Sweet Pets Adoption Shelter
Welcome to Sweet Pets Adoption Shelter!
An adorable animal adoption shelter and shop located in... View more
Animal Shelter Donations Box
Animal Shelter Donations Box
*The animal shelter was open due to the vast wealth that the GrandSugarClan had accumulated in other businesses they owned but they always welcomed those who brought non-monetary donations to the shelter for use in their facilities. Cyndy Cyan carefully posted up a sign written on chalk board and there she listed some of the things people could drop off in the large bin box where she placed the sing.*
We appreciate the following:
Petfood & treats
Towels & blankets
kitty litter and cat boxes
Puppy or kitten formula and nursing bottles
old newspapers
Collars, harnesses, and leashes
For other rare rescued animals native to Skyrieverse please feel free to donate items you feel would be useful.// Note: This is rp only but if you wish to donate in real life, just go to your local animal shelter and find out what donations they need 😉 //
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