The cold ones
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Active 9 years ago
At the end of a disaster that wiped out nearly all of mankind, two species emerge from the shadows, one... View more
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At the end of a disaster that wiped out nearly all of mankind, two species emerge from the shadows, one of fire, the other of ice. They they have begun a conversion of the remaining humans, creating the firekin and the cold ones. These humans-turned-nonhumans are even greater than their creators, but have been caught up in the war just the same. One, the great Enigma, is on a quest to stop the war by taking as many humans, firekin, and cold ones as she can and teaching them to live,fight, and hope together. She hunts those who are broken and afraid, and she takes them, whether they like it or not. You live in this world, and you are trying to survive….
cass coltheart replied 9 years, 3 months ago 10 Members · 259 Replies
“I originally came to this forest looking for cold-ones but I suppose I can rule that out with that girl running around.” She sighed as if this was all one huge trouble. “And I go where I please.” She already had thoughts whizzing through her head with probabilities of what this girl was. “And why do you need to know exactly?” She asked raising an eyebrow, a smirk pursed on her lips. “Let me guess, you’ve conjured up some sort of plan?” She could hear Pyralis, still in his sheath, snicker on her hip. She knew of course the other firekin would be unable to understand anything her sword said, to him Pyralis senseless rambling would sound nothing more but a humming, the markings on his sheath glowing gold whenever he spoke.
The cold one was far too convenient. He was far too warm. He was running.
Why hide in a room full of people unless the outside was scarier?
Whoever is looking for him plans to kill him, that means violence and violence means a racket
Richard Penn once said ‘Never throw a long line when a short one will serve your purpose,’ and as the group of Firekin approach Nuri, he smiles at the reminder.
Nuri turns to face his aggressors. ‘Hey you! We’re looking for a Cold One! If you don’t want trouble,’ The firekin second from the back ignites his hands with a smile before carrying on, ‘you’ll tell us what you know.’ Nuri smiles back and a wave of flame spreads across the ground making a perfect circle of scorched earth around himself; his anger is disappearing.
He slowly takes a step forward and the crackling heat follows. ‘Or what.’ He replies with mirth. Before the firekin can open his mouth Nuri has disappeared, one dumbstruck moment later the closest head flies through the air.
Dr Seus once said ‘One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish,’ and as he carries the momentum of his first kick into the second firekin, throwing the barely ignited creature at his friend, Nuri smiles at the reminder.
He disappears into a cacophony of shouts from the leader-who-stayed-at-the-back. ‘What are you doing?!’ or ‘You idiots!’ his shouts are only permeated by the cracking of skulls as Nuri reappears dropping his heel on the two flailing firekin. The leader turns towards his terrified rear guard and screams ‘SHOOT AT THE TRAIL OF SCORCHED EARTH. THAT’S WHERE HE IS RIGHT NOW WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!’
He would’ve screamed more, probably, at least if it weren’t for the snap in his neck. ‘Correction. That’s where I was.’ Nuri laughs as the shocked corpse falls to the floor; some people never do look ready to die.
‘This one has a little star and… ‘ Nuri turns with the cold smirk of a hyena, a pure bred predator and this was his prey. ‘…This one has a little car.’ The last firekin whimpers and falls to his knees; Nuri Ya Zaheer with his trail of Scorched Earth approaches him with a proud swagger building up the pressure around his hands, he’ll end it with just a clap.
The firekin sees Eni appear before Nuri does. “Witch! Y- you’ve done something to him! He’s bewitched, overtaken by evil magic!” he moves to attack.
He doesn’t make it far. A blade of bloody ice stabs its way out of his chest, and he falls to the ground, dead before his blood even thaws.“Boring.” she says, and there is no remorse on her face. There can be no mistake, she could be a demon just as easily as she could be an angel. She looked at Nuri, and a soft smile replaced her blank expression. “You done now?” she asked him, walking to the door and inviting him inside. “I hear there’s an interesting development in the living room.”
