The cold ones
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Active 9 years ago
At the end of a disaster that wiped out nearly all of mankind, two species emerge from the shadows, one... View more
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At the end of a disaster that wiped out nearly all of mankind, two species emerge from the shadows, one of fire, the other of ice. They they have begun a conversion of the remaining humans, creating the firekin and the cold ones. These humans-turned-nonhumans are even greater than their creators, but have been caught up in the war just the same. One, the great Enigma, is on a quest to stop the war by taking as many humans, firekin, and cold ones as she can and teaching them to live,fight, and hope together. She hunts those who are broken and afraid, and she takes them, whether they like it or not. You live in this world, and you are trying to survive….
“Then do not follow me. Do what you wish.” Turning to leave she adds “I will find him myself. You are unnecessary for this quest. But the blood will be on your hands when my tactics for getting what I want harm your precious humans.” Finished she melts into the ground as water to follow where the teleporter’s scent might take her.
[Uhm, excuse me, is there a good point to jump in here or should I wait?]
Pretty much everyone went to check out the explosion, “as expected, they were smarter than I thought as for the remainder….” He could deal with a small crowd so he swiftly and without a trace and so he did he also decided to carve something as a message to both the ice people he was helping and to the humans he harmed but what my name… nah a symbol… nah not enough info wait he eventually decided on a fake name he gave himself years back he carves it where he knows the cold ones will notice phoenixflame dragonlord and the others said it was a stupid name more like genius and is about to leave but stops for a second maybe he should see them though he knows its a bad idea but he’s seen there faces so he’ll try to find one later so he heads back to the shed probably needing to rework his disguise.
Daeleon strode through the streets, gun held over her shoulder. Normally, it had been slung over her back, but some of the ‘Kins have become restless and, to put it lightly, violent. Even before she was able to get to the main part of the city, she’s had to deal with two or three of them.
The firekin whistled tunelessly to herself as she made her way peacefully down the way, waving at the passing people as though she were a normal human again. Of course, with a gun resting over your shoulder, you don’t really get any friendly looks, haha.Oh well.
Two outfits later Din gets lonely so he decides to see if he could find those cold ones again or anyone of ice or fire hiding among the humans “it will take some convincing to get anyone in my crew but I need a name hmmm… I’ll think of it when i get to it,” he left with a fireproof bo staff”dragonfire staff”, a rifle, and other supplies. On his way he sighed “Now I have to figure out how to get them on my team,” but he figured he’ll cross that bridge when he gets there. So then he went to the town looking for some of the turned the turned nice name I’ll consider it.
You are walking. You are happy when you walk. When you walk you are in an endless corridor.
The sunlight plays through the window and it feels good; the warmth on you skin. ‘That’s not fair!’ A child shouts and you move your chess piece back into place. The game has being going on for hours but bless him he’s only young. Who is he though?
Why, he’s your son. Daniel. Your son; Daniel. YOUR SON: DANIEL. You recall this information and scold yourself for almost forgetting it. Your son, Daniel, is only eight years old so you don’t expect him to win; you still give him a chance though. You play to his rules; ‘No moving your queen diagonally’, ‘You can’t take my King for 5 turns.’ While frustrating in any other situation right here and now it is endearing. It makes you love him even more.
‘Luke.’ You turn and see a man blocking the light, his face difficult to make out. ‘Luke, if you say no we will not hesitate. You’ll always have a choice but remember what you choose has consequences.’
‘Who the hell are you?’ You ask.
‘Choose Luke, help us win, kill for us. You’re good at it but you’ll be no good if we force you. All that experience, gone. You have to choose to help us.’
The silence is cut by a child’s voice.
‘But Dad. Why?’ Daniel is crying now. He just isn’t stopping. He can’t hold back the tears.
Neither can you because you’ve just realised he isn’t crying. He’s bleeding. He is dying in front of you and you can’t do a thing. You are helpless. You are useless. You killed him, your own son, and you let him die.
