    January 28, 2015 at 10:06 pm

    Gekido starts squirming ” Are you crazy he will kill me if you leave me trapped like this cold ones are ruthless heartless killers who only care about themselves. In fact he looks like one of the cold ones that used to torture me so just let me kill him and we will all be safer. ” as you see the block of ice start glowing so bright you can barley look at it but it still doesn’t melt away.

  • Thomas Laythorpe

    January 28, 2015 at 10:20 pm

    The sofa Nuri is on catches alight.


    He carries on sleeping, although he appears slightly out of sorts; it could be the freezing cold water or the cold one at the door but either way something is not right with his world.

  • Tom Blanc

    January 28, 2015 at 10:22 pm

    Xander jumped back. First the glowing blade startled him, and then the sudden snap of ice around the wielder. He had just thawed his eyes from their golden disguise and so they were wet. He couldn’t see very well. The glowing block of ice that was both cold and energetic and it began to give him a headache. “I would do many things in order to survive, I must confess. But I would never kill another person like that. I only seek to escape and to stop people like that. I’ve seen how many people have exploited their powers for personal gain, and I would let that go unpunished. Firekin and Cold ones are almost the same. Neither them nor humans should use power to exploit each other. I myself would never be that way,” he said calmly. His face was unchanged but his eyes were furrowed.

  • Kit Apparently

    January 28, 2015 at 10:42 pm

    Eni sighed in irritation as the couch lit on fire. “You can come with me to find a new sofa,” she said, pointing at the cold one. Then she smacked Gekido on the forehead. His heat didn’t bother her at all. “That ice will melt once you calm down and stop having murderous thoughts. Let’s go.”


    January 29, 2015 at 12:12 am

    Gekido remembers back when his old friend taught him how to control his anger ” just breath ” Gekido said to himself and the light started to dim and slowly go away it took him 2 and a half hours for him to fully calm down and the ice started to melt into a bracelet on his wrist that he didn’t really notice was there he went inside to make sure the firekin on the sofa was okay and tried to wake him up ” come on man wake up are you okay? “

  • Kit Apparently

    January 29, 2015 at 12:28 am

    Without bothering to check if Xander followed, Eni walked out the door and went to the next house that was still in order. It was a fair distance away.

  • Thomas Laythorpe

    January 29, 2015 at 12:40 am

    ‘Don’t fucking touch me.’ Nuri had being awake for the last 3 Hours, deliberately trying to block out everything going on around him. So much talking.  ‘Why were you even still here? I’d run if I were you.’ He turns slightly to get a better look at Gekido, noticing a small band of ice, he checks his own wrist. ‘Shit.’

    He gets up and walks straight past Gekido to the door. Once outside he starts trying to smash the bracelet off, he shakes it, he hits it against the rock and as he tries harder and harder her gets angrier and angrier until he finds himself generating heat to try and melt it off.

    Every time he melts it, it just comes back in a rush of steam.

    /I can’t believe she caught me/

    He wants to scream. Instead he has to make do with this. Angrily trying to melt off an unmelting bracelet that just sends a plume of steam into his face.

    /And she’s working with both the cold ones and firekin?!/

    He starts punching the ground his fist getting heavier and heavier, making more and more noise.

  • Kit Apparently

    January 29, 2015 at 12:55 am

    Eni had decided on a couch and carried it to the house again. She noticed Nuri was gone, and heard yelling and banging from the back yard. She smirked a little. “That won’t do you any good,” she called to him, setting down the couch and tossing the remains of the other one out. It was bigger than her old one, to accommodate her new…..guests. “It’s linked to you until I can trust you.”


    January 29, 2015 at 2:41 am

    Gekido looks at his wrist ” you don’t trust me? ” as he shoots a murderous glare at Xander

  • Kit Apparently

    January 29, 2015 at 9:26 pm

    “Not with that glare, I don’t,” she says wryly, as the ice once again begins creeping up his wrist. “Try a little less killing intent towards those under my protection.”

  • Tom Blanc

    January 29, 2015 at 9:39 pm

    “Forgive me, I acted suspiciously,” Xander said apathetically. He took a seat and held a cut wrist with his other hand. “If you’re speaking about trust, you’re not trusting me either. You fail do so because we can manipulate opposite elements. Is that it? Our affinities make us enemies?” All the while he remained calm.

  • Kit Apparently

    January 29, 2015 at 9:45 pm

    Eni opened a cupboard and tossed a roll of bandages at Xander. “Fix yourself up.” she says.


    January 29, 2015 at 9:57 pm

    Gekido looks at Xander with a puzzled look and says ” I’m sorry its just whenever I trust a cold one they always end up torturing me so how about we start over ” as he raises his ice covered hand as to shake hands and looks at Eni ” seriously? “

  • Kit Apparently

    January 29, 2015 at 10:03 pm

    The moment Gekido raises his hand to shake Xander’s the ice melts away and turns into steam.

    Eni shrugs, no evidence of shame in her eyes.

  • ♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒

    January 29, 2015 at 10:40 pm

    Din looked down well, there goes that plan he thought, he thought it would be best to follow the icy firekin, though he wasn’t sure he wanted this firekin following him, he wanted answers not a new enemy, “well what are you doing here in the forest, and where are you going now?” Din thought it was best to know who they were, even if he was gonna try to evade them later.

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