Strange and interesting role plays
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Active 6 years ago
like to do roleplays other that break the standered forms? tried of school yard, and show based... View more
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After Averon
She was Sonara and She wasn’t. Need before had she felt so powerful, so complete. She felt that she should know the flaming boy with the eyes of an elder, who called her name with a tinge of desperation, and the life form just outside of the large room that imprisoned her.
“Stop. ” she ordered. She felt so many memories, and it was all very troubling to her, to finally–finally? — feel complete somehow. She was a great wolf(photo), all black, and she had control over her whole self.Still , a part of her held on to these two, She growled and paced the small room, trapped as she was. “Who Are you? And the man outside this room? Why do I feel as if I should know you?”
John was against the door, his ear pressed against it. He really….really wanted to open it. But. Not yet. He listened to her. She seems to not remember anything. When she asked who he was and who Calcifer was. He didn’t like that tone Calcifer had, it wasn’t reassuring. However, John wasn’t sure on opening this door quite yet. However he spoke. “We’re your friends.” John says behind the door. “Or, well…I met you a few hours ago I think. But uh you knew Calcifer for, a while now. He helped you, just saved your life. I thought I lost ya there, for a second, Sonara.”
John was very ready to open the door. He had to restrain himself from doing so, however, he wasn’t so sure if it was such a good idea to do so. However, if she was going to harm Calcifer, John was gonna try and open the door. And close it on them. What the hell have I gotten myself into?
“Calcifer….. John?” Sonara closed her eyes, and it all came rushing back to her. “Drakel.” Then the wolf form melted away, leaving Sonara looking tired but healed. “Why, Drakel?”
As soon as Sonara had come to, when she seemed to remember who they were, John felt like it was safe to open the door, he did so and left it open and then walked in looking at Sonara. “You uh…you alright?” John says looking at Sonara with a raised eyebrow worried about her. “I think we need to get you a bed. You look a little…winded.”
“I’m fine. Fine, fine, fine,” Sonara muttered, attempting to stand and swaying before tipping over from exhaustion. Calcifer caught her before She hit the ground, picking her up with a sigh. He picked her amulet up off the floor and slid it around her neck, whispering something in another language. Then, he turned his attention to John.
“We need to talk. “
John looks at her, and she can hardly stand up straight. When she was falling John stepped forward to catch her, but as Calcifer caught her she stepped back. “…Ok. But. Uh. Let’s set her down some place…” John makes sure Sonara can get somewhere to sit down or lay down. Whether it be a spare sofa, a bed, the table in the room or if she chooses to sit some place. If she seems alright enough to walk, Calcifer insists or Sonara tells John to leave her be, John goes to Calcifer.
“Alright. You’ll have to…bare with my ignorance here. I don’t know all that much about what happened to her. But, what is it that you wanted to talk about?” John says looking at Calcifer once they are wherever he takes him.
When they had left Sonara in another room to sleep, Calcifer lead John to his office. It has a lot of odd items on the shelves, and there is an alchemy circle on the floor. Calcifer gestured for john to sit and then he sits.
“I don’t have any idea what Sonara told you about her condition, but you should know that what happened today has only happened once before.”
“…And what the hell was it, that happened today?” John asks leaning forward. “I don’t understand much of…any of this. If I’m to be honest. I’m pretty ignorant of it all…”
” No one ever comes back from a bad Reboot. No one. When they go god beast like that, we can only cage them, and eventually even then they just vanish after a few days. Sonara, she went god beast for the second time today. She also came back, this time with her memories intact.
When we Reboot, there is always a danger of turning god beast. That is the real reason for the amulets, the talismans. We all know the danger, although none of us know why or how we know. We don’t know our parents,our clans, our race. We don’t know what happens to the god beasts.
This is our attempt at life, and Sonara and a few others have made it their goal to bring in information, any information, about our kind. They want to save us. They don’t want to simply exist. Sonara cannot know this, but most of the others have died or left us… other ways.
Now. The reason Sonara reacted the way she did when that beast attacked her is because those vines are directly tethered to her nervous system. They are very sensitive, and cutting bits of it off would be like cutting your regular spine out. It would kill you, slowly and painfully. It’s actually the reason she keeps them so hidden there. Cutting off the ones on her arms or in her tail would have been safer, but still similar to cutting off a limb.
My blood, though painful, has healing qualities that saved her life today. Are you still with me so far there…. um…?”
“Ok. I’m alright so far. Bad reboot means god beast. You don’t come back from being a god beast. God beasts disappear, and nobody knows…where they go. You keep the amulets, to stop that. I remember Sonara telling me that you all do not have your memories…” John sighes
“And Sonara came back from being god beast twice today. And she passed out because Drakel cut a vital nerve? Alright. And your blood heals, painfully. I think I got a lot of it. Keep going.” John was listening intently. He didn’t like the sound of “god beast.” All of these new, unknown things to John was a lot to take in. He didn’t spend much time getting to know Haerich. He was listening intently to make sure he caught everything.
“No, no, not twice today! Today was the second time. The first was a while ago,” Calcifer said, looking down with guilt in his eyes.
“… that’s really it. You are going to have to swear never to tell another about this place, okay? Even though people who mean to harm can’t get in, it takes a lot of energy to keep them out.
Oh, and one more thing…. do you know why that man would assault her in the way that he did?”
“Alright. I won’t tell anyone about this place…” John says simply and honestly. He isn’t gonna sell this place out. To his next question, John replies.
“He wanted something from her. I saw him putting parts he took from her in little containers and then taking it with him. I guess, for scientific reasons, I would think. He wanted samples for something. I don’t think he was even trying to kill her. I think he wanted something and got it, and just, didn’t care about how it affected her…” John says based on what he witnessed first hand.
“This is concerning news. There are those who would see us dead, if they could get their hands on information like that…. I have a lot to think about. Go downstairs and notify the others that it is safe to return, please, and then you may rest if you like.”
(dare I try to resurrect this beast? I do!)
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