The Zombies of Lady of Sorrows Orphanage

  • The Zombies of Lady of Sorrows Orphanage

    Posted by Scream / Donna * SchizophrenicSymbioteSugarFiend on April 24, 2021 at 4:52 am

    *A dark van with tinted windows appeared at SugarHill Haunted Insane Asylum. It appeared in the shadows of the night. The license of the car had been covered. A large wobbly orange-haired woman emerged from the vehicle. Two foot soldiers opened the van door for her, then handed her a chain, she yanked on this chain and out came muzzled girls with grayish flesh and the smell of death on them. It irked Hammy that these corpses didn’t smell as repugnant as she did when she arrived, she then figured it was because she had obtained a rotting old corpse with many problems. This thought reminded her that she needed to head back to Sugarview Medical Center for her meds.* Tch! I would prefer not to go back there, I feel that doctor is keeping tabs on me. *She then noticed a door open and a handsome blonde man with a dead expression in his eyes approach her. She would bow.* You must be the expert I called in for the tests. *She didn’t need to introduce herself, she just had one of her foot soldiers hand him a briefcase and then they all followed him inside.*

    *Note this is only for those tagged or invited to participate. Thank you. The rp is directly related to Lady of Sorrows Orphanage*

    @killer @cuteallegra @zombienikaidou @zombiemizuno @zombieminamoto @zombiekonno @zombieyamada @nero @pervertedganster

  • 4 Replies
  • Melone

    April 24, 2021 at 5:12 am

    *As a resident of the 13th district known as Azukre Sarastus. He had been employed by this hideous woman but the money allowed him pleasures that would otherwise be out of his reach. And he did get a sort of thrill trying to figure out what jobs she needed him for. He was the mastermind that contacted Kira at the asylum and arranged the meeting and monetary value of his work. Plus he was already great at drugging his victims so making these zombies more subservient was a challenge he couldn’t pass up. He was upset that Madame Hammy still insisted on putting muzzles on the zombies. Once they arrived, he jumped out of the dark van and opened the door for the Madame that had employed him to take out her toys and hand them over to Kira.*

  • Risotto

    April 24, 2021 at 5:34 am

    *Risotto had been the first to exit the van and scope the area. He would be able to annihilate any threats before the others exited the van. Sensing that any actual danger was further away from this area of the lab, Risotto felt confident in opening the door for the Big Wig Hammy and then opening the door where the zombie girls were held. He eyed Kira and could tell he’s be a challenge if they would be here to fight each other but Kira only seemed irked by one thing alone and that was a clause in his contract. Risotto picked up the chains and handed them to Hammy. Then, once money was exchanged they followed Kira inside.*

  • Kira ☠️ MonstrouslyCreepySugarFiend

    April 24, 2021 at 5:58 am

    *He had been waiting outside the lab for his visitors to arrive. He studied each personality that had first stepped out of the van. Big Wig Hammy was repulsive. He was sure he wouldn’t want her hands and he wasn’t interested in the hands of the two guys but her was somewhat irked that he was not able to keep the hands of the zombie girls he was about to dismantle in the lab. He then looked over to a briefcase which was handed to him along with the amount they had agreed on per their contract. He slowly turned as his Killer Queen stand took hold of the case. Risotto had given him a chill. He knew a fight with him would be challenging. But he was sure he wouldn’t lose. Kira then shifted his thoughts to the money. One night of screams and torture, blood and then re-attachment was worth the money that he would get to disappear into the silence and peace and so-called normal living, he was accustomed to.* Follow me! *He said to them as they went inside and proceeded as planned.*

  • *She would tremble in a corner believing the horror that she and the other zombie girls had been subjected to was over. She didn’t know what else to think and why these mad people were torturing them in such a manner. Soon they were injected with something that made them droopy and submissive and they were loaded onto a van again and taken back to the orphanage where they were being kept.*

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