Strange and interesting role plays
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Active 6 years ago
like to do roleplays other that break the standered forms? tried of school yard, and show based... View more
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Posted by Elosva on June 26, 2014 at 9:52 pm
this roleplay carries over from a diferent site, its already progressed in its story quite a bit, and is as such a privet roleplay, invite only, however if someone reading this roleplay decides they do want to join, id be more then happy to make another takeing place in the same world, alongside the events of this roleplay
KiteSong replied 10 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 15 Replies -
15 Replies
Hey everyone! Though this is a closed RP, feel free to read it anyway. Hope you enjoy!
“What have you done?” The cool voice echoed across the spirit world from some distant point.
“W-what do you mean?” Aria stood up, looking around into the shadows. “I haven’t done anything.”
“Don’t you dare lie to me.”
“I’m not lying! I only did what I had to. I didn’t get hurt – why?…”
“Why? That’s what I want to know.”
“Please, I don’t understand!”
“Nor do I. Have I not done right by you? Have I not given everything to you? And in return, you do this? You would so quickly toss away everything. Everything… Do you not love me?”
“What? Yes, I love you! Father, how can you say I don’t love you?”
Riley stepped forth from the shadows swirling in the spirit world. He stood and looked at Crow, saying nothing. Reproach and anger flickered in his eyes, and Crow knew not what caused it.
“Father?” She ventured to whisper, and watched as the anger in his eyes grew. “I don’t understand. What have I done?”
“… You are unworthy.”
“I should have never done it. Never. That was my mistake. Look, how I pay dearly for it.”
Riley raised his hand as Crows blood ran cold.
In that moment one thought ran quiet and clear in her mind. ‘He is going to kill me.’
Not a moment had passed ere she though this than a great force hit her, and sent Crow flying. Slamming down against the shadows that now ringed her in, Crow saw in her mind a vision. A great bear roaring above her, claws tipped with metal, and another voice, not trembling with terror but ringing with clarity, spoke in her heart. ‘He is going to kill me.’
Crow gasped and shook her head trying to bring herself into the present.
“Do you know who she was? Do you?” It was Riley, not a bear, that stepped into the ring of shadow. “Do you know who that spirit was?”
“Spirit? NO! What spirit?!” Crow gasped as her airway constricted under a force she did not recognize.
Riley smiled, looking down on her with grim satisfaction, and behind him the shadows faded. A forest stood in their place, rising tall into the veil of dawn. ‘Monster!’ A voice called out, terrified. Crow looked to her left. There a woman was crouched, a stranger Crow did not recognize.
“PAY ATTENTION!” Riley roared, and another colorless force hit her.
Crow cried out as her arm broke against the wave. Pain clouding her vision Crow saw the forest fade and the shadows stand tall once again.
Another blast of energy rocked her body as Crow was sent flying backward again.
“Please,” she screamed, “I’m sorry! Stop!”
“You idiot!” Riley roared as another flare of power struck and battered Crow’s body. “What have you done? Marking a spirit, protecting it! You didn’t even know her! She was evil! She helped Jaro escape me when I was trying to protect your mother! This was the only chance I had to settle the score, and you ruined it!” Another shock of power pounded Crows body. “You damnable fool! Do you understand what you’ve done?”
“I’m sorry!” Crow begged, gasping and spitting up blood, “It was a mistake!”
“The only mistake here is you!” Riley cursed as he threw her body again. “Why would you ever be so stupid? Why would you care at all about a human so weak? You don’t deserve to be an immortal!” Electric waves ran the length of Crows body, sending a damning fire straight to her soul.
‘Don’t.’ A mans voice commanded simply, ‘we can get through this, Aria, we’ll find a way…’ Crow’s ears rang but this voice, this voice she had heard before, it spoke softly to her heart, calling across time to someone else entirely. ‘…it’ll be hard… but we can do it, we’ll find a way…’
Voices roared in her head. Who were these people? Aria? That, that was her mother. Who was that talking to her? Was it Riley? Riley. He was yelling at her. He wanted to know why. Why had she given her blessing to the old woman?
