The cold ones
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Active 9 years ago
At the end of a disaster that wiped out nearly all of mankind, two species emerge from the shadows, one... View more
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At the end of a disaster that wiped out nearly all of mankind, two species emerge from the shadows, one of fire, the other of ice. They they have begun a conversion of the remaining humans, creating the firekin and the cold ones. These humans-turned-nonhumans are even greater than their creators, but have been caught up in the war just the same. One, the great Enigma, is on a quest to stop the war by taking as many humans, firekin, and cold ones as she can and teaching them to live,fight, and hope together. She hunts those who are broken and afraid, and she takes them, whether they like it or not. You live in this world, and you are trying to survive….
Posted by Kit Apparently on January 21, 2014 at 8:47 pmSetting: ruined cities and forests. Will travel all over. Lots of tech,just throw in whatever you like and all i ask is if you dont think whatever it is is common knowlege post a general description of appearence and function under the info topic.
♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒ replied 11 years ago 8 Members · 147 Replies -
147 Replies
“This is an interesting planet,” I said to myself. “Firekin, cold ones, what happened?” I am much like a firekin, although I was not created by an external force. I created my own flame power. I almost forgot, my name is Taren. I’m writing/typing/whatever it is in this journal to chronicle my adventure here, I’ll write as things happen. Man, I love these glasses. I heard of some sort of disaster wiping out the population. I believe that I am the only one now who does not know what happened. I entered this dimension by strange circumstances, a request by my omnipotent friend/guide CF (who seems to call lots of my adventures RPs) to check for an adventure. I hate people narrating what I do, it’s just a large pet peeve of mine.
Eni watches the boy log in his journal with interest. There are many different scents drifting towards her from him, so many that she can’t pinpoint which is his. She stands up, striding over to him.
” I’m Eni. You’re in my territory. Who are you?” -
“The name’s Taren, but most call me Gamer. I’ve heard of you, but I haven’t heard much. All Ive heard is you take in these ‘firekin,’ which I may be a member of, I’m not sure since I gave myself the flame power, ‘cold ones,’ and normal humans.” CF mentioned Eni in his request. I held out my hand for a handshake. “It’s nice to meet you.” I remained focused on the talking and had some focus on this journal, but just enough so I didn’t seem distracted.
((updated my character bio, you might want to check it to get a feel for how he looks))”Enney!” a high, melodic voice echoes through the ashen air, before a small figure emerges from the smog. The boy climbs nimbly over the fallen telephone poles and rubble piles, slowed down only slightly by the oversized backpack he carries. “Look what I found!” Lionel stops a few feet from her side, his red ringed eyes wide as he notices the new comer. With a frightened whimper, he ducks behind his adoptive guardian. “Why is he here?”
A pale almost translucent shape walks softly on the grass following a much larger male figure. As she walks, the shape leaves almost no trace behind her except for a path of frost and frozen grass in her wake.
-It is too warm. She thinks to herself. Too warm hearted. Kindness so thick you can smell it wafting off of him. A powerful Firekin he would be… She shakes her head as though to clear it.
-No! That is not the point! You need him for yourself!
-But what if he isnt suited for this?!
-Hearts will always freeze with time. You are just quickening the inevitable. And it’s not like it’s going to hurt him anyway…
-Not very much at least…Once again shaking her head, she dodges quickly into a dark corner as the man turns to look behind him as though he knows that he is being followed.
-You could just turn away now. He will never survive the ritual…And then you will just have another dead one on your hands.
-But just think of it…if it works!
-But think of the costs…
-Doesnt that small chance of success outweigh the chance of defeat?!Deciding to finally do it, She mentally points to the rain puddle that the man has just stepped in, freezing it solid. Pinning his feet to the ground he is unable to move.
“It’s fine Lionel, he’s not even a real firekin,” Eni sighs. “and besides, even if he was, I’d be ‘asking’ him to come along with us…” she sighs again,tipping her head down and rubbin her forehead with her fingertips. “whatamIevendoingyouneverlistenwhenIpreachthiscrapanyways….”she mutters under her breath. “Anyways, what’d you find…”
Lionel beamed proudly, forgetting his fear for a moment as he set down his backpack and pulled a hand gun from it, holding it up before pulling out a second one, and a tear gas grenade. “Someone must’ve broke into the police station; the doors’re ripped off and…” The little boy falls silent, seeming to only now realize what likely happened as he wipes a bloodstain off one of the guns. All of those policemen would either be dead or inhuman by now. “I got these though! And I remembered to take bullets this time!” He grins again, holding up the backpack which was full of weapons. Rarely did Lionel bring back food when he was sent to retrieve it. The last time he went out he came back with seventeen stray dogs. Which, he had argued, could technically count as food if you were feeling especially barbaric.
