
  • Characters

    Posted by Wake on April 26, 2016 at 12:04 am

    Make your characters here! Include whatever you want, you can have powers or cat ears or whatever, but make sure they have a sciencey background, not supernatural, this is supposed to be a sci-fi type thing!

    DolimiccanDragon replied 8 years, 10 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Wake

    April 26, 2016 at 12:16 am

    Name: Leppu


    Appearance: kinda tall, has spiked up mousy brown hair, pretty pale skin, mystery eye color. is wearing a blue jacket with a single black stripe in the middle with a collar that kinda goes around his neck and all the way to his chin. He wears a belt with an abnormally large buckle and black pants. He has really big almost pyramid-shaped boots that look really hard to walk in. He has a green bandana keeping some of the hair out of his face, but not all of it. He also constantly wears massive opaque goggles, so no one can see his eyes.

    Personality: Massively chuunibyou to the point that almost nothing he says is true. Constantly claims to be the chosen one, have magical powers and makes up impossible stories then claims them to be true. Possibly cannot tell truth from fiction and believes everything he says.

  • Chris the wise

    April 26, 2016 at 7:12 pm

    Name: Lawrence (Law)

    Appearance:  Sharp featured with long flowing black hair and gentle brown eyes. He covers his slender build with a long blue silken jacket with sleeves that usually cover his hands. his legs are covered with puffy beige trousers tucked into brown boots. When seen without his top the outer side of his arms and back are covered with flowing tattooed patterns.

    Personality: Very laid back but once roused to action he will pursue until his interest wanes or he finds something more interesting. Has a habit of using a back-scratcher to interact with the world rather than his own hands. He doesn’t like to talk about why he has the tattoos.

    Powers: Due to experimentation at a young age leaving a series of implants along his back and arms he can defy gravity, usually found floating through the air. His powers let him interrupt the gravity of objects close to his hands, within the range of his back-scratcher.

  • Ashleigh Marie

    April 26, 2016 at 9:54 pm

    Name: Skylar Marie Owens (Sky)

    Age: ?

    Appearance: Skylar has dark brown hair with orange eyes. She always wears a long dress that is similar to a ball gown. She always has her hair done up and curly. Skylar never speaks of the marks on her hands nor how she got them. Sky had never even spoken to people about why she always wears a ball gown.

    Personality: Sky is always quiet, but once she’s comfortable around a person, she will talk nonstop. Skylar never speaks about her elegant style nor her accent, considering she’s from a family of the English who originated from Britain.

    Powers: Due to her abilities, people label her as a vampire considering she is stronger than the average girl, but she could also be considered a witch for her abilities to be able to manipulate any type of nature. Sky can usually be found by a river playing with water or by a fire playing with small flames in her hand.

  • Jazzy

    April 28, 2016 at 1:52 am

    Name: Barnaby Ross

    Age: 28 years old

    Appearance: Light-dark blonde hair, it is sort of long, when pulled back it goes down to the middle of his neck. It is mostly pulled back into a tight pony-tail. Though, when it is put up, he leaves a great amount of hair as long bangs that covers one of his eyes. Barnaby has, get ready for it, an eyebrow piercing, regular ear piercings, and snake bites, and a nose ring. He also has a small scar on his upper cheek. He doesn’t talk about that, because he doesn’t remember how he got it. Barnaby is about 5’11, he is quite fit, but not slim nor buff. He will always wear long sleeves and long pants with the same black combat boots. He also has these beautiful golden-yellow eyes and rosy cheeks.

    Personality: {Haha, this is gonna be fun, right?!} Barnaby is very different. He has Huntington’s and Mad Cow disease, those both greatly effect the brain/nervous system. So, he’s kinda crazy here and there. Barnaby is quiet, but can have bursts of anger over small things. He finds it difficult to keep organized and to focus on tasks. He lacks the tendency to get stuck on a thought, behavior, or action. He is often not aware of one’s own reactions/behavior. He is slow in finding words to say. Barnaby also finds it very hard to keep/learn new information. Barnaby can also become very depressed, which happens very often. He’s not very social and he becomes tired after talking too much or walking around a lot. Barnaby will often beg people to carry him around. Barnaby has frequent thoughts of death, dying, or suicide. Barnaby can be very bipolar sometimes and he also has mania (elevated mood, overactivity, impulsive behavior, and inflated self-esteem). Lastly, of the symptoms sprouting from both diseases, Barnaby has dementia, he doesn’t remember a thing from when he was little. But, he will sometimes mention his childhood. Like, very times of a day and what exactly he was doing. But, he will then forget. He acts very drunk, even though he is sober all the time. Don’t get me wrong, Barnaby is a very sweet, loving person, even though he is shy, just talk to him, very slowly and like how you would talk to a 4 year old. One last thing, he cries, a lot.

