The cold ones
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Active 9 years ago
At the end of a disaster that wiped out nearly all of mankind, two species emerge from the shadows, one... View more
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At the end of a disaster that wiped out nearly all of mankind, two species emerge from the shadows, one of fire, the other of ice. They they have begun a conversion of the remaining humans, creating the firekin and the cold ones. These humans-turned-nonhumans are even greater than their creators, but have been caught up in the war just the same. One, the great Enigma, is on a quest to stop the war by taking as many humans, firekin, and cold ones as she can and teaching them to live,fight, and hope together. She hunts those who are broken and afraid, and she takes them, whether they like it or not. You live in this world, and you are trying to survive….
Eni grabs a handgun, checking to aee if it’s loaded (it is). With an exaspwrated sigh, Eni rounds on Lionel. “Please tell me you weren’t walking around with these loaded in your backpack this while time.”
“…..i wAsn’t…..?” He says, not very convincingly.
“What am I going tp do with you?” She sighs, turning and addressing Taren ponce again, “The offer stands. If you want to come witj us, follow me.” With that she turns and begins qalking. -
Damn it, damn it, damn it!!!
See girly? This is what happens when you get out of shape. You have become as slow and ungainly as a middle aged man! Half a year away from the wilds and what happens?! You are pathetic.
I didnt want to! I just couldnt! I couldnt stand another failure…
You sissy! You nearly had him!
I just couldnt forget what happened to the last one! He lost his memories for crying out loud!! Who knows what happened to him?! I just dont want a failure on my hands /again/!
You wont. I can promise you that. This one will survive. I can promise you that.With a sigh, she climbs to her feet and turns to remove her blood from the now empty snow prison. Leaving a small quantity of droplets in the snow, she reshapes the snow. She forms a horse out of ice and blood thus animating it. “Now where is that bastard?! First he disturbs my work making me lose my concentration, making me lose my quarry. WHERE IS HE?! Now /he/ had better help me find that man again, in return for all the trouble he has caused me.” Mounting up on her snow steed she sets off to find the person who decided to so rudely interrupt her workings.
*Isen turns the bacon over again.
He’s very lucky that the body is still this hot. Normally it wouldn’t be important but this Firekin has a twin, a Cold One. Apparently their only defining feature is their body temperature, they even hate eachother equally. If the body gets too cold then there’ll be no proof.
He scrapes the bacon off the Firekin’s forehead and puts it in the thick slices of bread. Bacon certainly was exactly what he wanted.*
“Okay,” I said. I dec1ded to fol- Wait, I think I made a typo. Darn thought activation. I accidentally thought of a friend of mine, who mainly talks L1K3 TH1S, and… well… Really all there is to type about on the matter. “While we head to the base, wherever it is, I think I’ll practice a few flame tricks. I hope you don’t mind.”
Demetrius walked for a while without any plan. He knew the land outside of his colony well, but they all kept close to where they settled. Maps were rare nowadays, and it had been a while since they last moved their settlement. He didn’t want to be a danger to the others though now that he was targeted by one of the cold ones. And so he wandered, hoping he could find another ruined town to settle in when he needed some rest.
Fighting his emotions was hard. He had nothing else to think about as he wandered through the silent plain. The world was grey and dying, so he couldn’t even lose himself in the scenery. All he could think about was everything he left behind. The friends he had made over the years of gathering survivors to stick together. Demetrius was 10 when his city was destroyed. Only him and a few of his neighbors made it out of the building before it crumbled to the ground. He would be forever grateful to Kane, his best friend, and his family for helping get him and his mother out of that place alive. They were a small group, but they grew as they traveled and finally settled in a town that was barely functioning.
Now, Demetrius would probably never see them again. He hoped they would be okay. Demetrius played a big part in protecting and supporting the colony. He was smart and strong. He was quick-thinking and able to come up with solutions to most of the problems they encountered. Now, he had a whole new set of problems to deal with.
He was lost on thought for hours, and didn’t even realize the sun had gone down. He needed to find a place to hide and sleep. He found a group of boulders with a space in the middle large enough that he could fit himself inside. He crawled in. It wasn’t comfortable at all, but it had to do. He was exhausted from hunting all day, escaping the cold one, and leaving his home. Because of the physical and emotional drain, he went right into a deep sleep.
