Subject and Staff File Database (Bios)

  • Subject and Staff File Database (Bios)

    Posted by Whatsyourface on August 9, 2014 at 11:22 am

    You play either a subject or staff.


    Subject name and number: Here you include what you are called. If you have name. Also include aliases. If your name is unknown currently. You pick a random number/code name. Letters can be included. At the start Models 1-150 are taken for example. Other taken name(s) by me by NPCs is Project Orion and Project Cadmus. If you don’t choose one. Then I will give you one. Don’t use italics. Italics indicate I have put something into your bio.

    Containment procedure/Laboratory setting: Where you character is. Is he/she/it locked up in a cell? Or allowed to roam freely in a biodome? Is your character contained in a virtual reality? Are you isolated from other players?

    -Appearance: Description of how he/she/it looks or a picture


    -History: Tell anything known about your character. You can be descriptive. Or not very descriptive. You can be vague.

    -Powers/Abnormal abilities: Mandatory. They look you over well and can assess what your character can do. Not all subjects have powers. Some just accompany people who do have powers.

    -Psychological evaluation: Personality. based on what you would like to be known and what scientists get from observing you. Mental illnesses/conditions included.

    -Additional facts: Anything else you feel the need to state. It can be as simple as you liking ice cream or knowing how to play the violin




    Appearance: Description and/or picture. Include Height/Weight.

    Job: No accountants or anything to do with money.

    Biography: Doesn’t have to be long. But can be

    Psychological evaluation:

    Weapons on person: If any. Can bring anything you could feasibly obtain. Including illegal things.

    Weapons in storage: You can order weapons. Anything you can fit in a small-medium sized closet. You cannot start with magical/super science items like lasers, energy weapons, man portable railguns, etc….until later.

    Powers: If you plan on your character obtaining powers/magical abilities/Bodily alteration.

    Other facts: Anything else you would like to say.

    Kit Apparently replied 10 years, 6 months ago 8 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Whatsyourface

    August 9, 2014 at 1:09 pm

    Coeus does not have a regular bio, so don’t follow this format.

    Coeus is an enigmatic being that shows itself to some people. It inhabits the facility and is multiple present. Capable of being many different places at once. It cannot ever be truly destroyed, and does not always seemed interested in resisting an attempt by anyone to kill it. Nor does retaliate in anyway with any consequences with you trying to kill or harm it. It can talk to man, ghosts, and machines alike.

    Trying to kill it will yield a variety of results depending on the form it takes. The body may drop dead and disappear. Or an exact replica will appear from nowhere. It might disappear before the attack is launched. It might manifest in a body that one can easily destroy. The body may heal entirely without harm. It might fall apart into dust or break apart into birds upon death. The attack may go through it.It may turn into tiny mechanical insects. If it feels it must, it can dodge or even counter on rare occasions.. Whatever happens however, it will not directly harm you.

    It may not manifest or create something for you to interact with physically. It can appear as a voice in your head. Or in visions. It’s presence cannot always be felt. Even if one can normally detect ghosts, spirits, a divine presence, or higher this does not appear to your senses unless it wishes to.

    It’s motivations are not fully known. You cannot read it’s mind. It is some times wholly of the physical realm, other times it appears on the spiritual/astral plane. Or in your residing dimension. It seems unusually intelligent and acts differently in accordance to who it is talking to and what it’s form is. You may not even know your talking to it.

    The tone and voice vary. It’s forms are many.

    This list is by no means all the things it can appear to you as….

    The outsider









    Sgt foley


    Another robot

    Prince of Orphans


    Anti you

  • Sharktits

    August 10, 2014 at 11:17 pm

    Subject name and number: Alexia “The Death Scythe” Hidekari. Subject number S-127

    Containment procedure/Laboratory setting:

    Prototerra-55 is a biodome made to simulate how a society would work in the medieval ages with some extent to its technology

    Prototerra-55 is a very small “planet” consisting of a single continent where Shoguns, Kings, Lords, Queens and Warlords fight constantly for supremacy

    Prototerrain’s technology was set to evolve in a different way than human’s, the prototerrians may still life in a culture resembling the humanity medieval era, however, the prototerrians make use of high radioactive components to create powerful Amps for their citizens/soldiers

    there are Amps that increases sensory abilities, speed, agility, dexterity, reflexes, strength and Amps that substitute human organs/limbs (very expensive, the possible user also have to withstand high level of radioactivity)

    Prototerra also have electricity technology to a degree (no television, radios, cassinos or any other kind of superfluous, but some basics like water pumping, light, medical support, research facilities and etc)