“Your name is Lionel? I’m Taren. According to that reaction to me, you must be one of the Cold Ones. I won’t hurt you, you seem friendly. I’m not a conflict-liking kind of guy, but when something happens like a war, I might possibly get involved and try to stop it. I’m a peaceful guy when it comes to everything except evil.” Then another me spontaneously appeared. He said, “I’m here from the future to tell you what else I-er I mean he-I mean WHOEVER IT IS, me, him, all Tarens, have the ability to control time, space, and fire.” He then disappeared. Note to self: go back and be that Taren. “So… yeah. Future me explained it, but he forgot to mention my other two forms, even if one is just a combination of how I look now and my other main form.
“I’m not a Cold One.” Lionel said, still focused on that mistake even after the appearance of a second Taren. He held out his arm haughtily, displaying the wound he had acquired on his way back to Enigma. The cut, though coated with dirt and debris, was clearly scabbing over with pure ordinary blood, not ice. Nor was the blood quickly dissipating into steam to indicate a firekin. “You’d know if I was. They’re weird looking.”
*Isen crashes through the window of the abandoned cabin, his almost graceful arc through the air broken by the wall at the back. He stays slumped for a few moments and then picks himself up, staggering towards the door. His shoulders at a jaunty angle he regards his opponent in the clearing.
The Firekin had being responsible for burning down part of a nearby human colony in an effort to convert some to their cause, his crimes weren’t worth a lot but Isen wasn’t in the mood for hard work. Hard work was, however, what Isen had being given as the Firekin was far more ferocious than expected. He certainly put up a fight anyway.
Isen rolls his shoulders and stretches as he walks back into the clearing. He puts up his guard and covers his centerline, making sure its protected. “For someone with a reputation like yours, I expected more of a … Challenge…” he hears the Firekin say. He doesn’t rise to the taunt but instead stares coolly at the creature, incensed by his indifference the Humanoid runs at him with a flaming claw. Out of nowhere an ice pillar catapults Isen into the air above the Firekin. The creature doesn’t have time to gawp at Isen under the barrage of ice the Cold One lets out. The firekin curses and lets out a bellow of flames to soak up most of the projectiles.
If the Firekin hadn’t of used his flames he might not have blocked his view of Isen’s descent, he then might of seen Isen form a blade around his hand and if he had seen the blade he may have been able to try and dodge out of the way. At least thats what would’ve happened but he did use his flames and now he had an icicle through his head.* It’s strange you know, *Isen pulls the blade out of the firekins head with a satisfying thunk and is met by the sizzling of the Creatures blood* how quick things change, *he catches the creature by the cuff of it’s neck before it falls lifelessly to the ground* just like the flow of a river. *with his quarry in tow he lumbers back to town for his reward.*
Demetrius was tired. Hunting for his colony has been getting more and more difficult lately. All he could find this time around were a few small rodent-like creatures. They would make for a decent stew at least. Most of the men that were left went hunting together, but Demetrius needed some time to be alone. It was dangerous, but he needed to clear his head. Society was crumbling around him and he needed a few moments just to be himself, not worrying about anything or anyone else.
He took him time walking back with his much-too-light backpack. The air was starting to feel a little colder than it was before. This was a bit suspicious, and Demetrius could feel himself tensing up a bit. As he walked on. he started getting the feeling that he was being followed. He was starting to reach the outskirts of the fallen town. There were a few destroyed buildings here and there. He turned to see if anyone was around, but he saw nothing. He trekked on, glad to be almost home. But we was still wary. As he stepped into a puddle, his suspicions became the unfortunate truth.
His feet were stuck in the newly formed ice. “Goddamnit” he yelled and quickly reacted. He pressed a button on a strange bracelet he wore on his wrist and he was suddenly surrounded by a strange orange aura with immense amounts of heat radiating off of it. “Don’t think this is my first time dealing with your kind, ice demon!” he yelled as he threw a mini bomb down behind him that created a wall of fire, separating him and the girl.
He was glad he wore boots today, and struggled a bit before releasing his feet from his boots. He turned around and took a gun out that he had hidden in the jacket he wore. With his other hand reaching behind to his bag where he pulled out a bottle full of liquid and a cloth hanging out of the top.
He glared at the ice girl that stood before him. “You should have just left me be, wench” he said as flipped a switch on his gun and pointed it at the cloth. He pulled the trigger and a stream of fire shot out of the tip, lighting the cloth on fire in it’s path. He threw the molotov at the girl and turned and took off running as fast as he could, gun still in hand.
