The cold ones
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Active 9 years ago
At the end of a disaster that wiped out nearly all of mankind, two species emerge from the shadows, one... View more
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At the end of a disaster that wiped out nearly all of mankind, two species emerge from the shadows, one of fire, the other of ice. They they have begun a conversion of the remaining humans, creating the firekin and the cold ones. These humans-turned-nonhumans are even greater than their creators, but have been caught up in the war just the same. One, the great Enigma, is on a quest to stop the war by taking as many humans, firekin, and cold ones as she can and teaching them to live,fight, and hope together. She hunts those who are broken and afraid, and she takes them, whether they like it or not. You live in this world, and you are trying to survive….
cass coltheart replied 9 years, 3 months ago 10 Members · 259 Replies
A red thick line had formed on the girl’s wrist, and she stared as it evaporated away, taking the chill away from her bones. “Alright.” She moved forward, sensing the hybrid’s energy was quite low, and wasn’t really worried about the white haired girl snapping another bracelet on her right in the firekin town. She grabbed some of the volcanic ash and dusted it along Pyralis’ blade. Murmuring words of incantation under her breath foreign scrawly letters glowed on his blade seemingly from no where as she grabbed both of the hybrid’s wrists as a pair. She pressed the blade down on the cuffs and the etchings on the cuffs melted away as they snapped in half. “There.” She sheather her sword once more, holding a hand out for Eni to take.
Eni took her hand and got up, shivering, and clenched her hand shut, shattering the bracelet. “I w-wouldn’t really call it a camp, would you?” She asked, and then she collapsed.
“Well I dont think its even big enough to be a village.” She murmured even after the girl had fallen, and Blaise, with quick reflexes, caught the girl. “Well, Pyralis, I’ve got to get her out of here without anyone seeing her. Ideas?” “A potato sack?” Blaise rolled her eyes before propping the hybrid against the wall in a way that she could pick her up as though she were giving the girl piggy back ride. “Then I have to come back here…take care of that henchman…oh so much problems she’s caused.” Pyralis chuckled as Blaise made her way toward the cellar where their preservatives and wine was held, taking the trap door up into the street with some struggle with the hybrid on her back. “You’re going through so much trouble for her. What’s the point?” Blaise snorted. “I told you. If someone’s gonna take her in, its gotta be me.” She threw the hybrid’s hood over her head before her and Pyralis rose their temperatures enough for an unsuspecting escape through the shadows. Once they made the edge of the forest, Blaise sat Eni down on a rock to catch her breath. The ice bracelet and their battle from yesterday still had taken it out of her, and she could only wonder how the hybrid was fairing with so many bracelets on everyone.
Eni was still shivering, despite having been next to Blaise that entire time, and she was muttering stuff in an old human language.
(in case Blaise knows) “The summer’s fury hath nothing on the cold blizzard, forsake thy mothers and fathers for the deep inviting abyss and let the world’s descent into madness begin. Balthazar, oh Balthazar, why leave the eagle in the fire and the dog in the snow?” And other such seemingly nonsensical things. Something moved under her cloak.
“Great..” Blaise muttered wearily. “Now she’s speaking in gibberish. I thought I was delivering a hybrid, not a demon.” Pyralis tsked at her, and she could feel a ‘I’m so old and great’ moment coming along. “It’s an ancient language, fool, one your mother tried to get you to study but you were too bull-headed and stupid to even try.” He translated what the Hybrid said and Blaise frowned. “Okay, whatever, but who is this Balthazar character?” Pyralis snorted. “How should I know? Hurry up.” She rolled her eyes and was about to retrieve the Hybrid when something her cloak twitched. On her back. “WhatTheHell?” She whispered where she’d nearly leaped three feet away.
Again there was movement under the cloak, and the tip of a giant feather like the ones in her hair could be seen sticking out, although there was ice creeping across it.
