The cold ones
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Active 9 years ago
At the end of a disaster that wiped out nearly all of mankind, two species emerge from the shadows, one... View more
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At the end of a disaster that wiped out nearly all of mankind, two species emerge from the shadows, one of fire, the other of ice. They they have begun a conversion of the remaining humans, creating the firekin and the cold ones. These humans-turned-nonhumans are even greater than their creators, but have been caught up in the war just the same. One, the great Enigma, is on a quest to stop the war by taking as many humans, firekin, and cold ones as she can and teaching them to live,fight, and hope together. She hunts those who are broken and afraid, and she takes them, whether they like it or not. You live in this world, and you are trying to survive….
cass coltheart replied 9 years, 3 months ago 10 Members · 259 Replies
She pulled the hybrid girl up, and could feel Pyralis’ judgment, even if she never could see him. “You always were someone who gave in too easily to the guilt. Where did I ever go wrong?” Blaise promptly ignored her blade and rolled her shoulders back. “So there you have it. Firekin are out there that want to be a part of your…Community…” She looked around at the houses, her gold-red eyes lingering on the Cold-kin’s, before bringing them back to the hybrid’s identical golden eyes. “…But I’m not one of them. In my world, there is no peace that you look for. In my world there is the Firekin and the Cold-ones and the differences we have. We’re as different as night and day, ice and fire, the moon and the sun, good and evil. Firekin and Cold-ones will always duke it out, like the laws of nature tells us to do. So in a way, there is a peace in this.” She tilted her head, examining Eni. “I Wonder where you fit in.” The redhead shrugged, turning to walk off. “Not that it matters. If you’re real then its natural, I guess,” She held up the arm-warmer ice bracelet thing. “Thanks for the gift, but I’ll find and elder’s fire to zap it off.”
“Alright. Have fun, tell your friends,” Eni said, walking inside and up the stairs. “She can’t go far without my permission… now she can go just about anywhere.” I need to sleep. How many weeks has it been…. all that searching, and I find them all at once. My bluffing can only get me so far. I need to regain my strength.She closed her hand and Blaise’s bracelet shrank to its original size. “I am going to go lie down. Don’t try killing each other, the bracelets will do their job.”
Blaise looked at the Cold-one blankly, and as if Pyralis saw the wheels turning in her head he grunted, “Don’t even try it, Blaise. He’s protected by the Hybrid. Besides, our main objective here is to get this damned thing off your wrist. It’s aura is starting to interfere with my connection with you, and is pissing me off.” Blaise looked down at her wrist and frowned. She never did like jewelry, and this piece especially was not her favorite. “Right.” She looked back at the cold one, quite frustrated at the predicament of being caught. And shamelessly, mockingly, stuck her tongue out at him making a face before spinning on her heel and huffing off grumbling.
Eni fell asleep quickly, but her dreams haunted her. She dreamed of a great fire dog, burning and razing the human cutie to draw out the Riesling. She tossed and turned, sweat beading on her brow. She had dreamt this before, but never from the viewpoint of the Sunbeast. His surprising cold detachment stopped her heart , froze her. She jerked awake, gasping for breath, and frowned. It appeared she would not be sleeping quite yet. She wondered if the moping Nuri downstairs had something to do with her dream. Was it an omen? Had she found one she couldn’t convince? Blaise had a good heart, she could be shown better, but Nuri? Nuri was full of hatred and wrath. He was an indiscriminant killer, both of foreskin and cold ones alike….
Blaise moved along the forest trail back toward home. It wasn’t hard to find, really, when she’d come to this forest just about every day of her life seeking Cold-Ones. Rather than hunting them now she kept a steady pace toward where she knew home was, her body aching with every step she seemed to come farther from the hybrid. And without any adrenaline pumping through her veins wincing every few steps of the way was involuntary. “So, Partner, she makes it seem as though we will not be able return back to base. What’s to happen if we can’t?” Asked Pyralis, choosing his words carefully knowing how agitated she could get when low on energy and in pain. Right now, her flame deep inside was the only thing pushing her forward. Any human-like energy her body had produced was completely wasted and her long-lasting long to rejuvenate flame was being put to use. “I’ll worry about that then.” Blaise muttered through gritted teeth as she moved along. Her flame seemed to pop brighter inside her when she saw the edges of roofs to her town, knowing one of the larger houses belong to the general and his family. Her.
