The Gray Wolf Club
Public Group
Public Group
Active 7 years ago
Alphas, betas, and omegas alike come to freely socialize and sometimes even more at this decadent... View more
Public Group
The Roleplay
Tristan’s eyes scanned for a booth to head into, mixed drink in hand, where he could spend a few moments to unwind. He had a feeling that his sister would be looking for a full report on how the club was and the least he could do was try to be social. Hazel eyes scanned over the occupants of the café: there were a few Omegas sitting quietly by themselves, the group of young Alphas and a few stray Alphas drinking by themselves as well. Deciding to avoid the Alphas like the plague, he decided to approach the seat of one of the Omegas who appeared to be attempting to fade into the background. He would have to make a point to chat with the other Betas, but he needed a little more time in the club to make himself comfortable enough to deal with approaching the group. Doubtless they would want to start snooping their nose into his personal life and just in general be busy-bodies, and he would have to pretend to be nice and try to keep from snapping at them.
Instead, he decided to build his confidence and grow accustomed to the club by approaching an Omega. Due to living with one, Omegas were known territory to him assuming they weren’t waiting for a particular Alpha to show up.
“Are you okay?” Tristan asked Kiara, using the brotherly, gentler than normal tone of voice he used to coax trepidatious Omegas into approaching the store counter or making requests. Even if he came off as a quarrelsome and cantankerous to Alphas and fellow Betas, it was almost an instinctual thing for him to be nice to Omegas. This was what kept him his job, of course. Sliding into the booth before she could protest, he sighed, “Don’t worry, I’m just a Beta, not an Alpha or anything.” Not that it wasn’t immediately apparent by his general attitude and manner. “This is my first time coming here, so I’m trying to get a feel for the people who do come here. The name is Tristan Riker. What’s yours?”
Kiara looked up to see the man asking if she was okay, though she didn’t expect anyone to actually manage to see her existence when she was silent. She usually blended into the world, a trait she loved and hated at the same time. She let out a sigh of relief the moment he told her he was a Beta and not an Alpha since she did not feel prepared to actually be approached by one. On his first question, she only nodded quietly, but then she opened her mouth to respond, “I’m Kiara Manson.. This is also my first time here…” Her voice was soft, something she usually did when it came to responding to those kinds of questions, but her shy behavior would always get the best of her.
Drumming his fingers on the table at his booth, Leon began to grow impatient from waiting on his brother’s less-than-decent activity in the back of the building to come to an end. Of course, it was today of all days that he convinced Leon to go with him to the Club. He’d been here several times, but it was more or less because his brother bought him a membership and he didn’t want it to go to complete waste. No one would see the sense in passing on that; it’s an excuse to leave the house, besides work, at the very least. The place is nice enough, with reasonable amounts of decoration, not too lavish, and not too simple. Of course, though, Damian is another story altogether. He always gets carried away on his visits here, you’d think it’s a brothel, not a country club. Why he insists on bringing him, his brother, completely escapes him. A notification sound, not too loud, sounds from the phone in his jacket pocket. He absentmindedly retrieves it, presses a few buttons, and it’s back in his pocket as quickly as he got it out. ”Maybe I could take a nap,” he thought aloud. Sleeping in situations like this wasn’t very uncommon for him, but as he looked around, the place started to get more and more rowdy. Okay, sleeping might be out of the option. Damn. If only Damian would hurry up with that woman, then we could get out of here. Oh, well, maybe I’ll have a few drinks and some guy will have his way with me. He snickered at the absurdity of the thought. He may be an Omega, but he’s sure he can avoid trouble.
Karl was getting a little more drunk than he should be. Starting to loosen up a bit. Loosing up too much, or at least that is what the rational part of his brain was screaming at him. He decided it was time to get away from the bar. Karl got up and walked over to one of the pool tables in the club. “Anyone up for a game?” he asked to no one in particular. Anyone will do, as long as it keeps him away from another drink.
Rylie didn’t need to say anything to those creeps, but she could never really keep her mouth shut in any situation. The young alphas continued to yell obscenities at her as she walked away from them, but she tuned out the noise. She brought that situation upon her self. Maybe it was time to just find someone to simply relax and pass the time with. Rylie still felt the need to rub salt in the wound though and walked over to a booth with a sleepy looking male omega sitting within and slid down onto the booth across from him. “Hello, would you like a drink?” she asked.
Trace chuckled quietly, looking over at the once proud alphas become nothing more than a bunch of potty-mouthed brats. It was always fun to see an alpha put in their place, a sick pleasure, to be put in her own words. And the woman? Kudos, was all the beta had to say, or at least mumble to herself.
