Calcifer stepped out of the house, and the whole yard’s chaotic panic froze in place. Calcifer never left the house. He looked young physically only about 16, but his eyes were ancient. He had red hair and orange eyes, both colors also showed up in the feathers of his wings.
“Bring her upstairs and follow me,” he ordered John. Then he turned to the crowd. “No one comes upstairs until this is done. You all know why.” -
John looked at Sonara for a second then at Calcifer and without much question he walked and followed Calcifer. He was a bit curious in the back of his mind and John couldn’t help but wonder a bit why they couldn’t go upstairs. The way he said it struck John as ominous. However didn’t pause or hesitate at all to follow Califer as he stepped up the stairs holding Sonara bridal and looking around at where he was headed. John didn’t want to bother with questions. He walked up keeping up with Calcifer and seemed to be in a bit tense. How fast John went all depended on how fast Calcifer went.
Calcifer stepped into a thick steel walled room with a chair that had straps on the arms and legs of it.
“Put her here. You can like leave if you would like, a lot of humans don’t have the stomach for these next few parts. “ -
John walks over and places Sonara on the table. “I think….I think that you’re right.” John says nodding agreeing. These walls seem like they’re made to contain. And John didn’t know much of what he would see if he stayed. He watched him strap her in and then went outside. He opts to hang around. He figured he would do surgery maybe, but what else could happen? That steel was there for a reason. Could this possibly make her go beserk? That is what it seemed like John. Maybe I’ll stay. Just in case. John thinks to himself. Calcifer seemed more thabn capable to John to handle things if something goes array. However, anything can happen….
John’s eyes flash with data in front of his contact lenses. There was a grey mist eminating from within hi sleeve. And then it promptly went back into John’s clothing. John sat down and leaned his head back up against the wall, down the hallway from the room. As he for a little bit looked at the ceiling. Then took out his phone and decided to browse around on it checking for various statuses on equipment. He looks at the battery life on his walker exoskeleton. Its enough for him to last about 2 days before he has to change or recharge it. That should suffice.
Calcifer knew he had to act quickly If he wanted to fix this. Sonara would die in the worst kind of pain If he didn’t. The vines were all connected directly to her nervous system, meaning any major shock to them was a major shock to her whole system. Three was only one this to do. He pulled his shirt and all the amulets he himself wore of, spread his wings, and set himself aflame. Then he dug his nails into his arm until it bled, letting the small drops fall onto Sonara’s skin. Her would need more than a few drops to help her, but She needed to be awake the whole time for his to heal her. He ripped of the amulet, and hoped She could handle the pain.
Sonara’s eyes few open, and the first than She did was spread and fight her resraints. She felt herself flip, her back exposed, and then more pain in rivers. She couldn’t time it any more, and with one last cry, blacked out.From outside the room, you can hear the screams stop, but it see ominous. Then you hear an other sound… You hear a howl.
It had been a while, John had stopped browsing his phone for a long time. He just couldn’t. Her screaming was filling the air and all John could do was sit there and stair at the ceiling as he rocked a bit idly and restless. After some time, he couldn’t help but for a long time just sit there and listen, attempting to imagine what type of pain she has to be in. He couldn’t help but wonder why Drakel did this. From John’s perspective, it seemed Drakel knew this was going to happen, and that this would be the perfect distraction for his getaway. It all seemed to work out well. John wasn’t gonna chase him, he’d be pre occupied with Sonara if he cared a bit about her. John wasn’t just gonna leave her there, he was just talking to her moments before Drakel took a snippet of her for some reason decided to snip a peace of her. To John the screaming was noise he eventually began to become a part of the environment. John expected to hear it for as long as it went. Like wind blowing, like birds chirping, it was the noise of the house, and John didn’t think about the screaming anymore while he was wrapped in his thoughts.
John did notice however, when the screaming abruptly stopped. Then there was a forboding silence. There was a piercing feeling of alert in the back John’s neck as heard a howl, he didn’t even notice as his heart skipped a beat when it came from the room and it took him a moment to notice how he slowed his breathing so he could hear it. He then turns over to the door. Looking at it. Waiting. For something. Listening. Watching…
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