The Facility
”Welcome *Insert name or subject number here* to *classified*. Beings of all kinds reside here!... View more
Subject and Staff File Database (Bios)
Subject and Staff File Database (Bios)
You play either a subject or staff.
Subject name and number: Here you include what you are called. If you have name. Also include aliases. If your name is unknown currently. You pick a random number/code name. Letters can be included. At the start Models 1-150 are taken for example. Other taken name(s) by me by NPCs is Project Orion and Project Cadmus. If you don’t choose one. Then I will give you one. Don’t use italics. Italics indicate I have put something into your bio.
Containment procedure/Laboratory setting: Where you character is. Is he/she/it locked up in a cell? Or allowed to roam freely in a biodome? Is your character contained in a virtual reality? Are you isolated from other players?
-Appearance: Description of how he/she/it looks or a picture-Height/Weight:
-History: Tell anything known about your character. You can be descriptive. Or not very descriptive. You can be vague.
-Powers/Abnormal abilities: Mandatory. They look you over well and can assess what your character can do. Not all subjects have powers. Some just accompany people who do have powers.
-Psychological evaluation: Personality. based on what you would like to be known and what scientists get from observing you. Mental illnesses/conditions included.
-Additional facts: Anything else you feel the need to state. It can be as simple as you liking ice cream or knowing how to play the violin
Appearance: Description and/or picture. Include Height/Weight.
Job: No accountants or anything to do with money.
Biography: Doesn’t have to be long. But can be
Psychological evaluation:
Weapons on person: If any. Can bring anything you could feasibly obtain. Including illegal things.
Weapons in storage: You can order weapons. Anything you can fit in a small-medium sized closet. You cannot start with magical/super science items like lasers, energy weapons, man portable railguns, etc….until later.
Powers: If you plan on your character obtaining powers/magical abilities/Bodily alteration.
Other facts: Anything else you would like to say.
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