“Please… I’m sorry… She said she needed… had something…. Useless spell…” Crow said, not sure which voice she was answering.
“What?” For a moment Riley ceased his assault. “What did you say?”
Crow lay unresponsive, her breathing shallow. Furious, Riley jerked her, wrenching her broken arm, forcing her to answer. Crow screamed, and spoke rapidly in fragmented sentences. “She said there was a reason. I would understand. The book only had one. Useless spell! Did nothing.”
“You cast her spell!” Riley roared dropping Crow and stepping back.
“Yes,” she choked through a mouthful of blood.
“… Worthless,” Riley snarled, “There’s no hope for you now… I can’t be with you any longer. That spell will show you lies until you believe them. It will tell you all the things that are not true, and it will not let up until you believe them…” Riley laughed once, cold and broken. “I tried. Heaven knows I tried… But soon you will turn against me. Soon you will side with your mothers murder, and she will roll over in her grave! You will become the monster you always feared, and I will have to kill you.” Here Riley paused, and knelt to push a strand of hair behind Crows ear. “But I don’t want to kill you. I love you, you know. I may get angry, but what parent doesn’t? If I punish you it’s only because I love you… I don’t want to kill you, Crow, but I can be your father no longer…” Riley stood, and began to walk away. “When, no, IF, the day comes when you hate me. If the day comes when you want me dead. If you rise up against me, then, my love, I’ll have no choice but to kill you then.”
“Father…” Crow gasped, swallowing blood, “Please!… Don’t go! Don’t leave me all alone like this… I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…”
But Riley was already gone.
Body broken and energy gone, Crow fell from the spirit world landing on the sandy earth below. Vomiting up blood Crow struggled to move, but could not, and instead passed out on the sand. -
jaro waited out side of Jaricho’s office, jess was beside him, slowly rocking back and forth, gabby was with her daughter some floors bellow, the entire compond was silent, everone was morning the loss of thire greate leader, and thier loveing mother, jessy had taken the worst of it though, though she hadint been rasised by her as the rest of them had, ashely had really been her mother, and she loved her desipet how she may have acted… she was broken… numb, jaro wanted to help her, but he didnt know what to say
the door opened up and Jaricho stepped out “your going to want to see this” he ushered them in softly, “iv managed to figure out the cause of death, asphyxiation she chocked in her sleep, there were no marks on her body however”
“so then she used a spell to cut off the air flow?” jaro asked
“i thought so at first, but when i looked for traces of spells that had been cast on her, i found something strange, the only spell that had been cast on her any time reacently was so sort of protection spell… its posible that this girl could have used a protection spell to cover up the spell she used to kill her but…”
jess finished his sentace “but then why would she reavel that she killed her if she wanted to cover it up”
“exactly, there is another posibiliy” he looked at jess “your mother had sleep apnea, it was a minor case to be sure, but its entirely posible that she stopped breathing when she was asleep, and simply didnt start up again”
it was jaros turn to chime in “but if thats the case, how did she get ashly’s spell book, and when did the protection spell get cast on”
“thats where things get interesting, after i found that little inconsistancy i looked over the sicurity tapes from last night and i found this” he directs the two to his computer
the scean is a simple one, they watch as gabby goes out and shouts at the air, but without sound they cant hear what shes saying, then it happens, they see ashly walk out of the bunker as gabby walked back in, then the girl apears out of nowhear, they talk for a time, then they see ashly hand the girl her book and the girl kissing ashly’s forhead, ashly then walks back inside, and the girl disapears
“she…” Jessica murrmered “she… gave her… she gave her spell book away”
Jaro was just as shoocked as jess was “she knew she was going to die…”
Jaricho finished his thought “and her last action was to give that girl one of the most powerful spells in existance”
The sun rose high in the sky on the following day, casting light and waves of heat down upon the marshy land. All around the animals stirred going about their lives as normal. Crow lay on a sandbar somewhat near the middle of a slow moving river. It was a landing used by the alligators who called the river home to sunbathe. But with Crow present the creatures stayed away, sensing an unnatural presence about her. Life in the keys went on without interruption all that day, and night. Another day came and went before Crow regained consciousness.
