Role play

  • Jello .

    May 31, 2014 at 12:08 am

    Ariel frowned and closed her eyes and sat back against the window tapping her fingers against the wood of the apartment floor. She felt bored it was eating her aliiiveeeee , she couldn’t live like this. “This is so frustrating!” She shouted loudly and her eyes flashed electric yellow and the lights seemed to flicker in her apartment as she continue rambling , “I hate it here I mean I have no one! I hate being alone! Why did my family leave me ? Why can’t I remember?” By now the lights were shaking and flickering and she began throwing her arms around in anger. She closed her eyes and breathed as calmly as she could without missing a breath or hiccupping , everything in her body was hurting , she stumbled forward and sighed. I NEED to paint . She thought , knowing it get it off her mind. She went to her drawing room of the apartment , her eyes were there normal hazel now but her fingers were twitching against her right leg. After getting out the canvas and acrilyc and foam paints she put them on the palette and begin painting a usual scene of a city , the city they were in. She didn’t know why but then she drew a group of people at the bottom , it was mostly boys within the group and few girls , they all glowed with this power , yellow and blue. It was going everywhere and striking at the wall above the underground city , as if it threatened to break the wall , or maybe there combined power was just going to cause something convenient to happen , but she continued to paint and paint her fingers dabbing and moving swift-fully against the canvas as she continued her creation.

  • ♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒

    May 31, 2014 at 2:23 am

    Though dazed for a while Felix woke up and regained chase, following the young man. He was more emotionally hurt than anything shouting up ahead, “aww that hurt, that wasn’t very nice,” he conjured up some cumulonimbus in front of the boy and said, “well I guess it’s part of the game,” Felix then made the clouds strike lightning in front of John’s path hoping it would stop him.

  • Bell

    June 2, 2014 at 11:44 pm

    Why me? John glared down at his bear silently as he ran. I suppose you want us to be found now don’t yah? Sheesh. So many old guys coming after us now. Thanks a lot Beary. And to think all we wanted was a simple purse for cookies. Let that be a lesson to us. Paying for cookies is tooooo much work. From now on we TAKE.
    Feeling a little better, John speeds up racing over the rooftops. Narrowly he leaps to the side as a bolt of lighting comes at him, flashing down from the sky. “Woah. Too close. These old people must really hate little kids. THAT COULD HAVE KILLED ME!” He shouts indignantly to his pursuers. Cookies…how many do we have left? John asks Beary silently. Shoot we are running low. Might need to make a pit-stop then… Muttering to himself he continues his race against his violent pursuers.

    ((Sorry, on mobile so it’s rather shitty. I can continue if you want ie I’m bored))

  • Godal the Father of Death

    June 3, 2014 at 2:50 am

    Apollo with nothing but the stuff he was wearing walks into the city and looks around. He gentle touch the lamp post and close his eyes then a sudden smile came across his face. He looked up and yells, “I NEVER FELT SO AT HOME!”

  • Whatsyourface

    June 3, 2014 at 6:34 am

    Jason was on the rooftop as he sees a spark where the bear is. And sees someone get knocked over by a blast. “The hell?” Jason thinks. He hops roof to roof. He sees the kid running away. He is quite the distance away.

    Jason backs up. And then gets a running start and jumps off the high building, his arms cackling and then sparking with lightning as he is rocketed fourth some 20 feet into the air. feet away as he ionizes the air for. Then he holds his arms downward to slow his fall, and allow for a rough landing. Jason then from above and behind the kid lands in front of him with a thud and roll. Dragging against the ground as he breaks. “Hey kid…” He says in his moderate toned voice. “Someone messing with you? Why was the guy after after you?” Jason clearly is assuming that someone is wronging this child and that he has done nothing wrong, as he knows little about the situation at all.

  • ♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒

    June 3, 2014 at 12:41 pm

    “Oh yeah,” Felix stopped for a second, “why was I chasing you… eh I’ll bet I’ll remember later,” and with that he continued the chase, this time bringing the cumulonimbus with him. He started catching up to John and soon he was almost able to reach him so he pounced hoping to grab him if not he had the clouds following them.

  • Godal the Father of Death

    June 4, 2014 at 2:14 am

    Apollo walks around and stares at the buildings. He found a bench and sat on it and lays his head back then started talking to himself, “Day one made it to the city have no home, know nobody, and have no money.” He close his eyes then fell to sleep.

  • Bell

    June 4, 2014 at 11:27 pm

    Why is it always me? How come we get all the bad luck? John asked Beary sliently.
    Looking up, a dark shadow blocked his path.Yet another old person. Great. Just great.

    “Hey kid…” The old guy spoke. “Someone messing with you? Why was the guy after after you?”

    John knew how to play it. “I…I….” The little boy plan works every time. Beary dropped from his hands to the ground. “I was just hungry–” John stammers, tearing up his eyes. Beary snuck closer to the man. “I was just looking for dinner…and…and…” He broke down completely. Beary cut the man’s pant leg reaching into his pocket. “He just grabbed me!” John sobbed to keep the man’s attention, pretending to be terrified. Looking up though tearful eyes he saw Beary holding up a wad of bills behind the man. “Oh…” With that John suddenly ducked behind the man, grabbed Beary and dropped off the edge of the building.
    Good work Beary! Now maybe we can check out the new cookie shop!

    Dropping onto a pile of thrown out mattresses John and Beary once again set out across the city.


