Ye Olde Sugar Mansion Bed & Breakfast
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Welcome to Ye Olde Sugar Mansion Bed & Breakfast!
This is a cozy guest house for members of... View more
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Welcome to Ye Olde Sugar Mansion Bed & Breakfast!
This is a cozy guest house for members of the GrandSugarFamily and their friends/guests.
*After the apocalypse the Sugar Mansion was destroyed by a mob of angry humans but later the clan rebuilt it into a bed & breakfast and they changed locations moving into a new home.*
1. RP as if you’re in a bed & breakfast
2. Respect each other
3. No spam or extreme lewds.
4. To our guests, all new group members and new rp characters entering our group, please join Skyrie.net group and read the topics in the forum so that you understand how to get around Skyrie. Domo arigato!
5.All are welcomed but we reserve the right to remove anyone disrupting the flow of rps or disrespecting our group.
Family Library
Family Library
Tanya Helreginna SakataRaydars (AbaddonianGalactoseBestiariasz) replied 5 years, 5 months ago 17 Members · 63 Replies
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
OrganizerMarch 23, 2018 at 5:47 pm*He overheard voices coming from the library as he was heading downstairs. He was there to get a specific book he needed for contracts. He was intending to take this book back to S-Clan as a reference. He hears Naruto and Erin speaking of Sesshomaru.* You will barely find grand uncle Sesshy down here. *he pointed out.* Gomen, I overheard a bit. Grand uncle Sesshomaru is a creature that spends most of his time in nature and books are things he leaves to us. He writes and dictates some things that go in the family archives but otherwise, you’ll be waiting forever if you think he will appear here. Tell me, what is it that you are seeking anyway? It seems there is something that has sparked your interest. *he turns to look at them.*
Erin smiles brightly. “Its okay!” She runs over with the book. “Arigato for letting us know that he’s not easy to find. This is what I was looking at and wondering more about.” Erin hands him the book she had, which tells of an angel valpire hybrid, who with their immense healing abilities could heal an entire battlefield with their bright pink aura. However, the hybrid could also, if their power was not controlled bring chaos and destruction to those they cared and were trying to protect. “My aura is apparently bright pink. Mum doesn’t know if I’m human or something more.” She didn’t want to turn out like the girl in the book who lost control and all those she loved.
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
OrganizerMarch 23, 2018 at 11:13 pm*He takes the book and puts a book mark in it. He takes a seat and looks at Erin.* What makes you believe you have angel blood? *he was curious as to how she came to this conclusion.* I’m not saying you might not be but I would like to know where you got this information from? We an definitely deduce that you have human, vampire, werewolf blood and the abilities of the ninjas like Naruto. You perhaps even have some demon blood in you. We would need to send someone to the old world to see if there is some kind of information which details the bloodline of your father before we an come to this conclusion. I’m going to guess you wanted to ask grand uncle Sesshy if he had come across and angel/vampire hybrid but before you learn more of their abilities we need to verify the possibility of angelic bloodline in you.
There was a incident involving her and violet roses’s vampire side the seal had broken and well erin here manged to fix it up so she got curious about her powers and abilities i thought it’d be okay if we searched here to see if we could find anything about them -he looks at his niece-
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
OrganizerMarch 28, 2018 at 4:42 am// Note: Please read carefully before you respond. It may be long so please take your time. Arigato! //
*He looks over to Naruto who’s handing him a folder of information. He listens and nods.* I’m aware of this nephew Naruto. It seems that demon was too stubborn to understand that she was being given a chance at a different life. Pity. Good or bad, she could have had some freedom to explore her options and yet she chose to be sealed once more. But let us focus on these abilities which Erin is rather curious about. And I want you to listen carefully to what I’m going to tell her, in case she needs reminders or has questions.
*He looks at back at Erin.* Keep in mind the obvious things that maybe in your arsenal of abilities which I mentioned before. You are definitely a hybrid of wolf, vampire, benevolent demon and you will inherit ninja skills as this trait runs in your line of the family.