‘Say! What a load of fish there are.’
Nuri turns away from the fallen firekin and walks to the door. ‘You got a new sofa. That was quick.’ He remarks to the young girl in passing before completely ignoring everything else in the room. Lying across it, he mumbles ‘That was very quick.’ before going to sleep again.
Eni sighed. At least he wasn’t still trying to bash the ice ring off of his wrist anymore. She had a feeling he was still fuming from their first encounter, and she didn’t blame him if he was. She allowed herself a small grin. She had kicked his ass. “You! Firekin! er, Gekido! Wanna come outside and help me clean this mess up?” she called.
Xander shakes Gekido’s hand fully. “Of course, it’s nothing. I’m Xander, and it’s nice to meet you. T-thank you for the bandages. I think just this will do,” he said ineloquently as he sat back down and dressed his cut. He had already washed it partially and used a dummy appearance when he ran away, so he had no chance of being found. For now, he would be safe here.
Gekido gets a huge smile on his face ” Hi I’m Gekido very nice to meet you and yes I would love to help you miss Eni ” as he follows her out of the house to clean it up ” so do you want to burn the bodies or what cause if you do can I loot them to make sure there’s nothing valuable on them? “
“Well, no matter what you’re planning on I’ve got to be getting home.” She sighed watching the sun slip beyond the horizon, making it twilight out. “Bye.” She stepped off the tree before landing on the ground below catching herself on the metal soles of her shoes. She turned away from the man and retreated back to society as she knew it–All firekin, and all annoyingly proud if she did say so herself. Pyralis sighed as she yawned while stretching. “And I thought for sure my blade was going to be soaked in my enemy’s blood today. I could almost feel it.” Blaise snorted. “The only thing you felt was the chill of the hybrid.” Hybrid. Hybrid. That’s what the golden eyed girl was, a hybrid from the two races. It made sense, didn’t it? Being able to bend both abilities were unheard of. Had a cold-one and a firekin actually come together to make a half-breed? It didn’t make sense. Especially if war was happening between the two races. “I can’t think about this now,” She admitted tiredly to herself. “Tomorrow, maybe,”
(you may have noticed this, but jn case you haven’t….. I have no internet or at least no skyrie at my house, and the site is blocked)
Eni’s smile vanished faster than steam under the hot sun. “We don’t loot them. They burn with what they had on them… If you can even burn them.” She looked to where Nuri pouted. ” When you’re done sulking, I have food in the cupboards and fridge.” She glanced at her other new ‘soldiers’. “The same goes to you.”
” Oh I can burn ANYTHING ” Gekido said with a devilish/crazy smile as he walks over to the bodies and starts to put them into a pile and slips a ring off of one and a necklace off of another and took any other metal off of them and melted all but the necklace and the ring and swallowed the molten metal with out being noticed puts the ring and the necklace on then sets the bodys a blaze and it burned so bright it was hard for anyone to look at then walks up to Eni ” Okay all done ” with a childish/innocent smile on his face.
Xander stepped outside, “Is it normal for a cold one to not like the cold?” He saw Gekido standing in front of some burning bodies. He put his hand on his wrist, not sure what to make of it “‘Okay then.” He went back inside.
Blaise returned home, looking over the sky line that had the setting sun coloring it blood red. Black crows cawed as they soared across the red as black silhouettes. She sent another wave of energy, looking for something to break the wave instead of feebly letting their aura’s be swept up. No sign of the hybrid. She had become quiet. Blaise turned to open the back door to the small manor, hushing Pyralis as he whined.
Eni was on Gekido in an instant. “How em/ dare /em you! ” she hissed drawing her hand through the air and closing her fist. Gekido feels the metal being ripped out of him into her hand. “I told you not to rob from the dead.”
This puts Gekido through intense pain so much as to make him pass out as he screams bloody murder dropping to the ground unconscious and shaking violently ( although unconscious he is still screaming bloody murder )
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