Opening her eyes, all Crow could see was darkness. With the new moon dark overhead, Crow wondered for a minute if she wasn’t still in the spirit world. She waited for the shadows to close in – for Riley to step forth and land a final strike – but nothing came. The night was silent as death. Far away a bird dared to call out softly and break the silence. But the sound was soon swallowed up by the moss and bracken that hung from every tree. Not even the river dared speak a word as its water flowed ever southward.
Crow lay breathing in shallow gasps, feeling very much like a fish pulled from its ocean home. ‘I want to die,’ she thought miserably, ‘but I need a reason to live.’ Again her ears began to ring and Crow wondered if those were really her thoughts, or someone else’s. Calling to the water around her sandbar Crow let it engulf her, working her water summoning magic, the magic infused waters healed her. Her wounds sealed, inside and out and the blood was washed away. Gently the water dropped her back onto the sand. Here she sat, gasping, with little energy to spare. Though her bones had healed and her cuts had sealed, Crow was drained of nearly all her energy. Two days of blood loss and high heat hadn’t done wonders to restore her, so with the very last of her available magic, Crow used her drawing magic, and began to drain the living plants around her. Thankfully she was in a marsh area, so the trees all around had much to give, and no one plant needed give too much.
Sitting silent under the stars, Crow absorbed the life energy of the world around her. Basking in the starlight, she planned her next move. -
jaro sat with jessica in her room, of all the people in the compond she was the one who needed him most “iv put out my feelers” he said trying to provoke some response other then the total numb that she was in now “if the girl makes one step into a city ill know about it in minutes” still nothing he shook his head and looked forward
“when she came back” jess started to mumble “when i first saw my mother… i was 15, i had gone from one foster home to another, lost and alone the whole way… when i saw this frail old woman standing out in front of our yard, i knew right away something was up, i couldnt tell what, but she didnt seem right… and when she told me she was my mother… i dont know why but i belived her… right away i belived her… and you know what the first thing i did was? i punched her in the face… i hit her and hit her and hit her… i just wanted her to suffer… i wanted her to die… and she… she just stood there, and she took every punch, she didnt even flinch… and when i finaly got tired and stopped she was still smileing, and she asked ‘did you want to hit me again? if you need to work out some more of your anger we should do it later… i have something youll want to see’… it wasn’ her fault that she left, i know that now…she had been caputered, but… even after that… even though she had never done any wrong by me, she still let me hit her, she let me hurt her. because thats what i needed to do”
jaro understood right away what jess ment. it was the way ashly was, she knew exactly what you needed, what everyone needed, there was no magic to it, it was just the way she was… and she went out of her way to make sure you got it… even if it ment she had to suffer for it. he leaned in closer and put his arms around her shoulders she begain to cry again “what was it for?” she asked “what did it mean?” she wasnt asking him, no she was asking her mother “why?”… she didnt finish the last question
Daylight broke over the eastern sky as another gunshot rang out. Crow sat on the sandbar, pulling massive amounts of energy from all the life around her, listening with her head cocked to the north, where the shots originated. For the past hour and a half periodic shots had been fired off with no rhyme or reason in their intervals. Crow couldn’t figure it out. The Who was obvious; people were shooting at something. But What they were shooting at, and Why, she couldn’t understand. But whatever the reason, the shots were getting closer. Still listening and looking ever northward she wondered for not the first time that day what she should do. The spirit world was out of the question. Riley hadn’t come out and directly told her she was no longer welcome, but Crow had gotten the hint anyway. There was always the option of killing them. It wouldn’t be hard. Crow had spent almost the entire night and all of the dawn absorbing ridiculous amounts of energy, stockpiling more than what she could possibly need. Killing the humans was probably the best option.
Another shot rang out, this time northwest of her sandbar, but still getting closer.
