The cold ones
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Active 9 years ago
At the end of a disaster that wiped out nearly all of mankind, two species emerge from the shadows, one... View more
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At the end of a disaster that wiped out nearly all of mankind, two species emerge from the shadows, one of fire, the other of ice. They they have begun a conversion of the remaining humans, creating the firekin and the cold ones. These humans-turned-nonhumans are even greater than their creators, but have been caught up in the war just the same. One, the great Enigma, is on a quest to stop the war by taking as many humans, firekin, and cold ones as she can and teaching them to live,fight, and hope together. She hunts those who are broken and afraid, and she takes them, whether they like it or not. You live in this world, and you are trying to survive….
*he looks at her, taking a moment to analyse her. The master comments aside she seems quite sensible… and genuinely angry…. Maybe he could help her…*
What do you have to offer?
Surprised that he would even think about it she contemplates what she has to offer him. “I have many things that might interest you. Coin, Frealen or Sunbeasst blood.” Well at least enough for one conversion. “Half kin blood”, She continues. “Or, maybe.” No. He wouldn’t…But he is a boy after all, and a young one at that… “The location of the last shipment of Ben&Jerry’s ice cream…”
(sorry for the wait)
Enid glances back at the near firekin and smiles. “I don’t mind, just be careful. Don’t start anything on fire….” she trails off, suddenly distracted. Her sharp ears were picking up noises not far from their location. “actually, do you think you could send some right that way?” she asks, pointing towards the forest. -
*Isen moves to his pack and pulls out a tub of the Ice Cream*
I’m sure I’m good for Phish Food; Blood means nothing to me and I also have plenty of coin.
I will still help you though. My payment doesn’t have to be immediate, when you can find something worthwhile I will accept it.
*He returns his precious tub of ice cream to his bag, his marshmallowey, chocolatey lifeblood.*
Tomorrow Morning. Meet at the town hall and bring whatever you need to survive.
*he turns away*
You’d best leave by the window again.
Smirking as she climbs out the window she leaves with a parting shot. “Why? Afraid the warm monkeys will think you welcome hussies to your room?”
Thinking to herself she strides softly and swiftly through the shadows of the buildings before starting to run as she reaches the edges of the town. Twenty minutes later, she is ten miles away with the town a bare shadow on the horizon. Diving into a snow drift she burrows herself in, cocooning herself in a blanket of snow to sleep until dawn. -
*Isen watches her leave and realises how tired he is. His encounter with Scarf Girl being the final nail in his sleepy coffin he turns in for the night, expectant of what the tomorrow will bring*
Sleepily she wakes up a hour before the sun. Stretching and rubbing her eyes blearily. Noticing the dawn starting to break over the horizon in the east she starts to grumble to herself. “Damn day, damn sun, damn full-of-himself-infant, damn early, damn tired…”. Continuing to mutter angrily to herself Ava makes her way back to the meeting point. Standing conspicuously in front of the town hall, she ignores the questioning glances from the humans moving about her. Crossing her arms over her chest she she waits for him to arrive.
*Isen walks out of the Town Hall and turns to spot Scarf Girl leaning on the side of the building*
You never did tell me your name. Scarf Girl.
I have to wait this long… Grumbling under her breath she mutters “You’re late”. Louder she tells him disdainfully. “I am Ava. That is all you need to know. Are you ready to leave?”
My name is Isen, Ava. I figured based on proximity the human lived in this colony, I just spoke with the leaders and they told me a boy fitting his description recently fled. He lives on the outskirts with his mother. It is quite likely he left a clue so I suggest visiting there first.
*He turns to face the direction he needs to go and starts walking*
Make sure you keep up we don’t know how much of head start he has yet.
Keep up?! You walk like a snail, you infant. Slowing down her pace so as he might keep up with her she tells him. “It will be faster for both of us if we ride you know. I can go much faster than this but you might want a ride if we ever want to catch up with our prey.”
*Isen is slowing himself down for her and he’s glad he is. She walks so slowly, a complete rookie.
Oh ride? Is she talking about horses? I don’t need a horse.*
I don’t need a horse. Keep up.
*He fires himself into the air and forms an ice path to slide on, his speed picks up almost instantaneously and soon he’s whizzing along.*
Demetrius woke up sore and cramped in his little hiding spot, but he slept better than he had in months. At home, he was always on alert in case their colony came under attack, whether from beast or from the elemental demons that now roamed the world. Even though his sleep was deep, he was plagued with strange dreams. One in particular lingered in his mind. It made him remember a map he paid dearly for.
A strange man had been traveling and found himself in the colony Demetrius lived in. He came with offers of rare goods to sell to the common people trying to live among the changing world. There had been rumors spreading for years about an old scientist who had brought his experiments to the brink of insanity. He was spurting nonsense about immunizations to changing into an elemental kind and cures for when you have just been turned. No one believed him, and he was cast out of society. The scientist gladly hid away and continued his work. No one was able to find him…until this strange man came along.
He claimed to have stumbled upon this scientist and found out where he stayed. When he came to the colony, he had a map. Demetrius ended up talking to the man and was told about this map. Demetrius thought it was rubbish, but deep down he couldn’t shake the feeling that this map may come in handy. The man wanted a lot for the map, and Demetrius had to give up a lot of the colony’s goods to get the map, but he bought it and kept it with him.
He took the map out of his bag, still nestled in his hiding place. He looked it over and found his location and compared it to where this mad scientist supposedly lived. He wasn’t too far away. Demetrius thought for a moment. This could be some sort of trap. The man could have made up the whole thing to trick him into giving away goods. It didn’t really matter now. He had nothing to lose at this point. Demetrius wolfed down some jerky he had with him and filled up on water and then set out to follow the map.
He walked for hours among bare fields. The more he traveled, the more he was losing faith in this map. He kept fighting the urge to just give up and go his own way. This map was leading him away from known sources of food and water. After a while he finally reached the point on the map where this scientist was supposed to be hidden, but there was nothing. Just more dying grass and dirt spread over the land. Demetrius sat down in the middle of the dirt and buried his face into his arms. “I should have known it was a waste” he said, defeated.
He suddenly felt something sting his neck. A bug, he assumed, until he started to feel woozy. Darkness overcame him and he was out cold. When he finally came to, his arms and feet were restrained and tied on a table, and an old man was standing before him.
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