Christmas Cakes and Treats 2018

  • Christmas Cakes and Treats 2018

    Posted by Noloty Kagerou PoisonSugarDemon Maruchie Sakata on December 2, 2018 at 11:55 pm

    *With a hungry stomach, Noloty rushes into the bakery and runs straight to the kitchen. She puts on her apron, goes to the pantry and gets all possible ingredients to begin baking. Knowing that cupcakes are faster, she begins to prepare the batter and she starts to hum Christmas tunes as she’s busy. She was so focused on baking that she has totally forgotten that she was hungry. Once she was done baking, she takes out the mini bites first than afterwards the cakes*

    Happy Holidays Minna!! Here are samples of our Christmas Cakes and treats! If you wish to order, please come to the counter and we will gladly assist you! Enjoy!

    *Goes back true kitchen and takes out more to put them on the display counter for sale*

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