The Facility
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Active 5 years ago
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Welcome to the facility (Roleplay room)
Welcome to the facility (Roleplay room)
Whatsyourface replied 10 years, 5 months ago 8 Members · 90 Replies
Alexia was already in position to hit the man’s arm so when he tried to hit her face she simply tried cut off his hand instead
her knowledge in sword combat, along with her already favorable position, enhanced agility, reflexes and the long range of the sword should put her on the advantage in a test like that
The blade goes part way into the man’s arm and continues to saw through. but doesn’t go all the way through the man’s very durable body, stopping at his stronger then concrete and almost harder then steel bones. “Hahaha” The man laughes at her looking at her with his ominous blood red eyes. While the blade is stuck in him he steps forward and thrusts towards the woman’s torso. “Gotta do better then that!” So far the man seems to be overbearingly strong and around a normal human’s speed, and very durable.
Blues heard what X-0 said and hid behind him, “Lets see how strong this metal really is!” Blues felt his scarf blow forcefully back almost taking him with it. When he felt it was clam and tapped the robots back, “Good work..” Blues laughed for awhile.
The samurai spin to the right to dodge the man’s thrust and unstuck her blade from his arm at the same time, taking a few steps backwards in a defensive position to increase the distance between her and the man
not human if the man had anything human he would probably bleed to dead in no time, Alexia however was not counting on that, she straightened her position and got ready to defend from his next attack
The man’s wound started healing as soon as she took her blade and then fully healed. Even his clothes healed as he laughed ominously. “Your making this boring.” He dropped the katana and it returned to normal. He then smashed his fists into the ground, causing it to crack, and some of it turned purple and lit on fire 6 feet away from him, as he rips roughly 5 tons of rock from the ground. The giant boulder he holds over his head lights on fire as he simply chucks it at her as if it were a cardboard box.
Alexia quickly press forward, rolling under the giant rock, she pick up speed and jumps towards the man, sword in hand, she aims a clean cut at the man’s neck
“GAH” He momentarily gacks on his own blood as the blade cuts enough into his neck to draw blood. “GOD” He gargles on his blood “FUCKING DAMMIT” The man sounds more irritated as the wound begins to heal but he can’t do much right now unable to breath as he is left open for a moment staggering back.
She lands ably and seeing the man’s opening she quickly turns and connects two hits at the man’s leg joints cutting down his leg tendons and making him fall down instantly, the man was now lay down on the floor unable to get up, she simply thrust her blade at the back of his head ( precisely the weakest part of the human’s skull) and turns her blade, unless the man was capable to withstand severe brain damage he would be dead or at least out of combat by now
If any of those where the case she proceeds into slashing the man’s neck to cut down his head and use it like a trophy, as the samurai rule dictates as a way to honor a worthy opponent
The man falls on his face and then gets stabbed in the back of the head. “DAMMIT!” He gets stabbed in the back of the head and stops moving. And then he kind of lays there. As she starts sawing off his neck, she notices that it takes a very long time to try and saw off his neck, as his flesh is like iron. Tough. His bones even stronger and harder. If the blade was made of regular steel it would likely dull by now. Then his eyes flashed open. If she doesn’t stop sawing at his neck he lashes out panicking and if she doesn’t get out the way, he will smack her away.
Cough up blood under his mask, as it drips down to his chin. *Cough cough* “Fuck” *Cough cough* His bike flies at the woman over to him at give or take 80 mph. As soon as the bike would drive by, he would grab a handle bar with one hand and fly off on it.
she was surprised that the man’s head didn’t detached and even more when he showed sighs of resurrecting, she quickly jumped away from the man and looked at her blade, it was dull not human at all
she could hear the strange metal horse approaching, and see the man going away..FLYING?! that couldn’t be, she caught herself wondering if the man was some kind of god or if the whole fight was just a delusion
she inhaled and waited for a couple of seconds before exhaling so she could let go of the tension
her army arrived right after
“I’LL” He coughes blood “…GAH…” He spits blood under his mask. “SSSSHIT….NEXT TIME! I WON’t BE SO NICE!!!” He yells at the woman as he flies away.
And then things begin to change. As men watching the whole thing see something commence.
Staff watching see something flash across the screen. “System override initiating. System compromised. Commencing surveillance lock.” Across the screens anyone trying to monitor the area.
A The sky turns a pitch white and a green mist comes over the Horizon. It rushes by the woman as it conceals all, and everything seems to simply, disappear within it. Out from the green fog, a brown robed man seems to appear. Walking forward. Most of his face concealed except his mouth. His hands and some of his arms are partially wrapped in bandages. As he steps forward the mist between them clears and nothing else can be seen. The battlefield and the dome
The man stops in front of the woman. And then he says tilts his head and says. “Hello. Alexia. Be not afraid…” The man says very calmly towards her, His eyes actually being able to be partially seen. He has green irises. All that one hears in what was once a battlefield is the wind.
And nothing more.
“I am not…” Alexia mumbled and clenched her teeth, everything changed in a blink and she was still struggling to comprehend what was going on, her training however helped her not giving up to despair “I am a loyal servant of the Emperor, my vows don’t allow me to be afraid” she said while trying to maintain her composure at the sudden change of environment
She looks at the man and can’t see weapons, so she assumes he has no will to fight “since you already know my name, i would like to know yours before talking any further”
“Simply because one does not tell you to be afraid. Does not mean you are not afraid. Fearlessness and bravery are not one and the same. Right now. You are being brave.” He said in reply to her comment.
The man nods, agreeing that he should give his name. “Fair enough. My name is…Coeus.” It says simply and honestly.
“I am sure you must be very….confused. As to what is happening. Clearly. You should know that I mean you no harm. All I wish to do is talk. About you.” The man says as he nods in her direction to point at her.
“i…understand, i must be brave or risk shaming the name of my ancestors and emperor that is the vow my family uphold, the vow of a samurai” she calmly explain her vow and this helps her relax on the new environment
“you raised no weapons and threw no insults the least i could do was to extend the same courtesy to you as well, Coeus, and i must say that i am also very curious about what you want to discuss about my person” she said while crossing her arms in some kind of defensive position “i don’t know exactly how you did all of this but i believe that wasn’t easy so you must have something really important to talk about”
Shizu sat in a meadow wearing a summer dress and chasing butterflies. This is where Shizu could laugh and scream. In front of people things would go down a very shy path. She always would carry a notpad with her, because she could not manage to speak out her thought s in a fluent sentence… so she would write them. As she was thinking this,she tripped over a rock, falling into some mud.
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