Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts Dojo / All Purpose Gym / SugarFitness Center
Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts Dojo / All Purpose Gym/ SugarFitness Center
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Sucrose Shieikan Dojo! (Shinsengumi Style)
Sucrose Shieikan Dojo! (Shinsengumi Style)
Yomi Kuromaru Saotome will teach you hand to hand combat in the form of martial arts but I will especially train in the honorable way of the sword. Yomi expects discipline and requires your full attention while you attend the dojo.
The Sucrose Shieikan Dojo is a unit of the larger Shieikan. This unit is run by Yomi, third successor of Tennen Rishin-ryû (sword style). He opened the Shieikan dôjô in the Ichigaya neighborhood of Edo and later adopted his pupil Isami Masao Kondou. This pupil would later inherit the dojo.
The original Shieikan is the Tennen Rishin Ryu Dojo, which existed in Ichigaya, Tokyo. The Shieikan dojo was supported by many wealthy farmers in Tama district. It would later become the gathering place of the famous Shinsengumi members.
1. Respect your sensei
2. Bow to, greet and be kind to fellow members.
3. Clean up after training in the dojo.
4. Protect your dojo.
5. Study the regulations and apply them.
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