Posted by Kit Apparently on January 19, 2015 at 1:57 am

    Eni watches over all. Eni plays her games. Eni takes you big or small, and washes clean all names.
    Eni was the name of an old goddess, and she had chosen the name after both races had tried to take her at once. Neither had failed, really. She was now both firekin and cold one, her hair bleached white and her eyes liquid gold, and she was ready to save the world.

    Eni squinted at the burning sun above. While she was relieved that it was not cold out, she was not happy with the burning heat of the day either. Only a select few firekin and the Sunbeasts would be out today, and any cold ones in the area would be underground, avoiding the summer heat.

    Luckily for her, she was not searching for cold ones. She was searching for a firekin, and she already knew where to find him. He was on patrol on his own today, the best time to acquisition him. She would be getting him, whether he liked it or not. The Enigma did not take no for an answer. She saw him, finally, and discovered he was turned the other way. She smiled and spoke, her voice high and soft. “Aha! There you are!”

    cass coltheart replied 9 years, 3 months ago 10 Members · 259 Replies
  • 259 Replies
  • MaraTwasHere

    January 23, 2015 at 10:21 pm

    Blaise walked along the quiet of the forest with her loafers digging into the rich soil beneath her. Though the forest was different compared to Blaise’s normal day of noisy firekin there was small sounds in the forest that brought a small sliver of peace to Blaise’s internal war of fire. Her structure was like a mouse compared to the giant sycamores and she knew even measured up against normal people she was small. She knew this, and it only made her more fierce and determined to win against any of her enemies, no matter their size. Her hair draped itself down to her waist, and even though she was wearing a white and olive school uniform it was mostly covered by her black long jacket that fell to her knee’s. Strapped on her hip was her sword, Pyralis, a family heirloom she adored and treasured. Currently he was closed snugly in his sheath, though he never did have much of a like for it. “Blaise,” Said his gruff voice from where he was contained, “Do you feel any cold-ones near? This sheath is making my blade itch!” She frowned and grabbed the handle of him, gripping it tightly. “Oh, would you be quiet? You’re going to give away our location at best.” Pyralis grumbled a bit, but said nothing else. The pure-bred firekin looked up to the trees, looking for one she could scale to the lowest branch. She didn’t like staying on the ground. Turning in a whirl of red and black she lurched to a tree and ran up it, catching a branch between her arms and swinging up fluently.

  • Thomas Laythorpe

    January 23, 2015 at 11:43 pm

    A wave of pressure is emanating. Curious but not aggressive, yet. The wave measures the girl behind him, or so it should. Every creature has a unique  way of interacting with the power Nuri exerts; the cold ones absorb it, the firekin reject it and humans crumple in it’s stead. This girl does none of these, in fact…. she seems to be… playing… with it. He turns to face this mysterious interloper, interest piqued. ‘You found me, little one. However I have no idea who you are, so before we continue,’ he smiles the smile of a soldier, controlled, reserved and professional, ‘An introduction would be nice.’ He subtly increases the pressure around the two, a subtle intimidation that should be barely noticeable. He doesn’t want a fight but in his experience odd people mean bad situations and bad situations usually mean someone getting hurt.

  • Kit Apparently

    January 23, 2015 at 11:53 pm

    Eni’s mouth twitches up into an amused smile. “Eni, at your service,” she said, taking a mock bow. “And…. it’s Nuri, right? I’ve been waiting for this opportunity to meet you ” she shows no signs of wariness or aggression.

  • Thomas Laythorpe

    January 24, 2015 at 12:04 am

    Her knowing Nuri’s name is not unusual, he has a reputation after all. Her wanting to meet him on the other hand is a worry; made worse by her confidence. ‘Trying to meet old Nuria of the Scorched Earth eh? Now would someone as charming as you… Eni. Try and do that? You must have heard the rumors, crunching bones, pointless killing. I shouldn’t be sought after by creatures, especially creatures as polite as yourself.’