‘Luke, you’ve got to choose to help us.’
You want to say no but the sight of his blood cascading down stops you. Why is it so slow? Why doesn’t he bleed quickly? Why is he suffering? You ask yourself all these questions and more. So many fucking questions.
‘But you chose this Luke.’
You are playing chess with yourself. It doesn’t matter. It never did. Your choice was an illusion as was your consequence. You chose this life. This cold eternity. They made sure you did. They’d never let you pretend.
I make a move in
The endless game and from it
Comes the smell of death.The all consuming cycle.
Somewhere a door opens and you are found again; covered in blood and so cold. -
[[i’m sorry, i’m just going to try and help ur poor luke c:>]]
It’s not every day that a person walks into a place and finds such a ghastly sight; a man bloody and looking damn-near dead.
And it sure wasn’t a sight Daeleon was accustomed to.The firekin’s colour seemed to drain from her face, and she was quick to put her shot gun aside so she could aid the unfortunate soul on the floor. Her first idea was to sit him up, but she didn’t know just how bad he felt at the moment, so that was a definite no-go. Daeleon settled for getting him clean instead, hopeful that it was as bad as it seems… A very slim hope, but it was hope, nonetheless.
“Sir…” The firekin says quietly, removing her jacket so she could begin the process to clean him up. So much blood… The coppery smell was revolting, but she’d had to tough it out so she could wipe away what she could from his skin and the floor.
“Sir… Sir, I’m here to help. Can you hear me?”
Demetrius woke in a state of what seemed like delirium. He tried to stand up but everything was spinning around him in nauseating clarity. Nothing within him felt normal.
“I feel…different” he said, groggily.
No one responded to him though. He laid there for a few moments just staring at the light that shined above him. Once his eyes adjusted to his surrounding he slowly sat up. He didn’t realize he was connected to a much of tubes and wires until the all broke off of him the moment he began to sit up. He rubbed his skin on his arms as he found he wore nothing but his briefs. His skin felt strong, but still soft. It wasn’t like the skin he once had though. He knew what the doctor was doing to him before he was out, but he was in a large amount of denial.
He still couldn’t grasp what was happening to him. Everything changed in such a short amount of time. This wasn’t the first time a cold one had come after him, but this time changed everything. He noticed he was alone in a dark room. There were monitors surrounding him, but everything else seemed to have vanished. He remembered computers and equipment being everywhere. The bodies of the cold ones and the firekin…gone. The tables were bare.
He looked down besides the table and saw a box full of bloodied bones. Once he realized what they were, he tried to gag. He tried to react in a disgusted matter but his body did not do what his mind felt it needed to do. He curled up and buried his face in his hands.
“I see you’re finally awake” Demetrius heard a voice say. He looked up quickly to see the doctor standing nearby. It wasn’t the doctor though. Not in person, at least. He was translucent. “A hologram” Demetrius said, staring at the man who just took away most of what made him a human.
“Yes, I couldn’t stay once I was done operating on you. The cold ones are onto you once again. I have no desire to be mixed up in your business. Now, I wouldn’t go back to your home. There’s nothing left for you there. The cold ones followed you there and they did not leave a nice trail in their wake. What you chose to do with your new body and your new life is up to you. It will take you a while to get used to everything. Don’t worry; I’ve installed some programs to help you learn everything that is now different about you. You won’t be completely alone in the beginning. I would leave your remnants here. It might throw them off your trail. I would leave now. I don’t know how close they are. And just remember Demetrius, there is more to this world than fire and ice.”
The doctor vanished. Demetrius sat for a while in shock. That frozen girl was taking everything from him, and for what reason? Because he fought back? He jumped up off of the table, but was not prepared for the power that came with his movements. He flung himself into the wall and hit it hard. When he backed away, a chunk of concrete was stuck in his hand. He pulled it out, and he didn’t bleed. He caught a glimpse of bright blue light before his skin resealed itself.