Eni wondered if she should have done something about the sword. It was intelligent, somehow, and clever. She couldn’t hear what it said to the girl, but she could tell when she was listening to it. Often she would nod, or stop whatever she was about to do.
Eni grabbed some espresso beans and ate them, sprinting out of the house to follow after Blaise. She didn’t want to cause her unnecessary pain. She stayed far behind, too far to be detected, but she was so focused on Blaise that she didn’t notice two shadow with bright red energies detarch themselves from the trees.
Blaise marched along, slowly feeling relief for whatever reason she did not question. The feeling returned to her legs, and she felt like some sort of weight was lifted from her chest. She paused to breathe a little bit, coming over from the exhaustion that had rigged her body without her really knowing it. “You okay, partner?” The sword asked, and Blaise nodded. “Just feeling better, actually. Must be the energy of my kin up there.” She straightened up, for some reason feeling weird. She shook it off, too glad that she was nearly at the cobblestone road that would lead her up into the old town.
Eni was moving at a decent pace, to catch up to Blaise, so she was rather shocked when the firekin ran in front of her with a flame bomb. He seemed shocked by her eyes, but that did not stop him from letting it go. She skidded to a halt and closed her hands, choking the flame. Too much flame and she would overuse her ice, sending her into a deep freeze- a coma like state that left her auite literally on ice- or at least frozen in it. She heard noise from behind her and then pain and stars, then darkness.
Blaise was glad when she stepped into the city’s opening from the walls, her breath coming quick as relaxation. “Well, we did it. Maybe that hybrid was bluffing.” Blaise shrugged. “She’s also energy deprived. It’s not surprising if she were unable to hold her grasp as firm on us as she once had.” She leaned up against the wall, knowing that here, surrounded by fellow fire-kin not even the hybrid could touch her.
Eni was not amused. She was being carried like a sack of potatoes, with some sort of rune-etched chains on her wrist. It seemed to be blocking her magic as well as beating down what little energy she had left.
She was about to begin struggling when she heard the chatter of a city. It froze her for a moment, which was plenty of time for the firekin to jab het in the back of her neck. Her eyes wide ed and she slumped down again, unconscious.
“Tell the lord we have an interesting prize for him.” The man told a messenger boy running by. “Or if you can’t find him, tell hid daughter to tell him.”
Blaise sat, rejuvinating with the energies around her when she overheard the talk of two henchmen coming by holding what appeared to be a potato bag. Their talk piqued her interest, as riches was not something Firekin had interest for. She lashed out a wave of energy, looking for any life energy within the bag. At their talk. “Which Lord do they speak of? You don’t suppose the high boss?” Pyralis chattered nosily and her ear and she flicked him with a nail. “Shuttup.”
Eni felt the lash of energy from Blaise, but though her body twitched she was too far under to be awoken. The firekin felt her moving and casually shook her, as if he were simply repositioning, and caught Blaise looking at him.
“Oy, is yer dad ’round?” He called, slipping into slums speech out of habit.
Blaise was disappointed at the low energy rate in there. Something dead, probably. It still captivated her interest though when the henchman shouted over to her. She squinted, but still didn’t really recognize him. “That depends. What’s in there?” She stood up and pointed to the bag as she moved toward them. She looked pretty rough, and willed Pyralis to spark his fire up to cover the cold that leeched from her wrist, which he did.
“‘ sa gift, for yer father” he answered quite readily. He looked over Blaise and surmised she must have been out hunting again. A real saint she was, going out there again and again to fight those cold one bastards.
“A gift you say? From who?” She stepped toward the bag, poking it with her finger skeptically like it might wiggle back and forth like a disturbed worm. “If that douche the duke is trying to send gifts to my father to try and make that alliance, tell him to piss off ’cause we’re not interested.”
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