• Wake

    May 20, 2016 at 3:32 am

    “Bu we wouldn’t know that unless we died…” Leppu trails off, evidently thinking again, “No, no, I shouldn’t be thinking, that could be dangerous.” Leppu says, shaking his head vigorously, “People always say to me ‘don’t think too hard, you’ll hurt yourself.’ so its not a good idea.” The slightest amount of panic seeps into his expression, “Do you think its already too late for me?”

  • The Best Kind of Villian

    May 20, 2016 at 4:55 am

    Kylie looks at him and shakes her head, “Meh, I mean if you don’t think and plan then things don’t happen well… I think.” She scratches her chin, “So you’re probably fine. I think.” She nods and turns around, “Welp, I best finish my diagnostic checks before something serious happens…”

  • Jazzy

    May 20, 2016 at 6:39 am

    Barnaby crosses his arms during the conversation, he chomps down on the inside of his cheeks and leans against a wall to keep himself from saying anything stupid. Practically all the things they’ve said made almost no sense to him. It didn’t really matter anyways, he’ll forget almost everything tomorrow. He can barely keep up with their names for heaven’s sake. He quietly mumbles all their names, including his, under his breath. His slightly moves his pointer finger back and forth.

  • Chris the wise

    May 20, 2016 at 2:34 pm

    Lawrence floats lazily about, placing his arms behind his head “good luck” he bids to Kylie.

  • Wake

    May 20, 2016 at 7:27 pm

    Leppu leans in to look at what Kylie was doing, “So whats a diagnostic check then?”

  • The Best Kind of Villian

    May 20, 2016 at 7:56 pm

    Kylie was at the moment checking on a datapad, sliding her finger as many complex diagrams were shown with different colors, but mostly blue and green, “Huh? Oh, basically it mean I check on the ship’s systems to make sure everything is working.”

  • Wake

    May 21, 2016 at 5:35 am

    “Oh, I get it?” Leppu said unsurely, peeking at the datapad as if it was written in a different language. “Do you have games on that?” He asks, staring down at the pad with a look of curiosity.

  • The Best Kind of Villian

    May 21, 2016 at 5:39 am

    Kylie adjusts her arms so the person could see onto the pad, “A couple. Not too many though. I’ll show them off a bit later if you want.” She taps a few things on it, mumbling, “A6 Cargo wall F…”

  • Wake

    May 21, 2016 at 5:43 am

    “Is there something wrong there? Cargo wall… that sounds important, is the Organization planning an attack there?” Leppu says, planning an attack, “Is that place on an upper deck? I’m not allowed to go past deck 4.” He scratches the back of his head timidly.

  • The Best Kind of Villian

    May 21, 2016 at 2:23 pm

    Kylie looks up at him, “Oh, yeah. A6 stands for the A wing on the 6th level of the ship. I’m kind of allowed anywhere on the ship, but I must be doing my work in the process.” She explains, walking and staring at the pad in her hands, “It’s not under attack, more just over time stuff gets old or moved around slightly out of place, so I need to fix it before it becomes a problem.”

  • Wake

    May 21, 2016 at 7:57 pm

    “Oh, that makes sense.” Leppu says, following Kylie “Are you going to that cargo thing now? Can I come too? I think they won’t get mad if I’m going there to help. They said that I’m trash and only belong on the trash levels, but if I’m helping someone, that means I’m not trash, right?”

  • Jazzy

    May 21, 2016 at 10:49 pm

    Barnaby follows Kylie and Leppu. He looks over Kylie’s shoulder, raising an eyebrow slightly at the pad. “Huh,” he rests his hands in his front pant pockets. “Very–interesting…yes…very.”

  • Wake

    May 21, 2016 at 10:53 pm

    “Hey we’re in a party of three! Its like final fantasy!!!!” Leppu jumped up and punched the air excitedly, he turns his head and looks to Barnaby, “We’re gonna go on an adventure!!”

  • Chris the wise

    May 21, 2016 at 10:53 pm

    Floating around the group Lawrence checks something inside his sleeve “I’ve got a request down there anyway.”

  • The Best Kind of Villian

    May 21, 2016 at 10:58 pm

    Kylie nods her head at the two of them, “Well… I guess there’s nothing wrong with having a few guests… Just be careful, okay everyone?” She warns, starting to press a switch on a nearby lift to call it to them.

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