The Games of the Unknown
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Public Group
Active 7 years ago
You are a normal human. Completely unsuspecting and human.
One day you are chosen for something, a... View more
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Group Description
You are a normal human. Completely unsuspecting and human.
One day you are chosen for something, a weird type of “you decide” game called Angels and Devils.
You are granted 2 powers ((refer to rules, for rules on this subject)), you decide what they are, and you decide what side you’re on.
Angels or Devils.
No one is evil, and no one is good… and everyone can die at some point.
(Your goal is to make your side win, nothing is illegal in this game…..try not to get caught by the police, they’re a nuisance.)
If you choose a side, a weird tattoo is engraved into your body, other people instantly know who’s in the game and what side they are on….. but this helps them make sure.
Crazy or sane…. nice or mean
Anyone can be chosen.
You could be a police officer, or anyone involved in the crime fighting business….. or you can be a game player.NO MORE DEVILS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.
Valenia shrugged. “Well, I just want to get the game over with, and if this ‘god’ is supernaturally putting people in the game, then he should be able to brink my family back….” Valenia looked up to see Thomas and Annie already way ahead of her. Valenia shook her head in disgust and flew to catch up. “You know, just leaving someone after you ask them a question to some people may just be considered rude…”
“you know, if i was in your shoes i would probably want to punch everything down until things start going my way” she pouted while looking at the other devil girl “damn, that is actually what i want to do right now…by the way my name is Annie, Annie Riverfields”
“I know.” Valenia pointed to her head, “I somehow supernaturally know everything about everyone now, well, except their powers. But, in case you didn’t get that knowledge, I’m Valenia, Valenia Quinton.” Valenia smiled and extended her hand for Annie to shake. “So, what marvelous powers do you have?” Valenia asked.
Thomas got and stared at the Valenia with cold darken eyes and said, “Why kill for a game we don’t know the prize to?” He looks back at Annie, “You should rest then. I’ll move on then.” He gentle place his hand on Annie’s shoulder then walks by Valenia, “My name is Thomas Winter and please rethink about killing the angels.” He rest his bat on shoulders and walks to the water.
she shakes Valentia’s hand “i can control water in any form, and i have this hellhound” she points at the devilish dog by her side “to help me in combat, i also know how to fight with these ladies right here” she patted one of the two swords sheathed or her belt “and this guy by my side who by the way don’t let me do anything fun and want to protect the whole world with his baseball bat is Thomas, as far as i know he can run at Match 1 speed…and i guess that’s it” she gave a smile to Valentia “i hope we can find a way to bring your family back, if you need something punched to bring you close to this goal all you have to do is point the way”
“Cool powers, and thanks, but it’s gonna litteraly take a supernatural power to bring them back, they were murdered. But, off that topic… my powers are I can act like a shield, but I havent been able to shield anyone but myself recently, and I can control the natural elements. I also have this enchanted bow and arrow, so I guess I’m sort-of like Robin Hood, and these babys.” Valenia pointed to her two chakarams securely tightened on each side of her belt. “So, remind me again why we’re following an angel who’s only weapon is a bat and can run fast when we’re demons?”
“i don’t know…” she nervously said while getting close to whisper in Valentia’s ear “i think he has a crush on me and i don’t know how to deal with it” she back off quickly so she wouldn’t sound too suspicious “the more the merrier right?” she said hiding her preoccupation with a confident smile
After 4 strait hours of setting herself on fire, Plaza was covered in little burn marks… but she could set herself on red fire completely for a minute.
“At this rate, I’ll get to blue fire in a month.”, she said to herself… while preparing an ice cold bath.
Before Thomas reach the water he overheard them talking. He turned around his face all red, “I-i-i-i don’t have a crush on you!” He held his bat closer to him, “And this bat is made of solid titanium.” He walks up to the demon girls face still red, “This bat was in my family since the dawn of the sport.” He paused and stares at his bat, “It was my grandfather’s gift to me.” He stared back at the girls, “One last thing, I am no superman. I don’t want to save the world I want to save the people I can.” He tighten his grip on is bat looking down.
“well…” she let out a deep sigh “since this is clarified the main question still remains…what happens now?” she sighed “i think i will just wait until the next thing who wishes to kill me appear, i really not in the mood to go out now searching for my own dead…” her smile was tired “i will start doing that tomorrow, Valentia, Mr. Super Man if you guys are wishing for a place to stay for the night you can follow me to my house” she started walking towards her house
(sorry guys gonna go to a party in a friend’s house will update again tomorrow) -
Valenia looked at Thomas and got a certain feeling of distrust. She didn’t know though if it was from the fact he was an angel and she was a demon, or if her hunch was right. “I think I’ll just go with you Annie. Us girls have to stick together….right?” She finnished her sentence glaring at Thomas with his ‘Titanium’ bat. That didn’t mean anything except for maybe a huge bruise unless he has super strength.
Thomas nodded at both the girls. He ended up laying on the beach his hat over his face as he held his bat near him. He didn’t brother to call his parents to explain why he was not even in California. He held his bat close, “It strange being around two people that the gods want me to kill and just teaming up, right grandpa?”
now i can finally rest a little she was walking towards her house with the hope that everything would go her way but when she looked back and counted only Valentia was following her “AND OF COURSE MR SUPER MAN WOULD WANT TO SLEEP ON THE FUCKING STREETS” one could almost see warm air coming out from her nose “yeah, just sleep on the streets and wait for some random devil to stab you on the back nice job Thomas…very nice job…” she let go of her facepalm stance to look at Valentia “this is my house by the way” she was doing her best to look like a good host, her hands were shaking, she showed the house to Valentia basically small living room with embedded kitchen and 3 doors, one leading to the bathroom, one leading to annie’s room and the other leading to her parents room, there was not really much to show
“please make yourself at home” she said while she picked a note on top of the, she silently read the note, and sited defeated at the couch “my parents were arrested because of me” she said clenching her fists trying not to cry “freedom starts collecting its price…and i still need to pick Tommy boy up” she laughed while the tears were falling “maybe there shall be no rest for people like me” she said stood up from the couch and walked towards the door while wiping her tears on the bandana
Valenia felt a wave of sadness rush through her, and quickly she stood up and made her way over to Annie. “Hey, it’ll be ok. I know what it’s like to lose your parents because of what you did. Truth is, I was the one who killed my parents…” Valenia paused for a moment. She had never admitted that before, but on the way here after meeting Zi she figured if she had a chance of dying she might as well let all her secrets loose. Valenia continued, “Anyways, We need to discuss another issue:” Valenia glaced around through the windows and shut an open one. She lowered her voice to a whisper before continuing, “Thomas Winters. He’s been on my study list since I met him. I mean, everyone in the game got the message on their arms: Angels will destroy demons, and demons will destroy angels! And, I’m going to point out he chose to sleep on the streets, like he thinks no one’s going to harm him. But, what if that was a way to hear us speaking, or maybe so he could set the house on fire!? Who knows?” By the time Valenia was finished, she was pacing back and forth, checking out the window every time to eye Thomas.
Thomas removed his hat and sets on the sand. He sat up, took a deep breath, and looks around, “Finally alone.” Unzipped his jacket and throws it on top of his hat then stood up taken a batter stance. He gripped his bat and swigged over and over. He stop to catch his breath ever so often but kept this up for awhile. He looked back at Annie’s house then he stared at the sand. He took off his shirt and sets it down to lay on it like a pillow then put a jacket over him then said, “Just like camping, right grandpa?”
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