She could leave them be. If she hid, the humans would have no reason to come looking for her. It sounded like they were already looking for something or someone anyway. That was another, not nearly as appealing, option. Really, Crow had set her heart on killing the humans when they drew near enough. The only thought stopping her was the final option. What if she befriended them?
Not real friends, they were human after all. Immortals didn’t consort with humans. Not much anyways. But she could pretend to be friendly with them. If she did, there was a chance they would help her. It was Crow’s understanding that lone and helpless human females were desirable to human males. At least to the extent that they weren’t considered dangerous or potentially threatening. If this was true, Crow thought she could manipulate the feelings of these humans to help her, and at the very least, have them take her to the mainland, and away from the marsh.
Two shots cracked loudly just around the bend in the river.
This would only work though if these were human males. Anyone else would have to die. Her heart pounded as she stood up on the sandbar, letting the draining spell drop. She had enough power, even if it was Jaro, Crow was confident she could, and would, kill him.
An airboat rounded the corner, skidding and tossing water about. Even from the distance of about 4 miles, Crow could tell the occupants of the boat were both male, and both human. Stepping out closer to the edge of the water, Crow raised both her arms and began to wave. At this distance, and with the noise of the fan, Crow knew shouting wouldn’t do any good.
The boat was within a mile of her before the men inside noticed Crow, arms waving, on the shore. Crow stepped back as the boat rode up onto the shore. Both the men inside were at least 40, if not older. And at their feet lay a sizeable pile of dead alligators. Well, that explained the shots at least. Crow smiled her best human smile, and made up a lie about partying with some other people, and getting knocked out of the boat. “Everyone was drunk, you see. I don’t think anyone noticed me.” She blushed appropriately, as the men both looked at each other and laughed. They were kind men, and quickly let her on.
Crow rode with the men the rest of the day and listened as they explained their profession, alligator hunters, and how they baited and shot the animals they trapped all along their route. Not knowing how to react, and fearing laughter was the wrong answer, Crow remained mostly quiet – listening and nodding at regular intervals. One of the two men spoke more, and looked to be younger. He introduced himself as Dan. The older man driving the boat, the more stoic of the two, gave only a grunt followed by the word “Johnny.” Crow didn’t push her luck with this one, and sat quietly beside him at the back of the boat. Dan explained that they didn’t mind helping a ‘pretty lady’ like her, but that they couldn’t afford to leave their route. “Hunting season is only so long, you know?” He said watching out of the front of the boat.
Annoyed, Crow spent the entirety of the day ridding in a boat with Dan and Johnny watching them check hooks baited with rancid meat for alligators caught on the sharp barbs. If they found one Johnny would rise and grab the shotgun at his side, aiming and waiting until Dan had reeled the thrashing creature in close enough to shoot. Once the animal was dead, Dan hauled it in and reset the hook. By the end of the day 32 dead alligators filled the tiny boat, and Crow ended up perched on top of a rather toothy one. Looking up to the sky glimmering off the water in the west, Johnny spoke for the first time that day. “Good day.” He said. “Strange day.” Nodding he steered the boat down the water and put on the gas. “Hey, um, Crow?” Dan looked up with puppy dog like eyes. “What are you going to do, when you get back, I mean?” Crow looked at Dan, not knowing where or what he was talking about. “T-to the docks. I mean, that’s where you’re going isn’t it? I mean of course you’re going there, we’re going there to drop off our haul and get paid, but after that where are you going? I mean I don’t mean to pry or nothing, and whatever you do is your business. I don’t mean to be rude, but,…”
“What he’s saying,” Johnny interrupted, “is that he wants to take you out on a date.”
“Oh,” Crow said, taken aback. “Well, I don’t really have any plans. And I don’t know where my friends are. So, sure. It’s the least I can do after you helped me.”
Dan grinned and Crow gave a small smile. In reality she had no desire to go anywhere with this clearly older human, but when they landed she wouldn’t know where she was or where any human amenities were. Before she could do anything, she needed information. And this foolish human was just the perfect little encyclopedia.