    Powers: Barnaby is able to dream his own future, but it will only be in a few days time in the future. He sometimes forgets what will happen to him, so he doesn’t talk about it. But he’ll say, “I knew that was going to happen.” And, most of the time, he is correct on that.

  • The Best Kind of Villian

    May 18, 2016 at 9:50 pm

    Name: Kylie Migi

    Age: 18

    Race: Hobban : This race of people was genetically modified from a human template to make a smaller, more enduring race naturally. This modification was created for the purpose of being unnoticed in the field, and out of the way when doing labor work.

    Appearance: Brown hair reaching only to upper neck, green eyes, stands at about 3’4″. Her body build does seem fairly flexible and dexterous, but very weak physically. Her outfit is practical by having a variety of pockets to store her various items, a red hue uniformly over it and a symbol of a technician on both shoulders and her back where she can’t reach.

    Personality: She is fairly excited in everything she does, especially when it makes her feel like she’s contributing to a team of some kind. She has a passion for the stars, and has honed her skills to achieve such a dream. She does love her work, but she is far from a true professional attitude.

    Skills: Unlike other people on this vessel, she has no innate powers (yet), but a set of specialized skills. She has a technological mind, knowing how to access softwares and databases with ease. To accompany this, she has an expanding mechanical skill in repairing hardware and machinery alike. As a combination of both knowledges, she also knows the art of electrical wiring, soldering, variant circumstance welding, hacking, and drone R&R (repurpose and repair).

  • DolimiccanDragon

    May 22, 2016 at 6:20 am

    (I don’t think I’m gonna do well, but here goes.)

    Name: Trigger

    Gender: Male

    Age: 20

    Race: Genetically modified human (I’ll get to that in a bit)

    Backstory: Trigger’s family is currently unknown. It is presumed that they are somewhere on the ship. Trigger was given up as a child to the ship’s guard force, and was trained intensively. He is a very high-ranking member currently. One day, while looking through some archives, Trigger found a pair of simulation programs, one being memory card based, the other being disc based. The programs turned out to be very similar, they both involved very old digital characters battling to see who was the strongest. Trigger was interested in the characteristics of one character in particular. After reading his in-program data file, Trigger found that using the character’s physical properties, he could potentially augment his abilities. After seeking help from a ship scientist, Trigger was able to alter his DNA structure to gain a reinforced steel skeleton, increased physical strength, the ability to sense the energy of other living things, and the ability to weaponize his own energy. On the downside, he now had a pair of pointed canid ears. Trigger turned this disadvantage around, training his hearing so that he could listen to things others couldn’t.

    Appearance: Trigger is about 6’0″, and has brown eyes and short dyed dark blue hair. He also has a pair of dark blue canid ears, which point upwards at a 45° angle. He usually wears a yellow shirt and blue jeans, as well as gray athletic shoes. On guard duty, Trigger wears a skin-tight dark blue outfit with a guard’s symbol on the front that he can freely move about in, along with his athletic shoes.

    Abilities: Due to Trigger’s military training and augmentations, he can run at about 80 mph, and is incredibly strong. He is able to sense the life energy of any living thing, and can weaponize this energy at will. Examples include firing an incredibly accurate physical blast, incredible speed at moments of near-impact (although Trigger has to see it coming, and it has to be a physical blow), and the ability to double his speed and power (although it is incredibly taxing on his body, and he must rest for a few minutes afterwards.)

    Personality: Trigger is quite friendly, lighthearted, and jocular when not on duty. On duty, he is obedient, serious, and enjoys fighting.

  • DolimiccanDragon

    May 22, 2016 at 6:31 am

    I can’t edit posts, so I’m making a new post for this. I’m removing Trigger’s extreme dodging and Not-Kaioken because he’s a bit too overpowered. Also, for his strength, he is able to take out steel walls, but he has to use multiple punches to do so.

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