The cold ones
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Active 9 years ago
At the end of a disaster that wiped out nearly all of mankind, two species emerge from the shadows, one... View more
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At the end of a disaster that wiped out nearly all of mankind, two species emerge from the shadows, one of fire, the other of ice. They they have begun a conversion of the remaining humans, creating the firekin and the cold ones. These humans-turned-nonhumans are even greater than their creators, but have been caught up in the war just the same. One, the great Enigma, is on a quest to stop the war by taking as many humans, firekin, and cold ones as she can and teaching them to live,fight, and hope together. She hunts those who are broken and afraid, and she takes them, whether they like it or not. You live in this world, and you are trying to survive….
cass coltheart replied 9 years, 3 months ago 10 Members · 259 Replies
Blaise waved after the hybrid, “Have fun kidnapping people wreaking havoc…or whatever you do.” She shrugged before turning to climb down the rungs of the ladder again, nearly kicking the side door open to the house. A mousy girl with brown hair–Corina, the cook since no one here could really make food–was blabbering something excitedly about a fight in the streets. “Well…” Blaise didn’t really know what to say to the paid woman, so eventually the brunette flounced off in a shimmer of sparks and laughter out the back door. “She is quite odd.” Blaise rolled her eyes, grabbing an apple from the bowl on the island before retreating up to her room, “Yeah but she makes the best meatloaf in town, so let her place her bets on street fights if she wants.” Biting into the apple Blaise found herself quite pleased that the hybrid had awoken her. Now the firekin girl could test the demi-goddess-demoness DNA. “Alright.” She jogged up the stairs, to her room, finding the swab she’d taken from the white haired girl’s mouth. “Ew…This is boring. I suppose I’ll call it a night.” Pyralis murmured, and his energy died down to a soft humming on her back, throbbing with her heart.
Eni grabbed the merchant’s wrist, revealing a just barely glowing fire crystal. “You think this would last forever?” she hissed. “YOu cannot betray me to a bunch of bounty hunters and get away with it! I’ll leave you with the firekin first, and then….”
Blaise looked over the DNA samples she had on slides on her telescope, although hopelessly the little germ-like things didn’t make sense. I guess I’m just as useless as my sword in the science… She should have known, but the need to scientifically place the Hybrid in her mind. Science was hard to understand, but if she could place the girl somewhere… “I need someone to test on this…but with the results of this, fire and ice, there’s no telling what someone will do with this information.”
“Okay, okay!” he yelled, and then he flung something into her chest- a knife. She just barely knocked his arm to the side and kicked him in the stomach.
“You cannot kill me, Nicolas!” she yelled, grabbing him and swinging him to the ground. She pulled from her leg a wicked looking obsidian dagger of her own and pressed it to his neck. He kicked her, gasping for breath, and she was thrown into the gathering crownd. -
The crowd threw her back, and Nicolas was there, slamming a fist into her gut. This wasn’t right. He was human… and then it began to make sense. He had been caught, and turned, and the fire crystal she had given him was boosting his powers. Her split second of shock cost her as she was thrown through the wall of a nearby building.. “Oh, Blaise will not be happy about this.”
@maratwashere -
“What…the…” She tried to stop her hand from closing into a fist, but that was inevitable at the sound of the crash below. Her fist torched as she moved toward her door-way, shrugging off her lab-coat which was singed from that fist. “I have…no idea…” The scream of the cook downstairs jerked her into a sprint, where the red-head nearly tripped over the hybrid. “Get out! Get out of my kitchen!” The woman screamed, hysteric, throwing a pot at the white haired girl’s face.
Eni growled and the pot shattered before it ever even hit her, frozen bits of clay flying around her. She ignored the cook, jumping up and back into the fight with Nicolas. “I see where your loyalties lie, Nicolas and that really hurts me.” she said, slashing the obsidian blade at him and increasing her speed. “Well, you will have to die then,” she darted under a burst of flame and managed a small cut across his chest. “I have no tolerance for traitors.”
Blaise stepped back quickly, avoiding the pot’s broken shards by turning her shoulder. “Do not hurt the cook! She makes good food!” Shouted Pyralis even though he’d never tasted anything the woman made he knew the energy Blaise drew from that weird smelling stuff was quite essential, and practically sent vibes buzzing Blaise’s way, making adrenaline flood her veins. She reached down to clamp her hand to the hilt across her hip, drawing Pyralis and darting forward swiftly.