    Prototerra technology also includes vibroblades (not enough to pass through concrete walls and reinforced steel but enough to break trough wood structures and light plates of steel, those are very expensive and as such only a small portion of the population can have them), Compound Bows, High Reinforced Mail (stuff capable of protecting against vibroblades to some extent but REALLY heavy and expensive)


    -Height/Weight: 5,51 ft/ 132,28 lb

    Alexia have no knowledge that she lives as a experiment inside of the facility as most (if not all) of the prototerra citizens, she lives there since she was born

    Alexia is the daughter of the equivalent of a Ji-Samurai, a ruler of a small rural domain, her father had many sons and the way of the warrior was taught to all of them

    Not so long ago Alexia’s father and her brothers marched to war with their lord while she stayed to protect the land, weeks passed and news arrived that they all died in battle, they died with honor so there was no need to seek revenge nor seppuku her orders however remained the same: Protect her clan’s land until a new Lord was appointed by the Shogun

    -Powers/Abnormal abilities:
    Radiation Immunity (a necessity for Prototerra’s Amps users)

    Amps for Agility, Dexterity, Speed, Vision, Reflex and Hearing

    Well versed on the Ways of The Warrior (a prototerra version of the Bushido) specializing in the use of the vibrokatana (Kenjutsu and Iaijutsu, japanese arts of Combat and Unsheathe of swords respectively) and the vibroscythe and reinforced chain (Kurisakamajutsu, art of handing the Kurisakama aka Chain and Scythe)

    Uses Reinforced Mail on shoulders, forearms and at the sides of her armor

    -Psychological evaluation: She tries to follow the way of the warrior to the letter: Honor, integrity and loyalty. She is a samurai “the one who serves”

    -Additional facts: Outside from the combat arts Alexia is also a enthusiastic at the Tea Ceremony (Chanoyu, way of the tea) and Japanese Calligraphy (shodô, way of the writing)

  • Godal the Father of Death

    August 11, 2014 at 4:31 am

    Subject name: Blues
    Subject Number: Z-208

    Containment procedure/Laboratory setting: Blues is in a biodome which he has called Monsteropolis which his a si-fi style New York city where he is the hero. This city is full of crime to the point where the humans themselves don’t try to fight back. This city is ruled by a mad man and to its up to Blues to stop him (In his own world).


    Height: 6’1
    Weight: 176lbs

    -History: Blues knows nothing about how he was built or who built him all he knew is that he was a hero. In his head the reason he has weapons built in his hands is to save others. No one knows why he was built or who built him he just appeared one day and the only place he knows his Monsteroplis nothing more nothing less.

    -Powers/Abnormal abilities: Since he is a robot he can survive heavy hits and bullets. He can support 2 tons and has a machine gun arm where he can switch back to being a hand. Blues can see 3 miles away and run as fast as a speeding car.

    -Psychological evaluation: Random acts of violent. He his normally a loyal and brave robot but in his data he is a killing machine and at random times it shows. After he goes insane he goes into sleep mode and wakes up not knowing what happened.

    -Additional facts: He as a nice singing voice and adore cats. He acts more like a human then a machine.

  • Delta Aiken Nomani

    August 11, 2014 at 3:13 pm

    Subject name and number: Name has not yet been assigned. Code X-0.

    Containment procedure/Laboratory setting: Laboratory. Basic experimental procedures completed. Subject is ready to absorb information from environment. Will be released into communal areas and is free to explore within usual limits effective immediately.

    -Appearance: Composed of trillions of nanobots, X-0 can take a number of forms. Default is a perfectly average human- Male, brown hair and eyes, medium brown skin, wearing a white t-shirt and white sweatpants. The clothing is made of bots as well; everything on him/it is. Can shapeshift into other shapes, but is limited by a lack of knowledge of shapes to shift into. Visual analysis can provide other body structures.


    -Height/Weight: Also variable. Could stretch absurdly tall by thinning, or could form a puddle on the floor. Weight of the collective cells is about 1 ton, but each cell has gravitational manipulation technology and can float, so weight can vary from 0 lb to 1 ton.

    -History: There isn’t any. X-0 was created as the greatest feat nanotechnology could accomplish by a staff engineer. It has been given a general sort of consciousness and basic human form, and will now be dispatched to learn and attempt to simulate a human ‘heart’ by copying that of other humans.

    -Powers/Abnormal abilities: Can split apart into base cells, and reattach easily. Therefore blunt force and cutting are easily healed. While attached together, the cells can collectively create a voltage between two points on the body, making X-0 a living taser. Can shape-shift a limited amount, as previously mentioned. Can split entirely into a cloud of nanobots, becoming invisible. While entirely split apart, the cells can create strong winds by collectively flying in the same direction at high speeds, or a tornado by flying in circles around a point. These winds are particularly painful because of the microscopic pieces of metal flying in them.