Within 20 minutes Johnny pulled out of the marsh onto an open stretch of lake. At the far end was a dock loaded down with boats and people. Beside the dock stood a midsized metal building. Crow watched as alligators were taken in by boatmen and loaded up onto flatbeds and trailers by cookie-cutter white-shirt-workers. Here and there a man in a better set of clothing was standing or inspecting alligators still in the boats. Johnny pulled up next to one of these men. Without so much as a hello the squinty eyed man said, “How many?”
“32,” answered Johnny.
“Same price as last time.” The man said.
“Nope. Seasons half over. 50 more.”
The two men shook hands and Dan began to toss alligators out onto the dock. White shirted men came from nowhere and silently took up the haul carrying them over to the nearest trailer. The bodies stacked up, and Crow looked away. She watched as what appeared to be a sizeable amount of money exchanged hands. Johnny counted it, and nodded to the squinty man who promptly walked away to the next boat. Turning to Dan, Johnny counted out 5 bills of unknown amount and handed them to Dan. Dan quickly jumped out of the boat and reached down to help Crow out as well. “Have fun.” Johnny said as he backed the boat out of the dock and away.
“Don’t worry about him,” Dan said. “I mean he’s ok loading the boat back onto the trailer we brought.”
Crow nodded her understanding and Dan smiled again as he turned and began walking in long strides off the dock. Crow scrambled to keep up as Dan trampled the grasses on his way to an old pickup truck. “‘Know it don’t look like much,” he said, “but she runs like a beauty. I mean, she works really well.”
Crow got in without complaint. No sooner had Crow gotten her seatbelt on and Dan started the truck than he began talking again. “You must be hungry. I mean, you said you were out on that sandbar all night, and we didn’t bring any food for the day, so, I mean, let’s go get something to eat. There’s this great little place called Sanrite and they have the best catfish. Do you like catfish? I mean, you don’t mind Sanrite, do you? Of all the little places in New Orleans, it’s gotta be the best.”
“Sanrite sounds fine! Good, I mean.” Crow smiled her most charming smile and Dan beamed.
“Great!” He said. “We’ll be in the city in two shakes of a lambs tail!” -
his phone started to ring, picking it up quickly he heard a fermiliar computerized voice say “your request has been spotted, outside of new orlines” it then gave exact cordinance he nodded to jess, she knew what he ment, she grabbed her things and the both of em went down a few floors, down to cait’s room, she was lieing in bed reading, gabby was asleep in her chair “we found her” jaro said “but were going to need a little push” nothing else was said, jess and jaro each took hold of one of cat’s arms, then she cast her spell, bringing all three of them to the spirit plane, they let go, cat droped back to her bed, before jess and jaro could do the same, they used theyre momentem to send them flying to new orlines
they landed on top of a roof, jess was looking out over the streets “so whats the plan then?”
“simple enough, we find her, then she and i have a chat, ashly gave her that spell for a reason, so im going to make sure she gets all the information she needs to utilize it”
“So that’s when I lean over to Johnny and I say, I says to him, “Hey Johnny, don’t you wish you could tell that guy with the superman underwear how white pants work?””
Crow chocked on her food, coughing, as Dan began to laugh hysterically. Washing the catfish down with her drink Crow managed a weak laugh. It wasn’t that she didn’t think Dan’s stories were funny, it was just she didn’t know how to react. She’d never been in this kind of a situation before. How did humans talk so much to one another everyday like this and not run out of things to say? If all humans were anything like Dan, then she doubted they’d have much of a problem.
Her eyes flicked up to the clock behind the bar. 10:49 pm. She squinted as she looked at the clock. The minute hand was slow. It had to be 11 by now. She and Dan had been at Sanrite for 3 hours now. Mercifully, Dan had begun drinking minutes after they arrived, and the server seemed to know him well enough and trusted Dan’s explanation for the stranger in tow. Crow hadn’t planned on eating with him, she had only agreed to get the chance to question him. As it turned out, this wasn’t what happened. Dan entered, ordered his drink, and a plate of food was laid before the pair without asking. The server, a kind looking woman in her mid 40’s, smiled and winked at Crow as she set the food down. “Don’t worry none.” She’d said and walked away. Baffled by this, Crow had accepted the food and turned her attention to questioning Dan. This however, didn’t work out well either as Dan it seemed was a lightweight and had no more finished his first rum and coke than he was beyond reasoning.