“You’re kidding me..” She reached over and pushed the cloak back, surprised to see ice had been creeping across what this appeared to be wings. The hybrid’s white owl looking wings. “Is that natural? I’m pretty sure that’s not natural.” Pyralis rattled in his case, something he did when excited. “Here, let me see her.” Blaise complied, taking off the belt of her sword before clipping it around the hybrid’s waist. She didn’t look very fond of where her sword sat, and asked, “You’re going to try and transfer fire energy to her?” Even where she stood she could hear Pyralis’ reply. “Yes. I imagine that might be wrong with her.” He said, dumping the rich energy of the sword and Blaise’s magic mixed as one into the Hybrid. Blaise sighed before picking the girl up and trekking further into the woods, farther from the territory that had given her strength on the way here.
Eni sensed the change in her energies. She had been prepared to fall into another cold sleep, like the last time she had done too much, but someone knew, understood somehow the imbalance that often existed in her system when she relied too much on either element.
Silently, she thanked whoever it was, even if the water dripping from her wings brought her dangerously close to a waking state. A part of her knew that waking now would be dangerous to her, but anothe part was curious to see who had seen her wings.
“Its working.” Pyralis murmured to the red-haired girl as they kept a steady pace through, onward toward the hybrid’s pack. “Good. I don’t know why my fire didn’t warm her.” She shrugged, “Must be magic-sword stuff.” Pyralis sighed, “You really need to pay attention in physics class. Any class Blaise, I’m begging you. If you paid attention in class you’d know I’m transferring energy to our mixed frenemie here. Normally it might not work but with our energies as sword and soldier mixing it’s most likely more ‘nutritional’ for her, if you will.” She frowned, rolling her eyes. “‘Nutritional’. Right. How long will that take?” “Until she wakes up I would guess. Unless you would like to leave her to die?” Blaise toed up and around the root of a tree on a slope up, trying not to let them all topple down the hill. “No. That would be completely illogical considering all that I went through to get her here.” Pyralis, a bit skeptical sounding let her pass with an: “Mhm…” She sighed, “Bite me.”
Eni slept on, and once again her dreams turned to the burning city. She could hear every sound of fear and pain, every child without a mother crying amongst the burning buildings.
Her mind turned over the events, wondering on their significance. Why was she seeing this same dream over and over? Didn’t she see this suffering enough, traveling around the world on her own without seeing it in her dreams? She would have thought on it more, but it faded to black and she lost her thoughts. Eni shifted and murmured something, and then there was not a sound from her, her feverish mutterings halting.
Blaise tensed up a bit when she felt the hybrid shift and murmur something incoherent, but when the white haired gold eyed girl made no more movements she allowed herself to relax. “Pyralis? Can you sense how much more energy she needs?” She asked quietly, looking around the darkened forest for any signs of the girls camp, but Pyralis didn’t answer. Even after her many calls to him. “Guess his energy is low as well.” She murmured and grinned a bit when she saw the edge of a house peeking from some overgrowth and trees.
Eni stirred, waking properly and feeling better. “You …” she said, feeling the sword heavy on her and Blaise’s dimming heat.
“Is that enough of an answer for you?” Pyralis asked, and momentarily as he was connecting his energy to the hybrid she’d be able to hear him as well. Blaise promptly ignored him. “You kept your side of the deal. And I have kept mine.” She moved around one of the houses belonging to The Hybrid before gingerly <i>setting</i> her down on the porch. The sky was already dark and crickets chirped in the night as she stretched. “And I still need to go get rid of that guy.” She stretched her back out. <i>”Oh this should be just gold. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for him.” </i> The sword laughed.
Eni laughed. “You are conscious.” she said, unstrapping Pyralis and handing him to Blaise. “I thought so!”
<i>”Sure I am</i>.” Pyralis said, sounding a bit offended. When Blaise grabbed her sword, however, their energy automatically began blending, and with The sword back to his master with no physical or energy connection to the hybrid any longer the communication line dwindered and collapsed. Blaise’s eyebrows furrowed as he chattered in her mind however, and she smiled slightly. “He would like you to know that he is Pyralis, the great sword from the fire demon in Hawaii.” She laughed before straightening up. “Well. Your energy is up?”
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