It seems her booth had become empty again, as the other betas had somewhere to be, or wanted to go and sit up at the bar. She sighed heavily, drumminf the pads of her fingers on the table in boredom. Damn it, the boredom was beginning to sit in, and she didn’t feel like leaving just yet. -
Looking up from the surface of the table in front of him, he smiled simply at the woman before him and replied, “Sure, that’d be great.” He stopped twiddling his thumbs and sat up in his seat as to not offend the woman in front of him. “So, what’s the name of the woman I should thank for this drink?” he asked, a slight slack in his voice. The woman in front of him looked kind, but stern. What could draw her over to him was unknown to him in the least. It is a pleasant change of pace though, he thought, now I’ll have someone to talk to and pass the time, in that case.
“My name is Rylie.” she said. She took a deep breath and continued, “I haven’t had the best day, and if I continue to linger around the alphas I fear I’ll get myself into too much trouble. You look like a nice, mellow fellow though. I hope you don’t mind me interrupting your time.” She gestured for the waitress to come over.
“What’s your name, and your poison?”
“Oh, I don’t mind at all. Name’s Leon. I don’t really drink that often, so I guess I’ll let you choose for me.” He slumped a bit in his seat now, seeing as how it wasn’t really required, now that he knew more about Rylie’s situation. “Seems appropriate, since you’re getting it for me. I mean, I don’t want to impose or anything,” he shrugged.
Olivia walked confidently into the club heading straight for the bar.She knew quite a few people who worked here so she didn’t feel afraid of the people that walked into the club.She leaned on the bar nodding to the bartender.He walked up to her with a smile on his face and a beer in hand.
“Oh and what brings you here, Oli?” he sat the beer down in front of her.
“Nothing much just thought I’d come see my favorite bartender tonight.”Olivia wink and the bartender chuckled.
“Yeah right,you just wanted a cheap beer and some cheap conversation.” Olivia laughed.
“Oh don’t be like that,you know you missed me.”She took a sip of her alcoholic beverage and winked again.
“Sure I did,”he rolled his eyes,”now take your drink go make some new friends I got other people I have to serve.”Olivia nodded and took her drink.
“Yeah yeah i hear ya.”She walked away from the bar looking around trying find some entertainment.She saw and alpha near the pool table asking if anyone wanted to play.She smirked and walked over to him.
“I’ll play with ya.” she sat her drink down on a near by table and grabbed a pool stick.There isn’t anything wrong with having a friendly game of pool with an Alpha,no reason to be afraid. -
Karl smiled. He was expecting another Alpha, a Beta sure was a surprise. It wasn’t everyday that a Beta would approach him. Or maybe it was the other way around. He spends most of his free time warming up to higher up Alphas and making sure the ones below him knew who was boss. He hoped that a beta would be better at playing pool than most Alphas were. They generally tried to show off too much and lose the game because they were trying to pull off trick shots. “Do you want to break?” He said to the beta.((Not my best writing for him but I am posting it anyway))
Olivia nodded.
“Sure,but you’ll have teach me how to play first.”She smiled and gave a small laugh.
“It’ll be hard to play ya if I don’t actually know how to.”She stepped closer to him and handed him her pool stick.She looked up at him and winked
“Try to go easy on me okay.”
(im sorry if its short) -
Rylie smiles at the bartender and says, “We’ll have two Old Fashioneds.” When the bartender walks away, she turns back to Leon. She wasn’t great with talking to strangers. It was different at work, she knew what she had to talk to them about. It was always business. She had a few friends, but they were all people who worked in her field, so they would always talk about their research and their work. It was all starting to suffocate Rylie a bit, so she figured this could be good for her. She just didn’t know how what to really do, so she turned to the cliches. She smiled and said, “Hopefully you’ll like those. So Leon, tell me a little about yourself.”
“Well, let’s see…I come from a family of Alphas, for the most part, but I ended up being an Omega. Only one in my family, in fact,” Leon explained. “I don’t really see a problem with it, I never really had a problem with much, unless someone gave me one. I’m the oldest of two kids, the other being an Alpha himself. He sort of talked me into going here today, but once again, I’m waiting on him.” He yawned, covering his mouth with a hand before continuing, “I got bullied a bit as a kid, but others started to see that I was the one usually answering the questions in class, so they started leaving me alone, and even respecting me a bit. Even when I went though…those changes…it never really bothered me. I mean, yeah, I was getting harassed a bit, but it didn’t take too much effort to ignore. Especially since I even slept in class sometimes.” He scratched the back of his head and grinned, realizing that he was probably babbling on, “Sorry, I might’ve gotten ahead of myself with the explanation. I do that sometimes. Anyway, to make a long story short, I graduated school near the top percentage, and now have a minimum wage job to hold me over until nature deems I have someone to pay the bills for me.”
Tristan grinned as the shy Omega in front of him responded. She was speaking pretty softly, just a little too hard to hear but he smiled encouragingly nonetheless. “So you’re new here too, then?” He thought for a moment and then took a sip of his mixed drink. “Well, now we both know at least one person here. Do you plan on coming, often then?” A thought occurred to the Beta, “You aren’t waiting for anyone are you? I wouldn’t want to take your spot or anything.”
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