At first this had annoyed Crow more than she could express. But after a couple catfish and a drink of her own, a warm, and not unpleasant feeling began to shift in her chest. At anytime in the past hour and a half, Crow could have excused herself without incident. But something had made her want to stay. She didn’t know what it was, though at first she feared it was the work of an immortal, this was quickly ruled out. One quick, momentary jump into the spirit world when no one was looking showed that no immortals were nearby. Shifting in her seat, Crow began to relax a bit more, and allowed herself to laugh lightly and enjoy the jokes of the human beside her. Part of her knew the immense danger she was in. The danger she was putting this human in. It was selfish and wrong of her to stay any longer than necessary. But the thought of getting up and leaving, even in a kind manner, made her heart ache. Crow gripped the glass she drank from, being far from drunk, and cursed herself inwardly. What was she doing? Peace and happiness couldn’t last. -
jaro was scaning around the area with his mask, it took him only an hour to find the girls energy signiture, she was in some sort of bar… “hmm” he saw her through a window, sitting with a man, “they seem to be haveing a good time”
“is she on a date?” jess asked “she went from trying to kill you to going on a date? whats with this girl?”
the man got up from the table for a moment, most likely to go to the bath room “stay here” jaro muttered before jumping down, he quickly walked into the bar, makeing no effort to conceal himself, he slowly walked up to the table with the girl, and sat accross from her, before she could react he put his hands up “peace, i mean no harm to you, we need to talk, no wepons no magic no tricks, just a good old fation heart to heart, when your ready meet me in the park three blocks east of here, ill be waiting”
just as quickly as he came, he left, quickly moveing back to jess “we move now, and jess… i need to meet her alone”
“no buts, we do this right or we dont do this at all got it”
she thought for a moment then nodded
“good cheek yourself into a hotel, preferable one near the park, ill go meet with her thyre, and jess/// if anything happenes to me, you had damn well better make it back safe you got it”
Crows heart was pounding. ‘Peace? What kind of a sick joke was that? He was a murder, a monster, he didn’t know peace!’ She shook her head to rid herself of those thoughts. Pulling together a straight face as Dan returned. Crow smiled, “It’s getting late,” she said, “I’d better be going. If I don’t leave soon, my friends may think something really bad has happened to me. Last thing I want is to end up a missing person.” She laughed as Dan laughed with her. Her heart squeezed tightly, she didn’t want to go. Standing up Dan stepped forward before she could stop him and hugged her tightly.
“You were a good sport. A good girl. Go home to somebody who loves you.” Dan let her go, and Crow almost fell down. Two things had happened in the span of those seconds. The first thing being she felt Jaro’s energy spike alongside someone else’s, the second being she felt her heart fully break.
“Sure thing,” Crow said, numb. “You to. Be careful.”
Dan watched as she walked out of the bar, and turned a corner, going she didn’t know where. Jaro wasn’t alone. She couldn’t face him. Even if he was alone, she couldn’t face him. No. Her heart hammered, she didn’t want to. She didn’t want to face her mothers killer because if she did one of them would not be walking away. Most likely that would be her. She would be the one to die. She didn’t want to die. That thought cried aloud and her heart beat all the more fiercely. “I don’t want to die.” She whispered aloud as she came walking up the block. “I don’t want to live in bloodshed.” But one of those two things had to happen, and she knew it. Which was worse then? Which fate was more reprehensible to her? She knew without answering. It was plain to her. She had no one. No mother, her father rejected her, and no friends. She wasn’t like Dan, or Johnny. She couldn’t live a normal, human life. There was no life to live.