  • Kit Apparently

    January 24, 2015 at 12:07 am

    “Would you prefer me less polite, Nuri?” she asked him, continuing to ignore his title. “After all, I am here to acquire you…” she sat down on a nearby rock, ignoring the scorching heat and swinging her legs back and forth. “And I would rather it be pleasant for you.”

  • Thomas Laythorpe

    January 24, 2015 at 12:33 am

    The threat was pronounced. /rather it be pleasant for you/. He steps back slightly and watches her, he centers his line covers it but stays open to her conversation. He knows what comes next, up ahead her friends will be waiting, it’s an ambush and not the first in this area. Shame really that they haven’t quite learnt yet. But something is troubling him, the pressure she has is all wrong. ‘And what would this ‘acquisition’ entail? Because I’m fairly certain my duties lie elsewhere.’

  • Kit Apparently

    January 24, 2015 at 12:36 am

    “Murdering cold ones and turning humans, I presume?” she asked, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly. “I would not ask you to kill so easily as they do.”

  • Thomas Laythorpe

    January 24, 2015 at 1:00 am

    Oh great. An activist. ‘There is no shame in victory and I’m afraid this is where we part ways.’ A slight rain starts, more mist than drops, still he shivers. Rain has always messed with him especially this heavy, thick syrup of atmosphere, a natural inhibitor to his strength.

    They used to call this an English Summer; the sudden rains after the bright sun; grasshoppers singing in the hedgerows. Nuri sings an old nursery rhyme softly to himself  in time to the pitter patter of the leaves. ‘Incy Wincy Spider,’ a sense of foreboding, ‘climbed up the water spout.’

  • Kit Apparently

    January 24, 2015 at 1:10 am

    The rain froze as it fell, at the same time the ice lit on fire. Many would be shocked at how easily compatible the two were. None of them hit Nuri, but many came close, and a new flame burned in Eni’s eyes. “I’m afraid you will not be going back to that camp. You will be coming with me, even if it’s dragging your unconscious ass all the way back to my current base of operations.”

  • Thomas Laythorpe

    January 24, 2015 at 1:19 am

    Down came the rain and washed the spider out, he unconsciously finishes in his head. The burning rain was something he’d never seen before. It scared him. Just who was this person. ‘Just who are you?’ He asks as steam begins to rise off his body, the heat around him increasing and compressing the air into a protective layer.

  • Kit Apparently

    January 24, 2015 at 1:22 am

    “The Enigma.” she simply answered. “Will you come with me?” the rain froze in the air, and soon there was a dome of ice surrounding them.

  • Thomas Laythorpe

    January 24, 2015 at 1:27 am

    The pressure in the dome builds up quickly and the ground beneath them starts to crack. His stance shifts and as he puts his right foot down the ground gives way smashing everything around them. ‘Not like that I won’t.’

  • Kit Apparently

    January 24, 2015 at 1:43 am

    Eni sighed, unperturbed by the earth and ice flying around her. “If that’s what you want…..” she says, and the temperature drops, although not even below freezing. A few small trees uprooted themselves and flew at Nuri, a few trying to wrap themselves around him. There was a rush of air and she was in front of him, punching him with more force than should have been possible with her small body. She moved to kick him.

  • Thomas Laythorpe

    January 24, 2015 at 2:00 am

    Some of the trees turn to ash before they hit him, the rest miss him as he moves into a Meia Lua de Rins to avoid Eni’s attack using the pressure around his body to propel him to the floor. He moves into a Meia Lua  Reversao to traverse back with a hint of aggression, he doesn’t expect either of the kicks to land but it’s worth a try. The main challenge here is to shore up defense and keep that circle around him protected.

  • ♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒

    January 24, 2015 at 2:04 am

    Din had been heading back from a rather less than successful mission he found the target but it escaped and could be anywhere note to self, capture the enemy before questions he thought to himself. Din noticed the rain picking up, it hurt, he decided to stay under the trees. A little while further he noticed a dome of pure ice he couldn’t sense what was inside because of how cold it was speaking of which doesn’t it feel a little less painful he thought soon realizing the rain had changed, it had now become ice crystals… on fire, how poetic, he smiled at this anomaly while keeping out of it, and keeping watch on the ice dome.

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