Ye Olde Sugar Mansion Bed & Breakfast
Welcome to Ye Olde Sugar Mansion Bed & Breakfast!
This is a cozy guest house for members of... View more
The Elders Slumber: Dead but Dreaming
The Elders Slumber: Dead but Dreaming
*It was a hard time for the family as they slowly wrapped their minds around the fact that several of the elders were not immortal and would have to transcend into another realm. Fortunately, they would be together in a special place among the gods and celestial beings that had watched the elders contribution to the multi-verse, protecting innocents and the important family the fought for. Their lives would be forever etched in the great books in the family library and in the celestial realm. As the elders slowly returned to the Sugar Mansion. Those meant to move on feel into a deep slumber, which would turn into a coma until they would be released from their physical bodies and their spirits guided by the family’s shinigami members and the god Hadesu into the other realm.*
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