    -Psychological evaluation: None. X-0 is a blank slate. Personality traits will be absorbed from those it encounters.

    -Additional facts: Can be shut down instantly if staff decides it has become too rogue. Weak to ice, fire or heat attacks, but absorbs electricity and is waterproof.

  • NikkiUncensored

    August 12, 2014 at 12:59 pm

    Subject name and number: Shizu/ S-H12

    Containment procedure/Laboratory setting: She is allowed to roam freely in a biodome called Animalia.
    Animalia is a place full with different types of habitats: Ocean, pasture, jungle, etc etc. It is filled with animals, and is the only place Shizu feels safe to talk freely, and show her whole face.


    Height: 5’6

    Weight: 112lbs

    History: Shizu cannot remember much of her past, all she remembers is her love of animals, and the pain she felt when people killed someone close to her. She has been having reoccurring dreams of the death of that someone.

    Powers/Abnormal abilities: Can give herself aspects of an animal. (Like run fast as a cheetah, webbed feet like a duck.. etc etc)

    Psychological evaluation: Really playful and innocent, but she tends to be really shy in front of people. Most times she fights, or kills anyone.. she forgets about it, contributing to her innocence.

    Additional facts: I you mess with animals, you have messed with her.

  • Jakeup Gibson

    August 12, 2014 at 8:29 pm

    Subject name:Jakeup Gibson
    Subject number:W-201
    Laboratory setting:A calm and clean room That is a little clutered.
    He wears a purple jacket,a blank mask blue and red jeans,and a black t-shirt
    Hes 5 foot 6 inches,and weighs 95 pounds
    History:No one knows much about Jakeup,but we do know that he came from a unknown planet,nothing else.
    Powers:He knows Psi and cant live with out his mask.
    Psychological evaluation:Hes kind and never wants to fight.He Can get sick Easily,And,at random,bleeds Through his mask.
    Additional facts:His catch phrase is YAY.He likes friends and hates Pain.

  • ♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒

    August 12, 2014 at 11:28 pm

    ((since we don’t have many staff))
    Name: Zach “Peacekeeper” Karlin

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: null
    5’10 123lbs.

    Job: Mainly observing and making reports on the experiments whilst taking down rogue ones and those that attempt escape occasionally (somewhat security usually reconnaissance).

    Biography: Always bored he constantly tried to find things to excite him (to no avail) wanting an exciting life he joined the after seemingly easily acing all the rigorous tests he served for 3 years before resigning because “it was getting dull,” but took some weapons with him. Wanting more of a thrill he found a job at “the facility” hoping for excitement he took some of his army weapons a well as buy a few more he thought necessary. being as unexcited as he usually is his first day was interesting all these different species, it was exciting enough, but just barely.

    Psychological evaluation: Very hard to excite as he is very easily bored but loves a challenge seeming Chronic Boredom and symptoms of depression but still aware and alert.

    Weapons on person: weapons from his army days including an M9 Berretta, an M4a1, and a M240G also carries a survial knife just in case.

    Weapons in storage: A Katana just because as well as a M3 MAAWS Carl Gustav and a few laser rifles.

    Powers: Very unlikely to get any but you never know

    Other facts: Though it doesn’t show at first Zach, is well diciplined and honorable most of the time giving his targets a fair fight.

  • Kit Apparently

    August 25, 2014 at 12:09 am

    Subject Name: Tobias
    Lab Setting: (open biome, can be traveled to) a large dome with jungle biomes, also a phosphorescent river, lake and animals. It is always night in his biomes, but plant and everything grow just fine.
    Description:(pic later) short wild orange hair, sharp teeth, cat’s tail and ears, orange wings with a nine foot span. He’s 5’2” , and weighs very little. Bright green eyes, slitted like a cats
    History/personality : on the loan from another lab elsewhere, he was created as a weapon and has no belief in friendship or anything. He enjoys torturing others, and killing, and sex, but has no concept of love. He is playful, even helpful if he’s bored, but angers easily and hunts well.
    Powers: advanced hearing and cognitive abilities, flight, heightened balance, speed, strength. Night vision, and he can also glow if he wants.
    Psychological Evaluation: insane, possibly dangerous. Volatile, approach with caution.
    Additional facts: he will flirt with anything intelligent enough to understand him, and has absolutely no racial, gender, or even species preference. As long as it’s hot to him, he will try.

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