The cold ones
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Active 9 years ago
At the end of a disaster that wiped out nearly all of mankind, two species emerge from the shadows, one... View more
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At the end of a disaster that wiped out nearly all of mankind, two species emerge from the shadows, one of fire, the other of ice. They they have begun a conversion of the remaining humans, creating the firekin and the cold ones. These humans-turned-nonhumans are even greater than their creators, but have been caught up in the war just the same. One, the great Enigma, is on a quest to stop the war by taking as many humans, firekin, and cold ones as she can and teaching them to live,fight, and hope together. She hunts those who are broken and afraid, and she takes them, whether they like it or not. You live in this world, and you are trying to survive….
cass coltheart replied 9 years, 3 months ago 10 Members · 259 Replies
Blaise frowned upon the rain pattering down onto her skin making it burn like acid, and her skin turn red as it made the rain into vapor upon contact. She shuffled back under the low hanging branch layering the one she was perched upon, sighing into the increasingly cold air as she began to send out waves of energy looking for a being with enough of an aura for her to pick up. Most of the time she only got feedback from firekin energies, however when she was lucky she’d find a cold one. “Do ya suppose the sudden weather change is from one of ’em cold ones?” Asked Pyralis from where he was nearly quivering in his sheath from excitement. “No doubt about it.” She replied calmly, and blinked when she felt the energy feed back. Two firekin energies, of course, but another energy that didn’t…fit. It was hot and cold. Like an icy fire, if that made sense. She gritted her teeth, not liking the feel of this new unfamiliar energy and contemplated if she really wanted to go out there in search of whatever this creature was. In the silence spite of the rain, these moments ticking by seemed like something she’d remember for the rest of her life.
Eni noted the positions and movements, but did not recognize the style. She did recognize that she would not outdo him in hand-to-hand combat. She jumped away from him, letting the dome disintegrate in to a cascade of water. It was a lot of water, she had been letting the dome thicken and thicken this entire time. All of the water slammed downward with a great deal of force, although Eni was unbothered by it. It was refreshing, the water was cold, but not too cold. And it would further her goal of weakening Nuri.
The water pours over him in an instant and he screams. ‘Fuck!’ He is on his knees, swathed in steam and panting. He feels the cold caress his back and his muscles spasm into shivers. He tries to feel the warmth inside himself well up into a flame but it’s too late; he’s losing.
No. Not losing. He’s giving up. He has faced far worse, far scarier. But against this thing whatever it is he cannot seem to put up a fight. His body is surrendering itself far too easily.
And he is disappointed in himself.
Eni sees disappointment on Nuri’s face and almost felt bad about what she had done. Unfortunately, she had no time for guilt. She flicked a jet of flame at him and the water steamed away, leaving only his shivering body. She walked over to him, seeming to conjure a blanket out of nowhere and drops it over his shoulders.(it’s fireproof btw XD) “Will you come with me now, or do I have to finish this?” she asked quietly, her face inscrutable.
Din stayed away from the ice dome trying to find out what was inside while staying at a distance but couldn’t due to the ice affecting his powers however he did not expect for it to suddenly melt into water. Once all was said and done he could finally see what was inside, he saw one guy on the ground most likely a firekin and most likely taken out by the water, then he saw another, a mysterious figure who appeared to be a cold one given the ice but something was off her energy felt… hot as well, soon Din had seen her shoot fire wait what is she. He decided to stay back, while keeping ready to follow as soon as needed, he also decided to try and sense anyone else who might be watching, this spectacle must have attracted someone else.
Blaise frowned deeply. The phenomenon was unfamillar, and every cell in her body rejected the energy feed back she got from this that it was not natural, it was alien to this world, and it was different. Peaking her interest to the point she couldn’t stand it she held Pyralis by the handle tightly for comfort as she leaped gracefully from tree to tree in order to get closer to this energy, her body almost moving on her own. She scanned the ground looking for something out of the sorts, knowing she was coming closer to all three of the energies. Firekin, and firekin, and then an energy that did not belong. She landed in a crouch a few yards away from an ice dome. What the hell? She squinted her red-brown eyes at the dome and moved to get closer. In the dome was a firekin, quaking on the ground from the cold, and a other girl towering over him. White hair…gold eyes? Hot and cold. Blaise looked for the other energy near by that she had sensed earlier. Surely, whatever the hell this creature was, it couldn’t take two firekin at once. Her eyes found the area where the firekin was, but not the being themselves.
Gekido was walking into an abandon village with the head of his last victim tied to his belt by her hair when suddenly he felt three Firekin and something he had never felt before, he just shrugs and keeps walking “i’ll investigate it later ” He picks a house collects fire wood and starts a fire in the chimney, lays down and starts writing in his journal.
Day 36,500 its been 13 days science my last blackout, and like the last hundred times everyone was dead only this time I actually felt good about it. I have recently felt three firekin one badly injured and the other two are just watching it happen. I also felt a coldkin or something, I call it a coldkin because it’s cold and fire it’s something new, what is it…what is it!
Eni glanced in the direction of the trees, frowning slightly. She appeared to have gained an audience. With Nuri unresponsive and more firekin closing in, she was in need of an escape. She wrapped Nuri into the blanket and wreathed herself in fire, changing into a great winged fire bird and taking off into the sky. Soon she was wreathed in clouds, and she shot off like a bullet towards her home. She glanced back in Din’s direction regretfully. I will be back for you another day. she sent him telepathically, closing the connection as she landed on the ground and changed back to her original form.
Gekido suddenly wakes up and realizes that the coldkin, as he called it, was right outside he had no idea what to do and that made him angry, the spikes on his gloves began to glow, he always had an escape plan except this time ” maybe she’s nice ” Gekido thought to himself as he climbed out of the back window being as stealthy as possible hid where he knew she wouldn’t see or sense him and projected his deep voice so well it sounded as if it was coming from the opposite side of town ” who are you? ” he boomed still staying out of site.
Din notices the mysterious girl about to fly away with the weakened firekin he prepares to follow until he hears a voice, well maybe hear isn’t the best word for it,the voice says, <i>I will be back for you another day,</i> “wha- who’s there,” he looked around, but then paused and looked back at the girl, who was flying away as firey bird as he realizes what happened. He then thinks to himself who is that girl. After standing stunned for a while he remembers the other firekin and decides to head in their direction.
“I mean no harm,” she coolly states. “I’ve been staying here the past few weeks. Who are you?” she moves carefully to the door, her movements slightly hindered by Nuri, who has either gone into shock, or is unconscious.
Gekido notices the other firekin and sees that he is not moving ” What have you done to him did you tell him you meant no harm also before you killed him?! ” Gekido boomed still projecting his voice as he gets angrier by the second and the spikes on his gloves start glowing brighter and brighter.
Blaise watched in a mix of shock and horror as the creature–For it was of neither of the known races–Lurched into the air in the form of a fire bird. She slid suddenly from the crouch she was in causing for her to nearly fall out the tree at the pressure relief of the girl taking her leave speedily. Only her quick reflexives saved her from being a splat on the ground, her hand snagging onto the branch she was once sitting on. Hanging suspended in air she blushed at the circus show she was getting the other firekin, feeling their eyes on her. “What the hell are you looking at? Show yourself already.” She shouted, pulling herself into the tree again.
Din chuckled he knew he was spotted but it was still entertaining he respond, “relax I’m comin,” he steps out of the bushes, “you sure you’re alright up there,” Din says as he laughs once more. He then gets serious and asks, “so, was he one of yours?” Din points to the area where the fight happened as he asks, it was unlikely but there had been stranger cases, plus if so he could gain money by offering to rescue the captured firekin.
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