Roleplay: The Land Of Dreams
The girl, Jasmine, gasps. She looks at Zach and makes a small cough, she starts to giggle, the giggle soon grows into full out laughing. “That was sweet, dude! Wow, you’re fast! Did ya guys see that?! He was like, swoosh!” Jasmine makes a movment with her hands. “Haha, I’m Jasmine! Nice to meet all of you!” she winks, saluting to everyone. She looks at Kate, smiling. “Hi! Wow, you’re so pretty too. I’m sure this guy has told every girl here that they’re beautiful.”
Windy looks towards the direction Jasmine was running from, “Is there actually a monster? Should we attack or retreat?” She defensively grabs a stick and a slight smile appears on her face, “This is exactly like my favorite game…”
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Kate shook her head, her grin turning into a slow smirk. “Just you,dear. I’m Ki-Kate.” She waved, then looked at her hopefully. “You wouldn’t happen to have paper?”</p>
Windy checks her jacket pockets, “I, uh think I have some scraps in here, if our things from the real world carry over…” she rummages for a few seconds, pulling out gum wrappers and old erasers and other odds and ends, “Ah here,” She pulls out a crumpled-up ball of paper and tries to flatten it out, unsuccessfully and hands it to kate, “Just, uh, ignore the weird drawings…. I go bored in class…”
“No, the monster is friendly, I think it went away now.” Jasmine looks at Windy, smiling. She looks at Kate, “Hi, Kate! I don’t have paper or anything right now–At home I do…but I don’t know where my home is right now…” Jasmine lowers her eyes, she looks at Windy and then giggles. “Oh, I guess she does!”
Zach smiled, happy to see everyone getting along. “your home? why don’t you come to my home?” Zach winked suggestively at Jasmine, looking briefly at the paper passed between Windy and Kate’s hands. “don’t worry about stuff in the real world though, time here is gonna function a little funky… but i’m getting ahead of ourselves. my name is zach!” Zach stuck out a hand for Jasmine to shake, while leaning in and whispering to her, “but you can call me… anytime.”
“Oh jeez you’re gonna make me barf” Windy sighs, placing her stick on the ground then shoving her hands in her pockets and hunching over with a sigh.
Jasmine moves back, blushing. “Um…okay…” she makes a nervous laugh. She shakes his hand, letting go quickly. “Hi, Zach…haha, it’s nice to meet you…I guess. Sorry, I could have shocked you if I held on your hand for a long time.”
Chris finally stands up and moves to follow Zach, his golem falling in beside him.
Ashleigh had followed the group keeping her distance while hugging herself tightly. She looked around then ventured into the woods walking passed the group.
As they walked, Callie placed her hand on Zach’s shoulder, closer to the neck, “You. You’re clearly the clearest thinker. Will you provide us?”
She turned around as if she would otherwise walk out. He was the epitome of everything she both hated and casually knew herself to be, the facilitator.
Zach turned to face Callie. “what do you mean by ‘provide us?’ i’m certain i could help with whatever it is you’re asking though, after all we’re all friends here right, guys?” Seemingly instantaneously Zach had returned to his former, chipper self, and dropped the flirtatious attitude altogether, focusing on the task at hand. “now, into the woods. we’re gonna get up close to that big tree and i’ll explain some things to you guys. i think there’s a town nearby too. we can stop for lunch,” Zach flashed a wallet, grinning cheerfully at the group, “my treat.”
As Ashleigh walked by, she mumbled. “No thanks. I rather explore on my own.” Without any other words, she headed into the woods away from the group.
“Why do you have to eat in a dream anyway?” Windy asks to herself, hen stays quiet for half a minuet, following a rain of thought in her head, “Wait, what happens if you die in a dream? Can you? Would you just wake up? his isn’t like the other dreams I’ve had, usually when I become lucid in a dream I can fly or spawn people and stuff, why cant I do that here? This doesn’t make sense…” Windy says, scratching her head, “Is this even a dream?” she runs forward, finding a small pond and looks into her reflection, then holds her nose for half a second, “It fails dream tests…” she pauses for a second, twitches slightly, allows herself to fall backwards and starts kicking around on the floor in an exaggerated comedic manner “Nothing makes sense!!!”
Jasmine looks at Zach’s wallet, “Ooh! Money! Ooh! Food! I can really go for some food right now!” she smiles. “Hey, guys, what if this place is like Sword Art Online or something like that, and we have to kill each other to get out alive! Hey, I call being Asuna!!!” she hops up and down, giggling. “Imagine of Deadpool was in here?! *drools* That would be awesome! Ooh, ooh, imagine Yato! I might faint!” Jasmine puts the back of her hand on her forehand, she flutters her eyes.
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