Allowing the man’s evil fire-bomb to hit her, she wills herself into melting and letting her body race through the soil after this peculiar human. As she moves swiftly underground she continues to talk to herself.
Oh deary me, he actually means business.
Then by all means, lets give him some!
But dont you think…?
No. That silly molotov was an act of war. Convert or fail, one of these ways he will fall…Deciding such, she rushes back up to the surface, building a tight cage of snow around the man as he continued to run. Allowing the cage to move with him so as he would not expect anything to be amiss, she carefully bites her finger to combine a small amount of her blood within the snow, creating unmeltable ice crystals.
Smirking she causes walls of this impossible to melt snow to rise up around man in a tight rectangular prism, encasing him in a pillar of impenetrable ice.
Walking up to the icicle of a human, she runs her hand gently on the smooth ice as though it were glass.
“I have a little proposition for you. There is a war going on. Every side for themselves. You puny humans have no chance against the rest of us. You will all have to choose your side eventually. Or in your case, be required to choose one of two options: Freely become a Cold One of your own free will; or I could just convert you by force and take away your thoughts. You would be nothing more than a puppet on strings. I could let you go, but if I were to release you now, one of the other two would just /snatch/ you right up and convert you to their own faction. I am very sorry, but I can not allow this as this would turn you into the enemy. So. Choose. Your humanity or your will, one must go.” -
*Isen was lost deep in his thoughts when he walked into Ava. He simply hadn’t seen her but there she was, in his way. He turns his head left and stares at Demetrius trapped in his icy pillar. Brilliant. Another mistake about to be born. He looks down at the firekin he’s being dragging and spits on the corpse, he seems satisfied with the resultant hiss and turns his attention back to the girl he’s just walked into* Nice Scarf. *Only now noticing his surroundings, Isen starts looking around with the practised eye of a huntsman*
Out of breath, Demetrius swore to himself and looked at his captor and listened to her words. He hasn’t been in this much of a jam before. He didn’t know how much longer he could fight being turned by one of these creatures. He knew the human population was decreasing at a fast rate. People were being turned everywhere he went. He wasn’t quite ready to give up yet though.
“As long as there are humans, there’s hope for this world that we live in. All of your kind will bring this world to it’s full demise.” he said. “Thank you for your lovely proposition, but today I chose both my humanity and my will.”
Demetrius fiddled with the bracelet on his wrist. Another grid formed around him, followed by an explosion of light. Once the light clearly, he was gone.
His body reformed in the middle of his colony. He fell to the ground in great amounts of pain. It felt like his body had been ripped apart and thrown back into place. After a few moments he sat up, still wincing from the pain. “Teleportation…I’m lucky I didn’t lose any limbs.”
It was experimental technology that only worked half of the time. He installed it just for emergencies, and he was glad he did. He looked down at his feet. “Damn…those were my best boots.” He also looked at his wrist and noticed the bracelet sparking. He took it off as he slowly stood up and dropped it to the ground. He grabbed the nearest rock and smashed the bracelet. It was no good anymore.
He ran back to his home where his mother sat in a rocking chair, looking out the window. “Oh Demetrius, where have you been? The hunting team came back an hour ago and you weren’t with them everyone was worried.” his mother said.
He went up to her and hugged her. “I’m sorry mother, but I’ve been targeted by one of the cold ones. I barely escaped and probably infuriated her in the process. I don’t think she’ll give up on me that easily. Please, when Kane comes by tell him he needs to move everyone underground. It’s not safe here for us anymore.”
His mother tried to hide her worry. She knew what he did for the colony was dangerous and accepted a long time ago that she might lose him, but she still wasn’t ready for this moment. She grabbed her son to hug him again, “I love you, Demetrius. Always remember that.” Tears ran down her face as she held onto him.
“I love you too, mom” he said as he released her grip on him. He went to the closest and pulled out new boots, put them on, and grabbed a bag full of emergency provisions. He then went to a table and grabbed a different bracelet and put it on. It wasn’t as well constructed as the other one, but it would have to do. He went over to his mother one last time and kissed her forehead before heading out and away from his home.
*Isen sits down on a nearby tree stump putting his quarry down next to him. He reaches into his bag and pulls out his lunch; he fancies bacon today. He places the thin strips of meat on the Firekin’s forehead and starts preparing his bread while it cooks.
It was a shame the human left, he could’ve helped show Isen where the colony was to collect his reward. He sighs, that teleportation trick would’ve saved a lot of time as well. Fucking Humanity just doesn’t know when to give up.
He turns the bacon over patiently.*
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