*Leo receives the information that was send to him from S-Clan. He leans back in his chair and reads it carefully.* Soji uncle sent me some clues about your father’s background grand niece Erin. It seems you have inherited somethings from him indeed. *he smiles* He had brown hair as you do now. And his personality seems to be rather similar to yours. He was described as caring, thoughtful, loving… and if I jog my own memory, he didn’t have an affinity for battle. But this is something where you will have to train anyway, in order to protect yourself and those you love.
Your father could use something called soul resonance. Meaning that if he had a master or a person whom he could feel loyalty to, in this case your mother, Rose, he would be able to use this harmony of the souls to create a demon weapon suitable to protect those he loved. He rarely used this ability. So, a demon weapon means that a person with this ability can change into a deadly machine gun or smaller gun depending on the desire of the master and the compliance of the demon weapon.
Your father had also discovered a new ability in which he could shield his body from the cold without wearing layers and layers of clothing. So, he was also still developing some abilities which he wasn’t yet aware of.
*he picks up the book.* As for your theory of vampire/angel. There is only one way that this may have happened. And I would like to consult and confirm with Thoth-sama before I can be sure if this is truly one of your abilities. You are able to heal and this is not a rare ability. As you explore the family you’ll find that mother Helena and your auntie Hinata are able to do this, as other family members might be able to as well. But your healing powers seem to be more directed at repairing objects, there could be more, but I’m not sure yet.
You are still growing and I’m sure your abilities are still growing with you. As far as the ability to easily map out directions in your mind and not getting lost. I have a feeling this is some sort of ninja ability. Anyway, *he picks up the book Erin had given him as reference.* We are going to Satou Arcanum to find the temple where we will be guests of Thoth-sama.
-He rubs his head at all the information that he heard his uncle leo give erin and was shocked- i um see -he looked at his niece- well erin how do you um feel about this
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
OrganizerMarch 29, 2018 at 12:00 am*he smiles at Naruto.* Let’s make sure she understands before we head out. Erin, I know it’s a lot of information but I need to know that you understood what I mentioned here to you. When we see Thoth-sama he will not be one to make his explanations plain unless he wishes to. So the more you understand, the better.
Erin has carefully listened to everything her grand uncle was telling her. She understood that she was more her mother than her father, but to others they were clearly able to see her father within her. “I understand. I want to know more and if this Thoth-Sama can help tell us more, I can’t wait to go!” She giggles as she really wanted to know more about herself and these powers that seem to be growing more each passing day. And if it allowed her to find out more about her father then that was a bonus. Plus, she had heard family talking about this God, but had never met him, so was curious to meet him finally.
Heh looks like shes ready to go -he chuckled-
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
OrganizerMarch 30, 2018 at 5:16 am*Satisfied with both their responses, Leo stood up. He was a tall figure and so he towered over them but he always had gentle eyes which would smile at Naruto and Erin. He put on his hoodie, grabbed the book and made his way up the stairs with them.* Very well, let’s go!
*He heads out of the Sugar Mansion and towards Satou Arcanum with them.*
// new rp //
*At his uncle Yukio’s request, Shoichi diligently wrapped some books up and put them in special boxes. They were going to be shipped to different places. New ones were replacing some old ones and some where being sent to the school library. While others books, those forbidden to the eyes of guests were being taken to St. Micheal’s in the GrandSugarClan Empire. He organized and thumbed through certain books. Other’s he put in specialized containers. There were so many different books there. But he needed to hurry since there was still so much he needed to do.*
// New RP//
*Sat in the family library carefully writing notes that would go into the annals of clan history. There was plenty of entries to make so he was sitting in the room focusing his full concentration on everything he needed to make notes of.*
*The twins hear a knock on the library door and panic.*
Kinzou: Damn, they found us!
Keiichi: Oh no! I thought you said we wouldn’t be found out while we were down here. We haven’t finished our chores.
Kinzou: Quiet you moron! Let’s find a place to hide!!
*Leuko is knocking on the door.* Kinzou! Keiichi! Are you in there? Did you finish your chores?
Teletha Ginger (SkyGreyFlameSugarDemon) TestarossaOkumuraSakata d'Elric
MemberJanuary 29, 2019 at 11:31 pmExcuse me uncle Leuko! *she walks over to the door and knocks* Kinzou! Keiichi! You both get out here right this instance! You still have to finish your chores!
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