(lol if Eni could hear him now: “I DIDN”T TOUCH YOUR STUPID COOK, BUT SHE THREW A POT AT ME!!!)
Eni hardly noticed Blaise as she swung her blade again, this time managing a much larger cut across his midriff.
“You should have left me alone.” he snarled and she felt his blade on her shoulder. She jumped back, but the cut still ran from shoulder to collar bone, nearly breaking her spell amulet that held her few remaining human memories. She fell backwards and took to the sky, releasing a flurry of flame at Nicolas.
Eventually, though, Nicolas ran out of steam, and Eni leapt forward and drove the obsidian knife into his chest. He made a surprised noise, then slumped over, dead. “No, I shouldn’t have. You could have told anyone about me, and I can’t have that.” she waved cheerfully to Blaise and her cook, and then began walking out.
Blaise stared after the hybrid in bewilderment, glancing back at the cook with a look that clearly said she was some how in the middle of all this mess. The cook, however, didn’t question the redhead and instead took interest in the broom against the wall, and Pyralis shouted in a gruff voice: “After the brat, Blaise! Our whole house will be drafty ’cause of her!” Blaise snorted, although unamused as she swiftly made her way forward toward the hybrid, twirling her finger for a lasso a flame to swing out like a rope and toward the white haired girl’s foot. Catching the ankle of the hyrbrid Blaise pulled the ‘rope’ taught, moving forward to press her blade against the other girl’s back. “Well, why are you leaving oh so soon? Come inside! Have a cup of tea why don’t you? Hell, when we’re at it my father ought to be back soon…When do you plan on meeting the family, dear?” Blaise’s words could’ve been mistaked as sweet to anyone who was tone deaf, as she said them between gritted teeth in a low growl.
Eni’s eyes sparkled, and she laughed. “Oh this is cute! Is it about the house?” she chuckled. “Oh well. Tell me, how do your people feel about attacking their own?” Her eyes remained golden and smug, but her expression morphed into confused terror, her hair changed to a soft auburn, and her skin tanned and flushed. She opened her mouth and screamed.
Blaise rolled her eyes at how the hybrid was casually talking lightly back with her. “Dunno, how about you come back and find out over a nice pot of tea?” With your feet in a relaxing acid… She thought cruelly, pressing Pyralis further into the girl as to make it uncomfortable. “People attacking our own? Hmph! What a poor delusional creature to think she could proudly walk among the purebreds.” Blaise shook her hair out of her face, saying “Quiet.” Both to the white haired girl’s question and Pyralis’ banter. “Now, come on back and we can talk about genocide all you like-” Blaise was reaching a slender hand toward the girl’s shoulder when she let out a bloodcurdling scream like no other…It clawed up Blaise’s spine, reminding her of the dream and scream she had back at the hybrid’s domain. “Hey, what the hell’s the problem?” She grumbled, looking around at the Firekin who had begun to slow at what they were doing to shoot a cruel unwelcoming look toward them. Screaming was unusual here, even the children didn’t scream. Not when playing, not when afraid, screaming was something that was saved for those moments of utter disturbance and horror. Blaise jerked the girl into an alley way, hushing her roughly. Luckily the hybrid didn’t look so much like a hybrid anymore, more so a firekin like everyone else with gold eyes and auburn hair. “Hey! You can’t do that here.” Blaise frowned, and realized Pyralis too was quite annoyed: “What the hell’s wrong with her? Why’s her hair changed?”
A meadow, a clouded sky, frosted grass, cold blood.
Damien sighed “Over already? How unfulfilling. I had hoped that this chance meeting might provide some entertainment. Alas I overestimated you.” He glanced at the two dead firekin before him, his grey eyes as dull as the sky above him. He thrust his blade into the earth to clean it, then sheathed it, striding forward, his bare feet crunching and snapping the blades of grass he walked on. He kept traveling till he was some distance from firekin territory. Sitting by a river, he hummed to himself, thinking, passing the time.
Eni smiled. She’d gotten what she wanted. “Oh my, did you not like that?” she swung her other foot with surprising force into the younger girl’s jaw. “That was interesting, how they all just froze for a second there- even you!” she laughed. “I mean, I had heard, but this test went so well!” her wings swung out, invisible, and slammed hard into Blaise.
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