The Dragonette Prophecy (Wings of Fire) Role Play
This Role play is based off the book Wings of Fire, one can NOT play the original carecters... View more
Original Carecters (OC)
Original Carecters (OC)
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Wing (Race): Mud wing: bulky, Browns and Amber coloring, can hold breath for an hour under mud and water, some times a red egg is hatched and this mud wing can resist Fir and lava 10 times better than any other dragon, this egg is born once a year, can breath fire but body has to be warm. Sea wing: have webed feet and stuff like that, blues, pinks, green colorings, have light up spots along their body’s to communicate under water, have own language, can breath under water, can not breath fire. Sky wing: have bigger wings than any race, reds and Orange colorings, they have a battle Arena from the war were thousands of races of dragons get captured and killed in gladiatorial combat (with out weapons), their fire is the hottest of the races. Sand wing: have a scorpion tail, think army camo but the dusty kind not the green one coloring, their tails can inject highly poisoned venom, they can stay out in the desert sun for the rest of their lives unlike other dragons races that would probably die if they did not get shade or water, can breath fire. Ice Wing: Multiple spikes on their head like needles, their tails are as thin as whips, light blues and white colorings, they can be in sub zero temps with out dieing, they will die if they are in the desert to long or get to warm, they breath ice that never really melts. Rain wings: Are slender and elegant, they can change the color too their scales any time depending on mood Rain wings can eventually control their scales and Be any color they want, they are incredibly lazy and literally sleep half the day and eat the other half, they are hidden very well in the jungle and keep sloths as pets, they have poisoned blow darts for intruders that knock them out for half the day their so strong, can spray toxic liquid instead of fire out of their fangs by unhindgig their lower jaw, Rain wings are very piecefull and do not use their Poison unless compleatly necessary also they use their toxins to cancel out their relatives toxins or see if they are related to some one if they are related the poison will cancel out and will stop burning what ever it is touching if they are not related the poison will continue to burn. Night Wings: normal topical dragon build, Dark dark purples and black colorings, they have white scales under their wings like stars, they tell family apart by their wings, they were a very “superior” race before the dragonets of the Prophacy revealed that they were not to special and were in fact suffering on their volcanic island they now live with the rain wings because of their abundance in food, they can read minds and have the power to see prophacys subosedly, they also are very smart race and read a lot of scrolls typically and record stuff, they can breath fire.
bio/ back story:
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