Ye Olde Sugar Mansion Bed & Breakfast
Welcome to Ye Olde Sugar Mansion Bed & Breakfast!
This is a cozy guest house for members of... View more
Fall of the House of Sugar…
Fall of the House of Sugar…
Would the Sugar Mansion still stand after the devastating earthquake and ferocious weather phenomenon caused by the lead Lady of the GrandSugarClan’s reign? It almost seemed unlikely. So many of the young members of the GrandSugarClan had gained powers that together might overcome the slight cracks in the barrier. They fought hard, they protected the home, they protected each other, they prepared to preserve themselves at any cost. It was a promise to the clan, they could not break. They didn’t want to leave their beloved home, so they continued to put up a strong fight for their beloved territory but would it be enough of would this be the Fall of the House of Sugar?
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