Roleplay: The Land Of Dreams
Spotting Ashleigh, Chris sent a thought to his golem, compelling it to trot over to the girl and salute.
Zach glanced briefly at the golem, before returning his gaze to the group as a whole. “what, you mean you guys have never been here before?” Zach gestured a hand to the landscape. “i guess i should introduce ya then. this is the land of dreams!” Zach pointed to a large, sprawling tree, reaching up to the heavens in the distance. “that’s the tree of reality, that controls the real world, that over there is stoneburk mountains… you guys really have never been?” Zach shrugged. “anyway, the land of dreams is where you go when you sleep! anything can happen! like, watch this guys!” Zach smiled and waved his hands, his fingertips fluttering through the air as flames sprouted from his fingertips, burning away in the air. Catching them together into a single fireball, he held it up to his mouth and popped it inside. “mmm, spicy. pretty cool, huh guys?”
Windy blinks hen shakes her head, “This is… too whimsical for me. How do I go home or wake up or whatever, my cats are gonna be pissed…”
“I… Yeah. I’m with… What’s your name again or did you not say.” Kate looks at Windy and shrugs. “Anyways- that. How do we wake up. Do we touch the tree I’m gonna go touch the tree or possibly climb it or whatever… Or what happens if I burn it down. Flame child, come hither!” Kate began walking in the direction of the tree.
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
Kit Apparently.
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
Kit Apparently.
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
“Probably not a good idea to wander off, didn’t your parents teach you that?” Windy says, tapping Kate on the shoulder, “and don’t go around burning stuff, that’s not good…”
Kate immediately jerked away from her touch, her body suddenly very tense. “I’m not wandering, I’m exploring.” she half growled. “If this is the land of dreams, then what’s the big deal anyways? I wanna see the place. I also really want to find a sketchbook…..” Kate trailed off to the point of just muttering to herself. She sighed and twirled the pen in her fingers. “So Zack. Why are we all here together? That hardly seems normal, even for a dream.” she kicked the sand, still looking towards the tree.
Windy grimaces, watching Kate walk away. She mutters to herself “she’s probably gonna hurt herself…” Windy thinks for a moment and sighs then jogs a few steps to catch up to Kate. “Sorry…” She pauses for a moment, “I don’t really think its a good idea to go alone, even if this is a dream. If you are gonna go anyway ill come with…”
Zach smiled, walking over to Kate and Windy while motioning back to the others as if to say “come with me!” Turning his attention back to the two of them, he stopped Kate and began to speak, loudly enough so those behind could still hear but not so loud as to be a pain to the ears. “well, we may have just managed to go to sleep at the same time, or maybe…” Zach trailed off, lost in thought for a brief moment. “don’t worry about your cats though, though, this dream wont take but a half a day or so in the real world. but you aren’t gonna wake up until it’s time, that’s for certain.” Zach looked up at the cloudy sky for a moment, his eyes glimmering in the faint sunlight. “perhaps we are all here for some greater purpose, maybe an adventure! i think that would be quite fun. i’ve never been on an adventure, and you guys seem like a fine group of friends to do it with…” Zach put on his best convincing smile for the group, while silently pointing a finger behind his back to the ground at Kate’s feet, burning a message into the grass that said: “don’t try touching the tree, you’ll be impaled by guards faster than i can say ‘where’s the lightning girl'” Looking around at the group that stood before him, Zach continued to smile somewhat overzealously. “what’ll it be, guys?” Flames danced excitedly on Zach’s hands as he looked around at the group questioningly.
“Sure, I guess…” Windy says somewhat reluctantly, “Its not like there’s anything better to do. Do you have any adventure in mind or should we just wait for one to come to us?”
At the speed of light, a short, long legged girl jumps out of some bushes near by. Her feet awkwardly hit the sand. “Ah! Monster! Or it was just my shadow–BUT MONSTER EVRYBODY RUN!” The girl runs past Windy, she spots a small rock ahead, but doesn’t want to stop running. “Ah! ROCK! I CAN’T STOP! SOMEONE SAVE MEH! I’M GOING TO MEET MY DOOM!”
Zach, distracted from his proposal by a sudden scream from a distance away, turned to his side only to see a girl trip over a rock and falling to the ground. Reacting as quickly as he could, Zach ran to her side and extended his hands, catching her before she fell to the ground. Looking down into her eyes, he grinned and spoke softly to her. “hey there, beautiful.” Winking, he helped her back to her feet and asked for her name.
Windy instinctively reaches out and for half a second her eyes glow golden, then he rock rolls out of the way as if someone kicked it.
“Gua….” She looks up quizzically at Zach. “But, sketchboo….” Zach jumps to save a flailing girl and. “Sweet Arceus are you hitting on her.” Kate suddenly grins. “Is it because she’s your dream girl?” She smiles wide and looks at everyone, amused by herself.
Windy puts out her hand for a low high five and mutters “Nice…”
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