Large Family Non-Formal Dining Area

  • *Yukii walks in with special Father’s Day treats, mainly parfaits.* To all the father’s in our clan! We want to wish you a Happy Father’s Day!

    Especially to our daddy Gin! Arigato for all you’ve done to keep our family strong! @shiroyassha

  • Koneko (CordatusSatouUltharian) Katakura

    June 15, 2019 at 4:52 am

    *The Satou Ultharian army joins the rest of the clans at the dinner tables and enjoys the meal set forth before them.*

  • This is great! Happy Father’s Day to all the dads in our clan 😉

  • *hugs her grandparents* Welcome home grandmommy Helena and granddaddy Gin 😉

  • Kogi Sakata (KogitsunemaruSugarDemon)

    June 15, 2019 at 10:17 pm

    Welcome home great great grandmommy Helena and great great granddaddy Gin! *he hugs them both lovingly and then takes out a gifts hands it to Gin.* Happy Daddy’s Day great great granddaddy!

  • Arios YoshidaSakata (DaiyokaiSatōSenshi)

    June 15, 2019 at 10:23 pm

    *Bows before his great great grandparents Helena and Gintoki.* We are happy to see you’re back home safely!

  • Yomi Kuromaru (ZeraphMazokuSatōSenshi)

    June 15, 2019 at 10:27 pm

    Welcome home great great grandmommy Helena and great great granddaddy Gin! *he bows as well, respectfully greeting them and then goes to sit with his cousins Kogi and Arios at another table where they being to enjoy their meal. But first, Yomi walks over to his father Zerzes and hugs him.* Happy Father’s Day! @zerzes

  • *Salutes her great grandparents* Welcome home great grandmommy Helena and great granddaddy Gin!

  • Ginji Amoru ^_^ShiroshiSucreSpiritus^_^

    June 16, 2019 at 12:57 am

    Welcome back home great grandmommy Helena and great granddaddy Gin! *hugs them happily*

  • Souma Yukihira RedHotSugarFang OkumuraSakata

    June 16, 2019 at 2:22 am

    *It was some time after he had talked to his sisterYukii and he had baked some sweet treats at the bakery and taken them back home so the other family could gift them to their fathers if they wished to as his sister suggested he had then remembered to thank her for the suggestion when he would see her. He had boxed them and then when he got home he went inside the mansion and headed to bring the sweets inside placing them out onto the long tables and went to welcome his mother and father home* Welcome home mother, father! Happy father’s day Gintoki dad! @shiroyassha

  • Gintoki Lucifer WhiteSugarDemon Sakata

    June 18, 2019 at 10:17 am

    Oi oi minna! Arigato for the father’s day wishes and all the welcomes! Soma and Yukii, bring on the sweets!

  • Helena SweetSeraphimDeaSugarDemon Okumura-Sakata

    June 18, 2019 at 10:19 am

    *Helena would sit back and smiles as she looked about the room. She was grateful that they could still gather like this and enjoy themselves to much. She even noticed some family and clan members had either recently arrived or returned home. She would clap her hands together.* I’m so grateful! *Then she would help to serve the delicious sweets that had been brought in by some of the family.* Mmm this looks delicious! Hai hai! I missed you all so much!

  • Haji-Saitou Okumura Sakata(BlackRougeSugarfang)

    June 18, 2019 at 6:31 pm

    *Haji-Saito walked inside with his wife and he was carrying his daughter Mai on his back with her laughing all the way as they went in and saw all the family members gathered and he smiled as he allowed his wife to sit down and welcomed his mother and father back home with a tender hug and respectful bow* Welcome home mother, father! And happy Father’s day to all fathers of our beloved family clan! @kawakami @beautifulgoldenabyss

  • “Not so fast my dearest” *Jeanne smiled laughing slightly as they had walked in together returning home to their beloved parents and in her case in laws but she went hug her mother in law with a tender smile* Welcome home both of you! Seems you got here in time to see us return home as well as welcome to all of us hm” *Laughs as she noticed their daughter in the chocolate from Souma with some cupcakes in the sweets he seemed to have made and brought from the bakery and she then takes a seat raising a glass in cheers*

  • Mai Kawakami D'arc OkumuraSakata

    June 18, 2019 at 7:28 pm

    *Mai laughed and smiled as she saw everyone but was quickly distracted by a chocolate cupcake and she went over to her mother and got her face cleaned then went see the man she met before who was now her grand father and she went hug him but only after she was cleaned of the chocolate* Hai welcome home mister grand daddy!! *She looked to her father* daddy says you and grand mommy just returned home too so this is a party right *Giggles as she smiled wide*

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