Ten Thousand Years.
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Active 5 years ago
you are part of a colony on a spaceship traveling faster than light. This ship has has been traveling... View more
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“Is that–um–so?” Barnaby looks at Leppu, half smiling. “I’ve never really moved–uh–around these parts so much before.” he says quietly, looking around.
“Yeah, me neither. I used to hang out in the upper levels a lot back when I was in school, but then my friends said I cant go there or else I would ruin their fun.” He said and put his hands behind his head with a smile, “So I haven’t been up there since!” He says with a happy voice.
Kylie gets onto the lift with the rest of them, pushing another switch and entering a quick code, “Okay! We’re on the way.”
Leppu looks around the inside of the elevator, “I’ve never been inside this one before, it always seemed scarier than the other ones, I was never brave enough to go alone.” He mumbled to mostly himself, “I guess that’s why I’ve never been here before” He leans against the wall of the elevator.
Somewhere upstairs, a young man stood guard. He had heard talk of assassins on the ship, and was unsure if the rumors were true or not. Ah, well, what did he care. He-berdgsynwcpahl
kjdtsuzv-2;7jdgeu,g egSorry about that, I was… um… “convincing” the narrator to try to let me tell the story from my point of view. It isn’t easy when you’re the alternate version of yourself without the augmentations that the roleplay version of you has. Anyways, yeah. I was watching upstairs for assassins. (Gotta be careful of even rumors, y’know. Word spreads quickly around here, and pretty soon truth gets mangled with fiction. If even someone untrustworthy says something, well, it circulates. It’s like a big ol’ game of Telephone. Now where was I? Ah, yes, standing guard.) I’m not too familiar with the ship’s design, so I had taken the exact set of paths and hallways that would lead me in a circle. (How this happened, I still have no clue.) I ended up back at the elevator, and the sign next to it said that whoever was using it was on their way up to the exact floor I was on. So I waited.
((Note: I’ve always been a fan of first-person, as it shows the character’s personality a bit more, so I decided to stick some in here. I also kinda like the idea of more regular versions of the characters watching as their creator types.))
The elevator opens and Leppu jumps out excitedly, “Lets fight monsters!!!” He crashes into a guy standing a good few inches above his head and falls to the floor flat on his back. “Ow ow ow…” He whimpers, rubbing his back that he might have bruised, then looks up to the person he bumped into, then scuttles backwards in fear.
I tumbled forward a little, caught off guard by the guy that had just crashed into me. “Real good first impression there, buddy,” I said. He looked a bit afraid. “Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you, unless you’re a member of those assassins I’ve heard talk about. In that case, ignore what I said about not being afraid.”
“Oh, so you aren’t part of the Organization either?” Leppu stands up, all traces of the fear previously apparent in his voice fading almost instantly, he reaches his hand out for a handshake, “I’m called Leppu, but some people call me garbage, useless, and idiot! We’re here to fix some cargo thing, I don’t really know what it is.” He beams brightly.
I returned the handshake. “Nice to meet you, Leppu. I’m not exactly sure what my name is, but I go by ‘Trigger.’ Recently, I’ve heard rumors of assassins and some sort of organization, but they’ve traveled from person to person so much that I can’t figure out who started them. I guess since you mentioned them, you might know something.” I have no clue why I didn’t try to use my genetically modified “sixth sense” to see if he was lying at the time. Maybe because of the fact that I finally met someone who I might possibly be able to befriend. As a member of the guard crew, I found it very hard to make friends, as I only ever interacted with my fellow guard members.
(A conversation occurs between Trigger and his author, Corey, after the post is finished.)
Corey: I guess you’re doing good at writing this so far.
Trigger: Well, who experienced it? You or me?
Corey: Neither of us.
Trigger: That’s right. Wait, huh?
Corey: This is all experienced by an alternate dimension version of you, y’know.
Trigger: …Shut up.
Corey: You can’t win against your crea-
Trigger: I said shut up.
Corey: It’s true.
Trigger: It’s time to SHUT UP! It’s time to SHUT UP, OKAY?! NO MORE. -
“Yeah! I know some stuff about the Organization, they’re an extremely powerful group who’s roots are deep in the government. The Organization is possibly the most dangerous and corrupt system on this ship, perhaps in the entire history of the human race. Right now, I am their target, I am the chosen one, the holder of the power known as [Laplace Demon] I can tell the location and momentum of every single atom in the universe.” he explains, lying through his teeth, yet seeming to believe every word he said, “but there is a small resistance group, called the Warriors of Anubis. Our goal is to gradually destroy all roots of the Organization corrupting this ship and bring liberty to all the people living on this ship!!!” He seemed to have exited himself with his little speech.
Lawrence floats by at about Trigger’s head hight “I’ll be back shortly, my request shouldn’t take more than a couple minutes”
(was that an Ah! My Goddess reference Aimaina?)
Well, now, this was getting ridiculous. I decided to see if Leppu was telling the truth, so I heightened my senses and… well… he had a believable aura around him. I still don’t know how he managed to do that to this very day. “I can’t seem to sense anything that would give away a lie, so your story checks out. I do quite like the name Warriors of Anubis, as well… Although, I may be a little biased since I was biologically engineered with what is essentially an interdimensional Anubis.” I quickly questioned whether or not that was something I usuallly said. I quickly shrugged it off when the hovering guy mentioned a request. “What request?”
Floating past Lawrence turned in the air, “A few drunkards managed to haul a couch out of a club and it’s blocking one of the corridors, they want me to move it.”
Now I remember why I went in a circle back then. “Oh yeah, I saw that couch. It was blocking my way when I was patrolling. Thanks for the help!”
“Couch? Thats weird…” Leppu says, beginning to wander off down a hallway, looking around at the high shelves stacked with metal boxes and the industrial concrete metal and dim lighting in the cargo deck, “This place kinda looks like a disgusting home depot.”
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