  • Whatsyourface

    June 5, 2014 at 12:49 am

    Jason while the kid pleas notices some yelling elsewhere in the alleys subconciously, however most of his attention is towards the kid. He looked at the kid oddly as he ran. Not realizing why he ran. “That was a sudden shift in…” Jason pauses. “No….” He pats his pocket. There is a hole. “How in the fuck?!” Jason is angered at first. But then he laughes lightly to himse;f. “Damn kid. Argh. I’ll let this slide. Heh. He got me. This time.”

    Jason looked towards where he had heard the yelling from. He is there in time to see a well dressed girl storm off from a group of boys. Jason stroked. She had pole readied in her hand. Jason squinted a bit ‘Now what the hell is she doing?’ Jason tails her for a bit to see her confront something. And watches as she charges it.

  • Jello .

    June 5, 2014 at 8:36 pm

    Ariel slowly placed the painted canvas against the wall then she yawned . Closing her eyes as she thought , Hm..What to do ne Her thoughts is interrupted as her stomach gives a loud growl. She frowns and puts her hand on her tummy rubbing it slightly. “What’s that? You feel like pizza..sundaes…cookies… Tacos too?” I mutter and my stomach growls softly again as if agreeing. Time had seem to fly and it was already getting a little dark out. She nods and grabs her wallet and puts it in the pocket of her cardigan , then goes to grabbing her keys. Ariel then exits the flat and places the ladybug designed key in her pocket. She skips down the stairs and opens the door of the apartment complex then looked at the time. She wasn’t sure when the food places downcity closed , so she started off a quick walk down the citys Main Avenue. After 15 minutes of quick paced walking and jogging she slows down as the stores come to view. She licks her lips and head into the pizza shop first. Once inside she smiles at one of the waitors and orders herself 3 slices of cheese pizza with chicken and olives on it , and she gets a small soft burrito , since they didn’t have tacos here but her stomach was fine to settle with that. After eating her food and paying the bill , she would stand before going to the dessert café across the street that served cookies , cakes , trofees , pies , sundaes , icecream , muffins, and all sorts of candies. It was new in the city and it was the best place a child could ask for , or a person with a big sweet tooth. She smiled as she walked in the store and the smell of the sweets filled her noise and she delished in the aroma.

  • Godal the Father of Death

    June 7, 2014 at 3:07 am

    Apollo awoke from is nap on the bench and stared a the city lamp. His stomach growls as yawns and pats his stomach. “I ,Apollo, seems to be hungry but I ,Apollo, have something for that!” Apollo reached into his coat pocket then pulls out a bag with beef jerky. He takes a handful of the jerky and shoved it in his mouth. After he finished he got up and walks down street and looks at the buildings. He snapped as he began to talk to himself again, “I ,Apollo, need to meet these fine people of this city so I ,Apollo, can become a welcome face to the citizens of the city!” Without any rhyme or reason he jolted down the street with a big grin on his face. “HELLO PEOPLE OF ELECTRIC CITY! I AM APOLLO, IT IS NICE TO MEET YOU ALL!” Apollo repeats this until someone says hello to him.

  • Max

    June 8, 2014 at 1:33 am

    Colt thought about it, sure if I got the help, it would come in handy. But, what if I run out of energy and can’t catch up to him. There’s also the possibility of side affects. It might be worth it, but like before. What if I don’t catch up in time? He did say that I would be able to catch up to him. Though the thing is, he doesn’t know how far the kid has gone yet. Finally deciding, he looked at him and asked. “I don’t believe I have caught your name, what is it? I’m Colt, by the way.” After saying it, he thought back to the problem. I should probably just ask how long of that super charging he can do. Maybe he could only just do an hour, or maybe he could do five hours, he thought. “Also, how long can you do that. The super charging I mean. Because, if you can’t do it for all that long, then there’s really no point in it at all. He’s probably already pretty far from here. After I had watched him run away from me, I could see how fast he can run.” ”
    Trying to calculate a plan, his eyes roamed over a man running after that girl who had shouted at them.

  • Phantose

    June 8, 2014 at 2:30 am

    “My name is Zane. The supercharging depends on the person. A normal person gets only an hours worth, yet an electromancer like us can us it for ten times that amount so long as you don’t strain your powers. My supercharging just cases your internal electricity to go into overdrive. Since electromancers are used to channeling electricity the effects last longer. Please hurry and decide. If you go after the kid I can help that girl out. We can help them both.” Zane was impatient and hoped that Colt would make a hasty decision.

  • Max

    June 9, 2014 at 10:43 pm

    Snapping out of his thoughts, he grinned at Zane. “You’ve got a deal.” After hearing that I would have twice as much power than the Unknown, I just have to take it. This also would mean that I would have the chance to catch up. I can’t run all that fast, but I’m certainly not the slowest. With this, I can totally catch up to this kid.

  • NikkiUncensored

    June 10, 2014 at 7:15 am

    Whilst trying to rip apart the mysterious man in front of her, Lyrika thought to herself,Maybe I should hunt down that freaky electric kid……Maybe I should apologize to those boys. “They were being mean for ignoring me, but did I overreact?”, Lyrika subconsciously asked the man. This remark seemed to have thrown off the man. He stopped dodgeing Lyrika’s attacks, for just enough time for Lyrika to electrically bash his head in. The man fell to the ground, and just as Lyrika approached him, he got up and ran. “For the love of all that is good!”, she exclaimed. “Why do they always run?”, she said following behind the mysterious man.

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