Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts Dojo / All Purpose Gym / SugarFitness Center
Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts Dojo / All Purpose Gym/ SugarFitness Center
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Sucrose Shouka Sonjuku / Private School under the Pine Tree
Sucrose Shouka Sonjuku / Private School under the Pine Tree
Arios or Sensei Yoshida-Sakata. has taught a number of students, many of which have gone on to become highly influential shishi – joui or otherwise. This division of the school also has served as an orphanage and home for a few of you. Arios welcomes his students and hopes you will learn to use the bushido and sword to strike down your own weakness and protect your souls.
1. Respect your sensei
2. Respect each other
3. Clean up after school closes.
4. Protect your school.
5. Study the bushido and apply it.
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