*Isen leaves the Town Hall with it’s big, bulging and broken rotunda. It was ironic he thought, his pack heavier with the reward for his bounty, that a structure built to resemble the power and the will of the people was collapsing.
He was glad he was a Bounty Hunter, he wasn’t bound by the conventions of society; or it’s crumbling facade. Another irony. Who would pay him when everything stopped? It was this thought that carried him to his rooms.
In every colony there is always a bar or pub; somewhere people can drown their war-torn sorrows as penance for either their apathy or their effort. Isen just liked drinking. He also liked sleeping which is why he chose to stay at the not-so-abandoned Abandoned Hardware Store.He walked past the big glass window with the graffiti’d welcome message on the side ‘Hard as fukkin naels‘ He stopped, sighed and opened the door to the bar; the smell of alcohol, piss and cigarettes welcoming him, temporarily, home.*
From a distance she follows the male cold one. Riding hard to keep up with the rapidly retreating figure, she watches as he turns into a town still dragging his necro load behind him. Still watching she see him come out no longer carrying a body with the pack on his shoulder bulging with what she knew to be coin. Liquifying her snow horse she follows him in the shadows by foot.
What is he up to? She thinks to herself. Oh well. A way to relieve my boredom I guess… Grinning to herself she senses the icekin’s powers inside his belongings being taken up to the second story of a rundown bar and inn. Smirking she thinks to her self Well I might as well go and wait for him.
Forming a ladder out of snow she climbs up to the second floor to enter through the window of the room of which she sensed the man’s magic. Inside she finds a desk, chair, and a bed on which lies the person’s pack. Growing bored again with waiting, she sits down at the desk to doodle with frost on the desktop. -
*Isen steps out the shower and wraps a towel around himself. With one hand he holds the towel together and with the other he picks up a bottle of whiskey, taking a swig he steadies himself.
He opens the bathroom door with a slam and steps into the room, he is aware almost instantly of another presence in the room, he turns to his left.*
Oh. It’s you.
Scarf Girl.
*He takes another swig of whiskey and wipes his mouth, staring at her.*
Looking up at the sound of his voice she notices him staring at her. Pushing herself away from the desk and her ice drawings she glares up his tall frame to his face. He is really drinking?! Humph “You are actually drinking that /stuff/?! For what reason?!! I mean it’s not like you can get drunk from it…” And the taste is horrible She adds to herself, glaring up at the taller figure
*He stares at her a few moments longer gauging her strength, reactions and overall power. He decides on a course of action.*
Don’t get up.
*He moves to the back pack and starts putting his clothes on. This task is more difficult than he should’ve found it, his gentlemanly ways trying to ensure he kept the honour of the lady intact.*
Why did you come here?
THAT DAMN… A muscle in her cheek starts to throb. Carefully she chooses her words. “I have come to collect what you owe me. My prey was able to escape thanks to your interference. Now you must pay me back.”
Glaring at his smirking face she continues.
“Who is your master anyway?!! They should be taking care of you. Not leaving a infant like yourself alone to meddle in other’s affairs.” -
*His face drops at the sound of the word ‘master’ his expression hardens and he puts on his shirt*
I’ve never had a master and I don’t owe you anything. You got distracted and careless, my being there is just a coincidence.
What was a girl like you doing out there anyway? You called me an infant yet look at you.
Where was your father?
A girl like me?!! Who did this male believe that he was talking to?! She is now furious
“You are extremely naive arent you?!”, She hisses angrily at him. “I suppose that you just look at me and see a mere child?!! I am no little girl. I have been ice for nearly a hundred years. You are nothing in comparison”. -
I am a being of instinct. I see a young girl. Whether you are 100, 1000 or 1,000,000 years old; this is what I see. Age is no guarantee of efficiency, innovation or superiority; so please, don’t patronise me by pretending otherwise.
*he turns away*
Regardless I owe you nothing.
“No, no you are right. Your master would be the obligated party to assist me in this, not the babe himself.”
Stopping to think for a minute, she realizes that this would probably not be the best tactic.
“Alrighty then. You are a bounty hunter are you not? How much will it cost me to get you to fetch the human?”
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