Ye Olde Sugar Mansion Bed & Breakfast
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Active 3 days ago
Welcome to Ye Olde Sugar Mansion Bed & Breakfast!
This is a cozy guest house for members of... View more
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Group Description
Welcome to Ye Olde Sugar Mansion Bed & Breakfast!
This is a cozy guest house for members of the GrandSugarFamily and their friends/guests.
*After the apocalypse the Sugar Mansion was destroyed by a mob of angry humans but later the clan rebuilt it into a bed & breakfast and they changed locations moving into a new home.*
1. RP as if you’re in a bed & breakfast
2. Respect each other
3. No spam or extreme lewds.
4. To our guests, all new group members and new rp characters entering our group, please join group and read the topics in the forum so that you understand how to get around Skyrie. Domo arigato!
5.All are welcomed but we reserve the right to remove anyone disrupting the flow of rps or disrespecting our group.
Large Family Non-Formal Dining Area
Large Family Non-Formal Dining Area
Damiana Astarotte (HellfireAlchemistSugarDemon) ElricOkumuraSakata d’Raydars replied 5 years, 6 months ago 137 Members · 291 Replies
*Ren had walked in after learning her husband Leo was back along with her father-in-law Leo. She had left them speaking privately about the event that took place. She was feeling more hopeful now. Her son Gen looked lively but when she looked over to Noloty she could sense Noloty felt guilt for what happened. She walked over to Noloty and hugged her.* Auntie -in-law Noloty, please, try to enjoy yourself. Gen is alright, he’s alive and he’s strong. What happened is not your fault. When we go into battle we are aware of things that can go wrong and we go into that battle ready to die if we have to. Do you understand? *She looks at her tenderly.* Our love for you doesn’t change. *She then got up and went to another table to greet other family members and then find her seat and enjoy the food and cake that grand auntie Red had made so lovingly.* Happy Thanksgiving family! Cheers! To family! Wow Roy! That’s amazing! *She then lets him know where Gin is.* He’ll be down later.
*Tsuki Tsuki was understanding appreciation from a family perspective. He sat at a table with the other gods in attendance and would lean over to Thoth sama.* I know there is much we must speak of, but let’s just enjoy this. Watching them all like this, it’s just beautiful.
Enjoy! ^///^ I hope u guys enjoy what is made! ^^
*The twins walked over to their table after walking in with their father Night. They were always together and always strangely quiet but they always felt the warmth of their family when there were gatherings of this type.They were grateful to have them and to have such great food.*
Nox: *Stands up and bows* Domo arigato!
Summa: *Stood up too and then he would bow.* Happy Thanksgiving!
*they blushed and sat back down.*
Grand auntie Red! *he stood behind the boys and puts his hand on their heads as they bowed and thanked everyone.* We love what you made and what family made! It’s all oiishi! Happy Thanksgiving minna! I’m glad to be back here with you! Missions and battle have been tough on us but the love is here! *he takes his fist and lightly hits his heart showing his sentiment.* There’s no place like home! *he chuckle realizing he wounds like a character from movie.* I’m grateful for you family and also for our friends who always support us!
Oh nephew! ^^” help ur self to some food and ur boys are cute! ^^
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
OrganizerNovember 24, 2017 at 6:04 am*Leo finally descended from the room where he had been speaking with his father. He felt stronger and more confident of his children’s actions. He knew that they had been trained to do important things and sometimes this means putting yourself in harms way to protect others. He opened the door to the dinning room. He looked at everyone in the room including the face of his son, whom through this hardship was still at a table laughing and talking with his family. He was enjoying himself. He stood there for a while and then stepped in.* My beloved family! I didn’t mean to keep you all waiting! That fireworks display was incredible Roy! *he had seen it from his room.* The food smells delicious and your family, your warmth is so inviting. *He sat at one of the tables next to his wife Ren.* Happy Thanksgiving to all! *he raised his cup making a toast.* I’m grateful for each and every one of you!
Daniel Crow OkumuraSakataRokudo (BlackCatSugarDemon) ShinganCrimsonZ
OrganizerNovember 24, 2017 at 6:25 amNyan! Happy Thanksgiving family and friends! *he would hold Cindy Cyan’s hand and smile as they were discussing music, the shinigami world and how lucky they were to have time off to be with family.*
CindyCyan LeChatHijirikawa-SakataRokudo *KawaiiNekoSugarSpirit ♪ Plasmagica
OrganizerNovember 24, 2017 at 6:30 am*She blushed as Daniel held her hand.* Happy Thanksgiving mew! *She would then look up shyly.* Domo arigato for making me family and for such a great meal! *purrs*
*Momo joined the dinner party wearing a baseball shirt and cap. She took off the cap to reveal her light blue hair. She was in physical form and had gone around taking advantage of her physical form to hug her family members. * Happy Thanksgiving! I love you all! *She would smile and look over to Tetsu-Shiro.* This meal is great, isn’t it?
*A big smile on his face as he looks at the food* WOW! *he was then blown away by the fire display. So much was going on and he felt so good. He was also in his physical form apparent by his spikey and fiery red hair and his voracious appetite.* Let’s dig in!! You’re absolutely right Momo! Happy Thanksgiving family! You’re the best but you know that already HAHAHA
OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!! *Gin bursts into the room. Grabs a few plates and serves himself tons of food and desserts* Oi oi! I better take a few of these too before you eat it all! *he grabbed some sake bottles and sat next to his wife at the table.* Happy Thanksgiving family! Gomen, I had to take care of a few things b ut I hav e to say, this is a great turnout! *he smiles* I’m grateful that you’re all here and that we can enjoy this delicious meal together!
*Sougo smiles and following in Gin’s footsteps he takes a few plates, some desserts and drinks and takes a seat.* Danna Gin! Glad you decided to come join us! Happy Thanksgiving family! *he would sit next to Takeda whom he had formed a brotherly bond with even though they were cousins.* Takeda, Congrats on adopting Tamaki! *he tells him as he sits down.*
*he stands up and looks around.* I”m grateful to be considered part of the family, I’m grateful Captain Sougo got permission for me to be here today and I’m grateful for the fod I’m about to eat but um..* Holds up his hands as he’s still handcuffed.* Captain Sougo, is this necessary? How am I supposed to eat??
*Rintoki sits close to his wife Myuu at the table. He’s looking at her lovingly and would turn to listen to family speak and smile. He was enjoying the grand meal before him. And he had to laugh at Rock’s question.* Well Rock, you don’t know Sougo brother that well. He’s just being his usual sadistic self, so you’ll have to pretend those handcuffs your wearing are jewelry or sumthing. *he chuckles and looks around.* I have so much to be grateful for, and so much to look forward to. *Looks at his wife who’s pregnant.* I’d like to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and *he winks* lots of love!
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