He found his clothes sitting on a table and quickly got dressed. He grabbed the rest of his things and walked up some stairs that led to a door. He was blinded by the light on the outside. He looked around, looking at this world in new eyes. He once again started to walk to nowhere in particular. -
Din walked into his she’d that didn’t go well. Not only did his search only find a cold one very far away from the but he accidentally lost it and killed him he needed to get his disorder under control. He only met one other cold one but he didn’t like thinking about her but he still couldn’t help having flashbacks of him being slashed and cries for help from another. It made him sad but it reminded him that humans and turned could work together it made him hopeful and it gave him a plan so he grabbed his original clothes some cash and supplies and dashed out toward the city.
The door opens and Isen is awoken by a steaming bucket of water. Someone barks something and Isen struggles to his feet, his hands and feet are manacled, he is dragged outside.
The sunlight is bright, too bright and he winces. The guards carry on dragging him through the camp to the clatter of metal and the whinnying of horses.
The tent he is brought to is bigger than the others, more regent with it’s ice blue banners flying in the cold wind. Inside the tent there is a small folding table, simple but useful, on the table there are maps, some old and dusty and others so new they’re only half finished. Standing around the table are two men and a woman. They are deep in discussion.
The one who finally addresses Isen is the last one to look up. ‘Luke! It’s being so long! We all were really worried about you.’ He looks to the other two who nod sternly in acknowledgement of his cue. ‘They say they found you in some backwater Human Colony. Mixing with the locals, Luke you never stop surprising me.’ The man chuckles to himself and approaches Isen with open arms. ‘But I have so many questions, first of all how are you?’ Isen looks at the manacles. ‘I know, I know but it’s just a formality, we can’t have you going on a rampage what with you not remembering us. Can’t afford the risk you see, this being the heart of the Northern Frelean Advance and all.’ Isen lets out a bored sigh. ‘I know this military stuff has always bored you Luk-’
‘My name is Isen and I really don’t care. Just put me back where you found me, with the locals, where I belong.’
‘I can’t do that I’m afraid. We encouraged them to keep quiet.’ He stops to see if he can illicit a response, when he seems satisfied he has he continues. ‘Harbouring a fugitive is illegal Isen even if it is you; especially if it is you but don’t look too upset, they’re only human.’
The General doesn’t wipe the spit off his face until after he has slapped Isen. ‘How dare you spit on me. You are my guest, Luke. My fucking guest.’’ Isen wasn’t expecting to be hit, he didn’t really know why but it still caught him offguard.
‘I have plans for you Luke, now we’ve got you back you’re going to fight for us and I want you to try an be a valuable addition, I want you to try and be indispensable to me and most of all I want you to be a good fucking soldier. That’s why I’m sending you to Green’s platoon. If he doesn’t break you then I’ll have no choice but to kill you. Do you understand me?’ The General lifts Isen’s head up and stares intensely for what seems an eternity. ‘Do you fucking understand m-’ This time the general does bother to wipe the spit off first. He takes his time as well.
The many take their turn,
Forgetting they’re in a game,
Clinging on for life.‘You always were an utter bastard, Luke. I suggest you take a little more time to acclimatise to this life.’ The General motions him away and he is dragged back to hell.
‘Have fun, Isen.’ A voice from nowhere in particular says.
((I’m gonna try and do this weekly, or regularly, or semi regularly. I’ll try, Honestly, Truly, I promise; Sort of.))
As Din walked he started to lose hope in his plan; it was impossible to pull off, attempting to gain amnesty for the things he’s done. forget it he decided to turn around but thought well I need food I guess I’ll hunt a boar steal a pig or something then he saw a camp considered it felt it was cold and walked past it NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE that was a bad plan he wouldn’t last long 1v1, easy; stealing from one, possible but sneaking into a cold camp; impossible the humans are somewhat gullible but the cold ones could feel him. Still he wondered if he could make off with something, he was really hungry.
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