Post your characters below! This should reflect yourself, your ideas and your personalities, so make it as close to you as possible. Don’t worry if you don’t feel like sharing that much, that’s part of your personality; and part of your character in turn.
I’ll start with an example of mine, so just in case you are unsure or lost, you can follow along and base yours off of mine.
Name: Zach
Age: 15
Skills: likes to doodle, and is particularly skillful with math and science, but also has a deep fondness for the mysteries and marvels of magic.
Personality: while happy, Zach remains a carefree and wild attitude, with confidence bordering on narcissism. However, in the case that Zach gets sad, he becomes mellow and more laid back, moving more slowly and with less determination.
Magic: wields elemental magic with a basic degree of proficiency, depending on his mood. While happy, he can wield fire magic, and while sad he can wield ice and water based magic. However, there is a limit to his magic, and a small one at that. Anything more than a fireball or a small torrent of water will exhaust Zach, making him tired and unable to wield magic for the rest of the day.
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