The Kingdom of Fiore
WELCOME! to the kingdom of Fiore were Magic is everywhere!. Wizards join magical guilds to take up... View more
OK so their is rules for magic sort of, first of all watch the Anime (Fairy Tail) to make this RP easter on you but if you cant watch it just bear with use :D.
1. One person can only have one magic
2. casting a spell requires one to summon a thin runed circle were they say the spell and poof spell cast.(example) *circle summoned* FIRE DRAGON ROAR!,* fire shoots from circle*
3. one can put their hand on fire without summoning a circle the circle is only for a real spell, same thing for other magics.
4. one can’t cancel out a spell but after it has been cast, one cant really break the rune circle
5. You guys have something called Magic energy if you use massive amounts off it it could end in death or fainting or both, one can replenish energy by rest and if your a dragon slayer by eating your element, their are hot springs that can replenish magic energy and drinks to and stuff like that.
6. For the guns to fire one you need magic spell ammo of some sort and need to summon a magic circle In front of it then fire the spell from the barrel
(more rules may be added)
Types Magics:
Caster Magic
Takeover magic: one transforms into a beast they have defeated
Requip Magic: one summons suits of armor and weapons
Forbidden Magic: insanely strong magic that should never be used or thought their for no one really knows it.
Ice make Magic: their is Static Ice Make and Dynamic Ice Make, Static is the creation of inanimate objects, Dynamic is the creation of Animated ice sculptures.
Darkness Magic: the color of the magic varies from individuals from Red, Purple, Black, Green, etc. the magic is destructive.
Lightning Magic: can generate the element and manipulate it and transform into a lightning bolt and teleport places.
Celestial Magic: summoning spirits from the celestial world with keys, gold keys are rare and powerful, silver are common and arn’t very powerful.
Water Magic: can make it hot & cold, make decoys of ones self out of water that look live like, can make one’s self out of water, manipulate water in general.
Wind Magic: manipulate air in general, you can fly to!
Earth Magic: earth manipulation in general.
Light Magic: light lasers and stuff with light.
Iron Magic: making limbs Iron and shooting iron and iron shreds and stuff.
Absorption Magic: think Kirby only just after 10 minutes after consumption of opponent the person inside you gets reduced to nothingness and their powers are forever yours
Acid Magic: acid is produced by ones fist and they can manipulate it in any way
Binding Magic: user makes magical tubes in which they bind/restrain their opponent, one can not use their magic wile being restrained
Body Restriction Magic: Preventing the targets body from moving.
Bullet Magic: user mimics the shape of a gun with their hands and summons forth a round spear, the bullet, and shoots at target p, the bullets have been known to pierce flesh.
Chain Magic: user can shoot chains from hands complete with grabbing hook at the end
Curse Magic: user can break opponents bones, it’s Extremely!!! Hard to master.
Disassembly Magic: user can make a net that when thrown at a none living object separates into tiny boxes (separation ) when used on living targets it separates them into little doll like versions of them selves, this effect does where off eventually.
Doll Attack Magic: allows user to take control of any object including celestial spirits and control them, it does not work on humans though.
Egg Magic: user summons eggs from mouth or body, the shape of the eggs can be manipulated, they can also be eaten like regular eggs, their strength verys and can’t be controlled they can be easy , moderate, or hard to deflect or take head on, the eggs can also be used to hatch entities.
Gravity Magic: can use gravity,( magneto only you can minipulate everything with gravity )
Green Magic: can manipulate plant life and grow plants on body.
Hair magic: manipulation of the users hair (idk why anyone would want to do this magic)
Illusion Magic: making illusions to decieve
Magical Drain Magic: user can copy the magic of a person by touching them
Muscle Speak Magic: user can increase the muscle mass of his surrounding allies or users self, the user must be well-toned for the spell to work effectively.
Needle Magic: the user manipulates their body structure to have spikes of various sizes protrude.
Nullification Magic: utilized for nullifying any magical attacks and discharging it within an area away from the mage.
Palm Magic: user focuses their magic power into palms making them powerful.
Phasing Magic: user can pass through solid matter.
Poison Magic: user limits poison from body
Polygon Magic: allows user to separate their body into blocks and manipulate the blocks for different uses.
Possession Magic: user creates a ghost like appertain that enters the opponents mind, the user can benefit from this buy learning magics and stuff time that, they can also attack the opponents mind.
<b>Sand Magic: </b>use of sand
Seith Magic: Trapping and manipulating wandering souls
Shadow Magic: Manipulation of shadows
Shikigami Magic: turn living thinks into paper dolls
Snow Magic: Magic were you shoot snow and stuff out of hand
Slowing Magic: makes opponent slow so user seems really freaken fast, its only in a certain ranger though so people out of the range can see whats happening.
Sound Magic: Can manipulate any sound
Stone eyes Magic: Medusa
Tear Magic: use tears to become strong
Telekinesis: move and control things with mind
Telepathy: Prof, X
Teleportation Magic: teleporting….i don’t think you need a description
((To be continued ))
The Ancient magics:
God Slayer Magic: the magic has a black tint to it regardless of the element the user is using, similare to devil and dragon slayer magic, God slayers can eat their own element. (Only people with special permition can be God slayer wizards)
Devil slayer Magic: imune to curses and is similare to dragon slayer magic, it’s last resort mod makes the user have black marks alone the body.
Dragon slayer Magic: an ancient magic that is powerful, it applies to all elemental magics has a last resort mode were the user grows scale patches that match the skin and they gain incredible power.
(stuff maybe added IDK)
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