Often she had though how stupid it was that the immortals often got tired of life and after a few hundred years would kill themselves. But now she was beginning to understand. They died because they had no reason to live. A smile played across Crow’s lips. ‘I am more immortal now than I have ever been.’ This though made her smile a painful, and humorless smile as she walked across the grass in the park to face Jaro. -
jaro sat in the grass, when the girl came up he made no effort to move but he begain to speak “ashly gave you her spell, that means she trusts you, and that in turn means i trust you”
he stood slowly “ashly gave you her spell” he spoke again “that means you need to see something, and that in turn means im here to show you, i dont know what it is yet, but im sure youll find out before i do, but first i must make sure, you do know how the spell works correct”
Crow stared at him. “Are you kidding me? Trust? You are a killer, a monster. You are the reason I am an orphan. I won’t trust you. I will never stop trying to kill you. Never.” She took a breath, “And the spell? That thing does nothing. I cast it already. All it did was put a small drain on my energy. Hardly noticeable. Hell, it’s still up if you want to know the truth.”
“then you know im not lieing” he said planly “the spell reavles three things, the past, the future, and the truth” he took a step back giveing the girl more space “you can feel it cant you, you can see the vitsions as i speak, thats what im hear for, go ahead and ask me anything, ill tell you, ill speak truthfuly”
Crow looked at him, her stomach twisting in pain. “Why?” She whispered. “Why did you kill my mother, and leave me to die?”
Cold swept over her. He was lying. He did know her. Anger roared in her mind louder than she could remember it ever having been. “Liar. You did know her. You watched her die. Her blood was on your hands. You killed her, and now act like you don’t remember? Riley told me everything…” Crow turned abruptly and began to walk away. “Fuck you,” She called back to him over her shoulder, “I meant what I said. You are going to suffer for what you’ve done.” Quickly she stepped into the spirit world. She wasn’t afraid of Riley anymore. If he killed her now, she’d welcome it.
Crow turned her attention to the energy she’d felt with Jaro when he first came to meet her. There it sat, leaning forward on the edge of a bed. A woman. Crow looked closer. It was the woman from the compound. This was it then. Jaro would pay in blood.
Crow remembered Riley telling her how her spells would work in the physical world from the spirit realm. How, with focus and a bit more energy, you could attack and stay hidden. This lesson was what she focused her attention on as Crow looked down upon the woman. Anger still burned in her veins, and without a sound Crow brought her flames to life in the physical world, watching with horrific satisfaction as the fire hit the woman in the back. She screamed.
The flames, blue and purple, swarmed her body in seconds, and Crow watched as the fire burnt away at the skin. Crow felt the woman’s energy shift as a spell was prepared, no doubt to protect herself, but Crow was a step ahead. Crow cast her drawing magic not a second after the fire hit, and with it she drained the woman of all her magic in seconds. It was a cruel trick. The magic Crow took went straight back in to feeding the fire that burnt her. The harder the woman tried to put out the flames the higher and hotter they burned. With no magic left, Crow began to pull off the woman’s life energy instead. Between the fire and the energy drain, Crow had no doubt the woman would burn to death or her heart would simply stop from exhaustion within the minute. ‘She deserves death.’ Crow thought bitterly, ‘For helping one like him, she needs to die!’
Suddenly a scene came before her, a group of people stood around a mound of earth. Crow looked on as Jaro, standing by a little girl, the girl she had attacked before, wept. This sight gave Crow great satisfaction until she noticed the animal standing at Jaro’s side. It looked to be a dog. A great white dog, with a black patch on its neck, but it was clearly a spirit. The animal, as if aware that it was being watched, turned its head and looked at her. The animals eyes brought her to a stop. Those were her brown eyes, and yet they weren’t. The sight caused Crow to cry out and drop both her spells. Tears filled her eyes as the scene faded away. The woman she had been attacking lay unconscious on the floor. Crow knew she was at deaths door, energy gone, body burnt black, but she could not finish her. Crow looked down at her hands and cursed aloud her own weakness. Then turning she did what she had always done. Crow ran.
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