Ye Olde Sugar Mansion Bed & Breakfast
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Active a week ago
Welcome to Ye Olde Sugar Mansion Bed & Breakfast!
This is a cozy guest house for members of... View more
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Group Description
Welcome to Ye Olde Sugar Mansion Bed & Breakfast!
This is a cozy guest house for members of the GrandSugarFamily and their friends/guests.
*After the apocalypse the Sugar Mansion was destroyed by a mob of angry humans but later the clan rebuilt it into a bed & breakfast and they changed locations moving into a new home.*
1. RP as if you’re in a bed & breakfast
2. Respect each other
3. No spam or extreme lewds.
4. To our guests, all new group members and new rp characters entering our group, please join Skyrie.net group and read the topics in the forum so that you understand how to get around Skyrie. Domo arigato!
5.All are welcomed but we reserve the right to remove anyone disrupting the flow of rps or disrespecting our group.
Ye Olde Sugar Mansion B&B Kitchen
Ye Olde Sugar Mansion B&B Kitchen
Posted by Helena SweetSeraphimDeaSugarDemon Okumura-Sakata on March 16, 2020 at 6:07 pm*The essential kitchen area to make our delicious meals together.*
Helena SweetSeraphimDeaSugarDemon Okumura-Sakata replied 3 months, 3 weeks ago 12 Members · 20 Replies -
20 Replies
Wow! The restored mansion looks great!
*Stops by Ye Olde Sugar Mansion to make some food for guests staying at the b&b.*
https://youtu.be/_2gpURJhgMo -
*Helena left her home and drove to Ye Olde Sugar Mansion to prepare breakfast for the guests staying there.* Ohayou minna! Hope you have a wonderful day! Enjoy!
Ohayou minna! A little something for my hungry guests! Breakfast/Bruch is served!
*Jean had woken up early in the morning and did some stretching exercises in her bedroom before heading towards the kitchen. She couldn’t stand hearing her stomach growling and she was definitely in for a hearty breakfast but then she was a bit hesitant* Wait! Shouldn’t I go to the dojo first and attend the morning workout first then eat afterwards?!?! Ughh!! But I’m so hungry! Let me warm up a warm muffin to control this stomach! *she arrives at the kitchen and greets whoever is there* Good morning!
*Ginnoji was in the kitchen taste testing the food being prepared for the guests of the bed and breakfast by his sister Ginkachi and best friend Claudine.* You sure you two know what you’re doing? Mmm tastes great! @whitebunnysoul @cottontail
*looking forward to whatever is being cooked up in the kitchen.*
*Food was also prepped for the clan’s guests at the mansion. Helena wanted to make sure that if the guests wanted to remain at home to enjoy their Thanksgiving meal, they had that option.*
GOOOOOOOD MOOOORNING EVERYONE! * He happily shouts out from the kitchen as he gets breakfast before heading to work.*
*Grabs her chef knives and begins prepping for dinner* I’m not the greatest cook but I can do some good dishes! Bon Appetite!
*Helping Lady Helena with some early dinner for the guests at the B&B* Let me help cut the vegetables, my lady! I’m pretty crafty with a knife *giggles* @sweetsugardemon
*enjoying the great meal that had been lovingly prepared at the b&b* Mmm delicious!
*Wakes up to the smell of breakfast being made in the kitchen. Omlettes and toast lures him in.* Good morning!
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